PS3 News



  • News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 14 Ends 2013 at the Top of the League

    Title contender

    This week’s UK sales charts are more predictable than a Manchester City home win, with FIFA 14 finishing the year in first position. Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, and Grand Theft Auto V predictably rounded out the top five

  • Game of the Year Bronze Trophy - BioShock Infinite

    God only knows

    Bold, brash, and brimming with more out-of-place Beach Boys records than a music store aimed at industrial rock fans [Bleurgh – Ed], it’s hardly surprising that BioShock Infinite soared to the summit of our Game of the Year poll speedier than protagonist Booker DeWitt when strapped into a bizarre lighthouse contraption. Irrational...

  • News Wait, Why Is The Last Guardian Listed on the PlayStation Store?

    A right fowl-up

    It seems like Sony couldn’t wait more than a few hours to share some new information on Team ICO’s oft-delayed The Last Guardian. As spotted by reader Belmont, the long overdue PlayStation 3 exclusive can be found on the

  • News Want a Final Fantasy X-3? You Should Probably Pipe Up

    All depends on demand

    The unorthodox naming conventions of the Final Fantasy franchise look set to continue, as series scenario writer Kazushige Nojima has hinted that Final Fantasy X-3 could happen if enough fans ask for it. The property's popular PlayStation 2-era story arc is enjoying a bit of a renaissance at the minute due to the impending...

  • News Natural Doctrine Misses PS4's Japanese Launch by a Minor Margin

    Down but not out

    Sony may have delayed the PlayStation 4 in Japan in order to ensure that it has a compelling software lineup, but that hasn’t prevented one of its big launch titles from slipping into March. Kadokawa Games’ strategy role-playing game Natural Doctrine had been set to launch alongside the system on 22nd February, but it will now...

  • News You Might Be Hearing About The Last Guardian Sooner Than You Think

    The Late Guardian

    The Last Guardian may just be the most excruciating case of vapourware in recorded history. We saw that stunning debut trailer way back before fire was invented, and since then we've been subject to an increasingly painful series of teases. First it was suggested that the title was being moved to the PlayStation 4, and then Jack...

  • Game of the Year Best PlayStation 3 Games of 2013

    This is living

    It may be ending the year as the tired old video game veteran, but the PlayStation 3 can humbly hold its disc slot aloft, as this has been an outstanding year for the former flagship format. We know it's a countdown cliché to claim that it was a challenge to cut our list of Game of the Year candidates down to a manageable integer,...

  • News BioShock Infinite Flies Free in Enormous NA PS Plus Update

    DmC: Devil May Cry, Smart As, and more up for grabs

    There’s no rest for the wicked, as Sony has decided to keep us away from our bad food binge by announcing January’s batch of North American PlayStation Plus content. You may want to clear your mouth of chocolates before reading on, too, because the platform holder has got some seriously sweet...

  • News Whoa, You Can Buy a PS3 for £99 in the UK Boxing Day Sales

    Time to stop pining over the PS4

    Alright, so you may be struggling to track down a PlayStation 4 in the UK this Boxing Day – but that could be a blessing in disguise. With the 25th December now a distant memory here in Britain, retailers around the region are starting to reveal their post-Christmas sales – and for the likes of

  • Talking Point Has Father Christmas Added to Your PlayStation Backlog?

    Tell us about your gaming gifts

    Christmas may be about a lot of different things, but we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t predominantly enjoy the gifts. In addition to gigantic roast dinners and terrible television shows, sharing presents has become a pivotal part of the festive experience – and we want to know whether you received any new...

  • News Gran Turismo 5's Online Mode Parking Up in May 2014

    Resistance trilogy also being taken offline

    It looks like Sony is especially eager for you to upgrade to Gran Turismo 6. In a sneaky seasonal update, the platform holder has revealed that Gran Turismo 5’s online component will be written off on 20th May 2014. That means that you’ve got around six months left to stomach the simulation racer’s...

  • News PlayStation Europe Celebrates the Season with Free Winter Warmers

    Joy to the PlayStation Nation

    Don’t worry if you’ve already opened all of your presents, as there may be one more sitting in your email inbox. In order to help accelerate your seasonal spirit, Sony has sent out a slew of Christmas gifts to PlayStation Network users around Europe today. It’s not entirely clear whether everyone’s eligible for...

  • Review Mutant Mudds Deluxe (PlayStation 3)

    Don't jump over this one

    Twenty years ago, we never would have guessed that today’s generation of consoles would embrace 8-bit side-scrolling platformers. With the release of titles like Terraria, however, this trend does not show any signs of slowing. As these games continue to grow in popularity, developers such as Renegade Kid are fusing the...

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This... Christmas?

    One more sleep

    We’ve all been forced to endure an avalanche of hype over the past couple of weeks, but as we frantically tap out this last-minute message, Christmas has virtually arrived. To be honest, we’re not overly fond of Brussels sprouts, charged family disputes, and terrible terrestrial television – but we are thrilled at the fact that...

  • News Your Wallet Will Be Lighter Once You're Done with This Huge EU PSN Sale

    It's full of stars

    We take back everything that we said about Sony’s shoddy sales, as the platform holder’s January promotion is absolutely packed to the figurative brim with noteworthy offers and discounts. Starting today and set to run throughout January, the discounts span various PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable...

