Latest Features

  • Game of the Year 2018 Our Top Ten Favourite PS4 Games of 2018

    Montage time

    Ten days of top notch Christmas content comes to a conclusion with a montage video made by yours truly. We’ve loved sharing our favourite PlayStation games of 2018 with you, and we thought that all of the titles deserved a video, so sit back and watch through our picks courtesy of the clip embedded above. We’ve also prepared a neat...

  • Feature What to Expect from PlayStation in 2019

    Games, services, and hardware

    As 2018 ends, it's time to look towards the year ahead. 2019 is surely going to be one of the most fascinating sets of 365 days for the PlayStation brand, and there's a multitude of reasons why. Every man and his dog knows that the PlayStation 5 is on its way, but when will it be announced and subsequently released? How...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #1 - God of War

    Kratos returns to his throne

    God of War may just be the greatest comeback story of all time. After the by-the-numbers God of War Ascension, it felt like the curtain had closed on Kratos and Sony Santa Monica’s character action brand. But returning director Cory Barlog and his crew ripped up the franchise rule book, changing the camera perspective...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Jamie's Personal Picks

    New and old

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened to confiscate Jamie's retro consoles before he sent us his...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Victor's Personal Picks

    Dragon's dogma

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We told Victor we'd take away his ban hammer if he didn't send us his...

  • Feature Our Most Hype PlayStation Moments of 2018

    Hype get

    2018 has been one heck of a year for PlayStation. We've been flooded with good games for almost a full 12 months, and so we thought that we'd wheel out the team in order to list our most hype moments of 2018. Ranging from game reveals to individual gaming greatness, these are the moments that got us super excited. Here's to another year of...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #2 - Red Dead Redemption 2

    Red or dead

    Where do you even start with Red Dead Redemption 2? The game's a modern masterpiece and developer Rockstar's best ever release. Mature storytelling combines with one of, if not the best open world in gaming, and the result is a phenomenal experience from start to finish. Red Dead Redemption 2 may not be crowned our Game of the Year for...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Simon's Personal Picks

    Colossal lineup

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We enforced a Pokémon Go ban before Simon sent us his list. Fifth...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Best Story

    Novel worthy

    Alongside the usual top 10 countdown that culminates in the crowning of Push Square's game of the year, we've decided to expand our deliberations this year. On a select couple of days we will be celebrating different types of games, from smaller indie titles to those that push the boundaries of virtual reality. Today, we're celebrating...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #3 - Marvel's Spider-Man


    A lot of things could've gone wrong with Marvel's Spider-Man. Such a beloved character brings with it a massive list of expectations from millions of fans, and while the superhero's video game career has had its moments, there have been several titles that have left players a little cold. When you consider the pressure on Insomniac Games...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Rebecca's Personal Picks

    Ink machine

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We confiscated Rebecca's Nintendo Switch before she handed in her list...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Best Indie Game

    Celebrating the one man teams

    Alongside the usual top 10 countdown that culminates in the crowning of Push Square's game of the year, we've decided to expand our deliberations this year. On a select couple of days we will be celebrating different types of games, from smaller indie titles to those that push the boundaries of virtual reality. Today,...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #4 - Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

    Best quest

    What a game Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is. Just when you think it's over, there's another 50 hours left. Then maybe another 50. But somehow, throughout all that time, it still manages to keep you on your toes. Its overall plot may be cliche, but the way that it's told and the many twists that it conjures deserve a huge...

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 252

    Once more in 2018

    All that build up and anticipation, and Christmas is done and dusted already. Of course, there’s a chance that the bearded gift bearer may have left you some new games to play, and that’s why we’re here once again with your regularly scheduled WAYP – the last of the year, in fact. Sammy Barker, Editor: For the first time...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Graham's Personal Picks

    Moss Eisley

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We told Graham we'd burn his cassette collection if he didn't send us his...

  • Soapbox PSVR Quietly Had an Outstanding Year

    Sammy reckons 2018 has been strong for VR

    Rightly or wrongly, Sony’s earned a reputation for scrapping unsuccessful products. I don’t think it’s always fair because, when you see the sales data on PS Vita’s software for example, you can’t really expect a company to keep throwing cash at a system that’s clearly never going to stick. That...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Best PSVR Game

    The headset elite

    Alongside the usual top 10 countdown that culminates in the crowning of Push Square's game of the year, we've decided to expand our deliberations this year. On a select couple of days we will be celebrating different types of games, from smaller indie titles to those that push the boundaries of virtual reality. Today, it's the turn...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #5 - Detroit: Become Human

    Paranoid androids

    Quantic Dream has never been a studio to shy away from moral dilemmas and the big questions. Just look at its previous two releases, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. While Heavy Rain used a detective story to explore loss and desperation, Beyond: Two Souls considers fitting in and finding your place in the world. Detroit: Become...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Sammy's Personal Picks

    Become human

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened to send Sammy a truckload of physical press kit tat before...

