There's a Damn Good Reason to Buy Astro Bot Physically on PS5 1
Image: Push Square

Like it or not, the industry is rapidly moving away from physical releases. That doesn’t mean Sony has put its Blu-ray manufacturing plants out to pasture, however, and it continues to release physical versions of all its first-party games. The upcoming platformer Astro Bot is no different, and there’ll actually be a good reason to plump up for the boxed release.

The fun of physical in the 90s and early 00s was always the extras you got inside the case, and Team ASOBI has decided to rekindle that spirit, by stuffing an awesome double-sided poster inside every retail copy of its adorable PS5 adventure. You can see some sample artwork below; one image is a kind of Where’s Waldo isometric look at the inside of the PS5, the other is a comic strip.

Remember, if you pre-order you’ll get early in-game access to the PaRappa the Rapper outfit, Graffiti DualSense Speeder, and a couple of avatars. The PS Store-exclusive Digital Deluxe Edition comes with a few other items, although everything can eventually be unlocked in the game, so you’re not missing out on anything by picking up a physical copy.