  • Review Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition (PlayStation 3)

    Block party

    After what feels like a century since the phenomenon that is Minecraft first appeared on the PC, Mojang's block-'em-up has finally dug its way onto the PlayStation 3 courtesy of 4J Studios. Its basic visual style hides a brilliantly deep, yet relatively accessible adventure that's topped off with some thoughtful little RPG elements...

  • Feature Feel All Festive with These Unforgettable PlayStation Snowscapes

    Ice weather for it

    The weather outside is dreary, but your consoles can be so cheery. And since there’s nowhere you’d rather be, turn on your PSone, PS2, and PS3. Alright, it doesn’t quite fit, but you get the idea. Over the years, the various PlayStation platforms have played host to a veritable wonderland of snowy scenes, so to celebrate the...

  • News Sony Ends European Christmas Sale with a Real Cracker

    The Last of Us and Persona 4 Golden form your final stocking fillers

    It’s been a tepid sale at best, but Sony’s long-running ’12 Deals of Christmas’ promotion in Europe is set to finish with a flourish. The platform holder has prepared two cracking deals to get you in the seasonal spirit, bringing the price of The Last of Us

  • News UK Sales Charts: FIFA 14 Dribbles Away with the Christmas Number One

    'Twas the last chart before Xmas

    Good old dependable FIFA 14 has sprinted towards Christmas at the summit of the UK sales charts, meaning that it’ll surely fancy its chances for the Premier League crown this season. The title enjoyed a sudden burst of commercial energy to the tune of 17,000 units, which allowed it to topple last week’s...

  • News Christmas Comes Early in North American PSN Flash Sale

    Cut down to size

    Sony must have read our Talking Point about the less than stellar savings on the PlayStation Network, because it’s kicked off the holidays with a pretty solid festive Flash Sale. Granted, this doesn’t ever touch the outrageous prices of a Steam sell-a-thon, but a couple of the cuts are not to be trifled with. We suppose that...

  • News Japanese PS4 Launch Title Yakuza Ishin Draws Its Sword

    Slice and dice

    There’s more cheesy rock music in this brand new trailer for Japanese PlayStation 4 launch title Yakuza Ishin than you could shake a samurai sword at. The lengthy cinematic clip – which splices together copious cut-scenes from the full game – shows various series favourites in their alternate history roles. That isn’t seasoned...

  • News Pinky Promise You'll Pick Up Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX for PS3

    Fresh trailer full of festive cheer

    Popular anime convention Jump Festa is taking place in Japan right now, and Square Enix has hijacked the occasion in order to debut a new trailer for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX for the PlayStation 3. The compilation – which includes Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final...

  • News Tales of Zestiria's First Trailer Arrives Online with Elegance

    Mmmm, zesty

    There's nothing like a good Tales teaser to get your day started on the right note. Originally shown over a week ago to coincide with the title's reveal, the trailer has finally found its way online, so get your flamboyant garments ready and take a gander. Tales of Zestiria will be coming to the PlayStation 3 in Japan, North America, and...

  • News Dragon's Crown's Firey Fifth Patch Breaks Level Cap and Generates Random Dungeons

    Flaming heck

    Fans of Vanillaware's chaotic action RPG Dragon's Crown will be ecstatic to learn of the game's fifth and final update, which seems to have been designed with the most hardcore of players in mind. Aside from the typical "gameplay stability" fix, the patch attempts to lengthen the beautiful brawler's already beefy playtime. It all...

  • Soapbox Why There's No Real Rush to Upgrade to the PS4

    Sammy Barker's struggling to break the chain

    Somewhere around the world, someone is panicking over the fact that they can’t find a PlayStation 4 right now. Sony’s next generation system has been playing hide-and-seek with store shelves since its release on 15th November, with the platform holder’s

  • News Dress Like Joel from The Last of Us This Christmas

    Practice your Texas twang

    We hope that you’ve still got the sprouts of facial hair from your hopeless Movember attempt intact, because they may come in handy if you’re attending a fancy dress party this holiday. Insert Coins, the fine British tailor behind many a stylish video game themed tee, has a rather nifty shirt in stock – and it’s...

  • Feature 2013's Most Powerful PlayStation Soundtracks

    Don't look back in anger

    More often than not, too much effort is spent pondering the visuals of a game. Or its gameplay. Or its set pieces. However, there’s one pivotal area that tends to get overlooked time and time again: the soundtrack. If you’re on the fence about a particular piece of software, an emotional piece of music can set you on the...

  • News Sniper Elite III Puts a Bullet in PS4's Unsuspecting Eye Socket

    On target

    Rebellion’s gruesome but gratifying scope-‘em-up Sniper Elite III is still on target for a 2014 release, according to a brand new trailer that the company fired online earlier today. The clip shows protagonist Karl Fairburne scouting out the ancient city of Tobruk in Libya – and putting a bullet right in the eye socket of an...

  • Talking Point Should Sony Mirror Steam's Discount Strategy for PSN?

    Door busters

    Sales can actually be a pretty cunning strategy. Supermarkets are particularly good at them, lowering the cost of sought after goods in order to obtain publicity and drive foot traffic through their stores. It only takes one heavily discounted item to coerce thrifty shoppers into a cash splashing frenzy, and that allows retailers to...

  • Review Rust Buccaneers (PlayStation 3)

    Be a Fisherman’s Friend

    Life on the high seas is tough. Forget about the maggot-infested biscuits and longing glances from your salty old sea mates who want to re-enact some of the scenes from the Titanic with your supple young body, as you have worse things to worry about. There be danger off the starboard bow, Jim lad – and it’s coming right...