PS5 News (Page 8)
Monday27th Jan 2025
News Rise of the Ronin PC Port Announced for March 2025
Packed with PC-exclusive features
Rise of the Ronin will lose its PS5 exclusivity badge in a few months as Koei Tecmo has announced the open world title is being ported to PC on 11th March 2025. The new version will come with a lengthy list of exclusive features not found in the PS5 version, which was PS5 Pro enhanced. Those PC-exclusive features...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: A Second Chance
Friendly revelations
A Second Chance is the 12th Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and picks up immediately after Miles decides to leave Coney Island in Master Illusionist. There's no return to the open world; the two
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Amends
Family reunion
Amends is the seventh Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and sees Miles meet up with Uncle Aaron. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we'
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Suit Is Sandy
Quick breather
Suit Is Sandy is the fourth Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, beginning after Peter makes a comment about changing his suit while swinging about the open world. However, the game doesn't track it as part of the Main Story
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: A Gift
Thanks Spider-Man!
A Gift is the fifth and final Mission in the Brooklyn Visions storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It's a Mission exclusive to Miles, and is unlocked after completing the other four
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Homecoming
Love on the playing field
Homecoming is the third Mission in the Brooklyn Visions storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It's a Mission exclusive to Miles, and is unlocked after completing
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Surface Tension
Saved by the sand
Surface Tension is the first Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and is automatically issued to you after the introductory cutscene. As part of our
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Science Buddy
Long night
Science Buddy is the 13th Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and sees Peter return to the Emily-May Foundation to research what's up with Harry. This Mission is exclusive t
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How to Round the Bases at the Big Apple Ballers Stadium
Home Run! Trophy guide
How do you round the bases at the Big Apple Ballers Stadium in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? While they can't actually take part in a baseball match, you can at least take both Peter and Miles to each base for a Trophy. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal how to round the bases at the Big Apple Ballers...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Everything Burns
Everything Burns is a Mission that is part of The Flame storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and is unlocked once you've progressed further into the Main Story and receive a call from Yuri. This is a
News Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 8 Accidentally Uploaded to PS5 Servers
Dev still needs to stress test it
A new Baldur's Gate 3 update was made available to download now on PS5 earlier today, but Larian Studios was just as surprised by its availability as everyone else. This is Patch 8 for the RPG, which appears to be the last major update the team has planned before turning its full attention to what comes next...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Master Illusionist
Mind games
Master Illusionist is the 11th Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and brings back Mysterio. This Mission is exclusive to Miles. As part of our
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Tips: 7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing
A Marvel's Spider-Man 2 beginner's guide
Do you need some Marvel's Spider-Man 2 tips? Games from Insomniac are generally pretty approachable for gamers of any ability, but there's still some guidance even the veteran players will want to take on board before they start Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As such, we have some tips to share that will help you...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Bebop
Music maker
Bebop is an optional Mission that's part of the Cultural Museum storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know about Bebop
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Rooftop Fireworks
Letting off streamers
Rooftop Fireworks is an optional Mission taken from the FNSM App Requests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know about Rooftop Fireworks.
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Little Odessa Collectibles
Every Collectible in Little Odessa listed
What are all Little Odessa Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Hard Bop
Bop to the top
Hard Bop is the second and final optional Mission that's part of the Cultural Museum storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal ever
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: One Thing at a Time
Casualty clean-up
One Thing at a Time is the second Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and begins just after the events of Surface Tension. As part of our
News Two Point Museum Reminds You It's a Proper Management Sim in Latest Trailer
All about the money
SEGA has released a new trailer for its upcoming management sim, Two Point Museum. The video puts an emphasis on the game's core management systems. As you'd expect from the series, the lighthearted tone hides a range of things for you to keep track of if you're to run an effective museum. This broadly centres around your...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: What Is the Level Cap?
What's the maximum level in Marvel's Spider-Man 2?