  • Indie Bin Crayola Scoot, Dakar 18, Farming Simulator 19

    Also: Hellfront: Honeymoon, RAZED

    From the embers of the Push Square Podcast rises Indie Bin – a feature that draws attention to some of the smaller games in PlayStation's busy release schedule. Once the Indie Bin is full, we'll put it out for collection in these consolidated articles featuring several pint-sized reviews. The metric here is...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #6 - Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition

    A trinket worth keeping

    Considering the plentiful buffet of new games catered throughout this year, it is easy for one to miss the indie repertoire of 2018. From witnessing an arduous father and son journey in the realm of Midgard to trotting the lands of the Wild West, avid gamers were sure to have been in a race against time to experience the...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Robert's Personal Picks

    There be dragons

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. Rob spent a whole week "finding himself" up in the mountains before...

  • Feature The PS4 Games You Already Forgot Were Released in 2018

    Oh yeah, that came out

    The Christmas tree is still up, presents are discarded around the house, the tins of Celebrations are half empty, and Push Square scribes are penning articles that celebrate the very best of everyone's favourite hobby. That's right folks, we hope you're enjoying Game of the Year 2018! However, you won't find any of those...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #7 - Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

    All cel and good

    Aside from the thoroughly charming cel-shaded aesthetic and good-natured storytelling, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom bears little resemblance to its 2011 predecessor: the cast of characters is entirely new, the battle system has been completely revamped, and there’s huge focus placed on a city building minigame. It’s one of...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Jacob's Personal Picks

    The Revenant

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. Jacob told us he'd barely played any games this year, but we gave him...

  • Guide Best PS4 Boxing Day 2018 Deals

    Big savings

    Ah, good ol’ Boxing Day, eh? It was the big shopping holiday here in the UK before Black Friday took to these shores like a particularly poisonous plague. These days it’s not such a big deal, but you can never rule out a festive offer or three. And now you’ve got that cash that grandma put in your Xmas card, you may actually be...

  • Feature We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    Compliments of the season to you

    Wait, is this thing on? So wait, we keep the servers online even though no one’s actually here? What do you mean people are reading this article – aren’t you supposed to be squabbling with family members over pigs in blankets? Oh right, you wanted to read the latest Game of the Year entry – well, you’ll...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Stephen's Personal Picks

    By the gods

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We told Stephen that he'd have to spend the rest of his days in Slack...

  • Talking Point What Free January 2019 PS Plus Games Do You Want?

    When will January 2019's PlayStation Plus lineup be revealed?

    What’s the January 2019 PlayStation Plus lineup? And when exactly will the January 2019 PS Plus lineup be revealed? We're entering a new era for PS+, as Sony will scrap PlayStation 3 and PS Vita support once March rolls around. That means that January 2019 represents one of the last...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Alex's Personal Picks

    Big guns

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We told Alex he wouldn't be allowed to flip his Brazilian BBQ card until he...

  • Soapbox I Would Never Have Played the Excellent Bloodborne if Not for PS Plus

    Stephen tells the tale of how he joined the hunt

    For those that aren't aware, I'm a proper wuss. I have an irrational fear of spiders and other creepy crawlies, and I'd much rather watch the works of Walt Disney than Tobe Hooper. The scariest film I've ever seen is probably Alien, and I'd say the scariest game I've ever played, until recently, was...

  • Poll What Games Do You Plan on Playing Over the Holidays?

    'Tis the season

    Ah, winter holidays. Is there any better time to just sit back, relax, and play some lovely video games? Well, we suppose the answer to that all depends on whether you actually have some free time, but we imagine that most of you reading this will have at least a couple of days to do as you wish over the next week or so. And so we...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #8 - Shadow of the Colossus

    They call me the wanderer

    The odds are that if you have a conversation about the merits of video games as an art form, someone is going to bring up Shadow of the Colossus. Team ICO’s 2005 masterpiece is no stranger to re-releases, having been ported to the PlayStation 3 in an impressive package in 2011, but this time things were different. Rather...

  • Game of the Year 2018 John's Personal Picks


    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened John with a David Cage shower scene before he dropped his list...