What is the level cap in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? What's the maximum level in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? As you progress through the game, you'll be rewarded with a ton of XP that helps you level up and unlock better Suits and abilities. But what's the highest level you can get? As part of our
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Financial District Collectibles
Every Collectible in Financial District listed
What are all Financial District Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Photo Help
Amateur hour
Photo Help is an optional Mission taken from the FNSM App Requests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know abou
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Show Me New York
No, no I don't think I will
Show Me New York is the third Mission in the Main Story of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, picking up right after One Thing at a Time. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The Braxton Score
Company infiltration
The Braxton Score is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you ne
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Astoria Collectibles
Every Collectible in Astoria listed
What are all Astoria Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in Asto
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How to Visit Aunt May's Grave as Peter
You Know What to Do Trophy guide
How do you visit Aunt May's grave as Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Following her death in the first game, Aunt May has a grave next to her husband Ben Parker in the sequel. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we are going to reveal how to visit Aunt May's grave as Peter. This unlocks the You Know What to Do...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Downtown Brooklyn Collectibles
Every Collectible in Downtown Brooklyn listed
What are all Downtown Brooklyn Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Senior Prank
Lance furstrong
Senior Prank is the second Mission in the Brooklyn Visions storyline in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It's a Mission exclusive to Miles, and is unlocked after completing
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Hell's Kitchen Collectibles
Every Collectible in Hell's Kitchen listed
What are all Hell's Kitchen Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles i
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Williamsburg Collectibles
Every Collectible in Williamsburg listed
What are all Williamsburg Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: A Room with a View
Cog nation army
A Room with a View is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need t
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Harlem Collectibles
Every Collectible in Harlem listed
What are all Harlem Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in Harlem. As part of our
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: 2-on-2
Charging up
2-on-2 is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know about
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Sittin' in the Nosebleeds
Front row seats
Sittin' in the Nosebleeds is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Midtown Collectibles
Every Collectible in Midtown listed
What are all Midtown Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in Midt
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Is There New Game+?
Does Marvel's Spider-Man 2 have New Game Plus?
Is there New Game+ in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? Does Marvel's Spider-Man 2 have New Game Plus? After beating the PS5 game once, you may be wondering if you can go through it again and carry over your abilities from the first playthrough. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to answer the...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Prowler in Training
Vent action
Prowler in Training is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to k
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Upper West Side Collectibles
Every Collectible in Upper West Side listed
What are all Upper West Side Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Greenwich Collectibles
Every Collectible in Greenwich listed
What are all Greenwich Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Laying Low
Shipping ambush
Laying Low is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know a
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Airwaves
Multi-door system
Airwaves is an optional Mission that's part of the Prowler Stashes in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to reveal everything you need to know a
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How to Fast Travel
How to unlock Fast Travel in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
How do you Fast Travel in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? A quintessential feature of most open world experiences, you might be wondering how you do it in the newest title from Insomniac Games. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we are going to reveal how to Fast Travel. How Do You Fast Travel in...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Central Park Collectibles
Every Collectible in Central Park listed
What are all Central Park Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Downtown Queens Collectibles
Every Collectible in Downtown Queens listed
What are all Downtown Queens Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How Many Missions Are There?
How many quests in Marvel's Spider-Man 2?
How many Missions are there in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? To work out how far in the title you are, you may be searching to see how many Missions there are in the game. As part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to answer the question: how many Missions are there in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? How Many...
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Chinatown Collectibles
Every Collectible in Chinatown listed
What are all Chinatown Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles in
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: All Upper East Side Collectibles
Every Collectible in Upper East Side listed
What are all Upper East Side Collectibles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2? In order to earn 100% District completion and earn the Superior Trophy, you'll need to complete every Mission and find all Collectibles
Guide Marvel's Spider-Man 2: How Long Does It Take to Beat?
How many hours long is Marvel's Spider-Man 2?
How long does it take to beat Marvel's Spider-Man 2? How many hours to complete Marvel's Spider-Man 2? How long is Marvel's Spider-Man 2? The amount of time it takes to beat a game is important to some potential buyers, so as part of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide, we're going to answer the question:...
Sunday26th Jan 2025
The best PS5 first-person shooters, ranked and rated
What are the best FPS games on PS5? Well, what do you think? In this evolving list, it's down to you and the Push Square community to decide PlayStation 5's top shooters. The first-person shooter genre has been around for decades, and is as popular today as it's ever been, if not more so...
It's probably happening
Bethesda’s space opera Starfield, famously cancelled on the PS5 after Microsoft’s multi-billion-dollar acquisition of the publisher, could still release on Sony’s console in the future. Speaking with reporter Destin Legarie, Xbox bigwig Phil Spencer was asked if the intergalactic RPG would be “staying put for the...