  • Indie Bin Racket Fury, Super Volley Blast, The Videokid

    Also: Track Lab, Guns'n'Stories

    From the embers of the Push Square Podcast rises Indie Bin – a feature that draws attention to some of the smaller games in PlayStation's busy release schedule. Once the Indie Bin is full, we'll put it out for collection in these consolidated articles featuring several pint-sized reviews. The metric here is simple:...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #9 - Monster Hunter: World

    A true monster

    Finally bringing Capcom's criminally addictive series back to home consoles, Monster Hunter: World wowed both critics and fans when it released near the start of the year. Its early release date has perhaps hindered it when it comes to Game of the Year conversations, but make no mistake: this superbly crafted action RPG should not be...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Christian's Personal Picks

    Indie heaven

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened Christian with matcha milk before he sent us his list...

  • Game of the Year 2018 The 10 Best PlayStation Soundtracks

    Life’s a happy song

    2018 was absolutely loaded with great games, and equally great music. The quality started all the way back in January and didn’t let up, offering top-notch content throughout the year. But, as with most lists of this nature, some truly incredible music had to be left off, including the likes of Dead Cells, Hollow Knight,...

  • Game of the Year 2018 #10 - Spyro: Reignited Trilogy

    Feel good dragon

    Taking into account the joy provided by the release of Crash Brandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, it was silly to think that this venture wasn’t going to kickstart a flurry of remakes that would send us flying head first back to our childhood. Despite some hearty competition in 2018, the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy still manages to sparkle...

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 251

    Happy holidays

    Merry Christmas, everyone! Have you got all your shopping yet? This author, er, hasn’t so… Yeah, this week’s WAYP is being put together in haste shall we say? That’s okay, though, because it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Let’s get on with it. Allen Reynolds, Reviewer: This week I’ve found myself plowing...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Lloyd's Personal Picks

    Forever Forsaken

    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We dressed as Agent 47 and pointed a silenced pistol at Lloyd until...

  • Game of the Year 2018 Liam's Personal Picks


    The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened to take away Liam's lasagne before he sent us his list. Fifth...

  • Site News Push Square's Game of the Year 2018 Coverage Starts Now

    All will be revealed

    We know we say this every year, but 2018 really is our biggest Christmas schedule ever. Like, frankly it’s flabbergasting how much content we’ve prepared for the next 10 or so days – there’s everything from holiday editions of Indie Bin through to Soapboxes, Polls, and much more. We’re really proud to be ending the...

  • Guide How to Create a US PSN Account on PS4

    Buy digital games and content from America

    Creating a US PSN account on the PS4 is important if you're eager to take advantage of localised offers, download demos and betas that may not be available in your region, or simply want to poke around in another country’s PlayStation Store. The good news is that the PlayStation 4 is completely...

  • Interview Chatting About the Apocalypse with Darksiders III Composer Cris Velasco

    From light, there comes darksiders

    Recently, we got the chance to sit down with long-standing game composer Cris Velasco, who has worked on big series like Mass Effect, God of War, and even previous Darksiders titles. We spoke with him about his work on the recently released Darksiders III, his approach to writing themes for the seven deadly sins,...

  • Guide PS4 Pro - How to Enable Boost Mode, 4K, and HDR to Make the Most of the PlayStation 4 Pro

    Everything you need to know about PS4 Pro

    How do you enable Boost Mode, 4K, and HDR to get the most out of the PS4 Pro? If you've just bought a nice and shiny new PS4 Pro and have plugged it into either an even shinier 4K TV or a solid and reliable 1080p HDTV, then congratulations, as you've just taken a half step towards the next generation. In...

  • Guide PSVR CUH-ZVR1 vs CUH-ZVR2 - What's the Difference?

    How do you know which version of PlayStation VR you're buying?

    Sony’s slowly rolling out an updated version of its PlayStation VR headset – but what’s the difference between PSVR CUH-ZVR1 and PSVR CUH-ZVR2? In this article we’re going to explain how the two models compare, how you can determine which unit you’re getting, and which version...

  • Hands On Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Spreads Christmas Cheer with Operation: Absolute Zero

    Tis the season to be jolly

    Call of Duty is back, and it really is better than ever. After launching as the greatest entry in the series this generation, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has received its first major content drop in the form of a new Operation, titled Absolute Zero. The update brings with it sweeping changes to a variety of different modes,...

  • Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 250

    Craig Charles would be proud

    There are ten days until Christmas – wait, what?! Wow, this has really crept up on us and we haven’t even bought all of our presents yet. Never mind, there’s still a week to go, right? Right. We’ll be spending this weekend in front of a warm hearth playing some video games – who’s joining us? Sammy Barker,...

  • Site News God of War Wins the Push Square Forum's Game of the Year

    Marvel's Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption 2 in top three

    Looks like Kratos may need to invest in a new trophy cabinet, because hot on the heels of last week’s The Game Awards 2018 win, God of War has now topped the Push Square forum’s Game of the Year poll. As brilliantly organised by community member KratosMD [Coincidental username...