The annual Push Square Towers tradition is back, as we sit down our scribes and pester them once more for their five favourite PlayStation games of the year. With such a strong assortment of software in 2018, it’s always tough deciding upon the cream of the crop. We threatened John with a David Cage shower scene before he dropped his list.

Fifth Choice: Detroit: Become Human
I'm a sucker for narrative-focused, choice-based games, but I've never been completely bowled over by anything that Quantic Dream has made. It's all so po-faced. Heavy Rain was like a silly, sub-Saw B-Movie masquerading as high art and as entertaining as that was, I couldn't take it seriously. Detroit surprised me because it was the first Quantic Dream game that I thought was genuinely well written, there were a handful of affecting scenes, and I legitimately cared about what would happen by the end. I accidentally got everyone killed, but I still cared.

Fourth Choice: Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
I absolutely loved the original Ni No Kuni but Ni No Kuni 2 is a completely different game, for better and worse. The story is throwaway, there's hardly any fully voiced scenes, and the new battle system is a button masher. I could probably have done without the RTS-lite skirmishes, too, if I'm honest. But I loved travelling the world, the graphics are beautiful, and the kingdom building aspect of the game really won me over. A hypothetical Ni No Kuni sequel that takes the best parts of both games would be the dream, but I enjoyed my time with Revenant Kingdom regardless.

Third Choice: Valkyria Chronicles 4
I have to say, I was a bit worried early on in Valkyria Chronicles 4 when I hadn't warmed to any of the characters, and the fan-servicey, anime hijinks during some of the cut-scenes were starting to get the needle on my cringe-o-meter twitching. Fortunately, as I put more time into the game I really started to love it, and it's now my favourite in the Valkyria Chronicles series. The combat is the best it's ever been in large part thanks to the new grenadier class, the story really builds over the long campaign, and I wound up loving the cast. Let's hope it does well enough to get us a Valkyria Chronicles 5.

Second Choice: God of War
I've always kind of enjoyed God of War games, but I've never loved them, and I've never liked Kratos as a character. The whole angry dude murdering people and being angry all the time thing really didn't work for me. It's a little too Papa Roach for my tastes. Probably the most incredible thing about God of War 2018 is that they legitimately made me care about what happened to Kratos. Throw in brutal combat, a great story, and a fist-pumping, glorious soundtrack, and we're on to a winner. Also a big fan of how Kratos says "Boy!" a lot.

First Choice: Red Dead Redemption 2
Honestly, I loved God of War so much I genuinely didn't believe anything would top it, but the latest Red Dead is something special. I couldn't play another game for days after beating it. I don't know what sorcery was involved in crafting that open world but wow. It's the best open world ever made. Spending time in it was a joy. The characters are wonderful. The story is engaging. The controls are garbage town, sure, but I was over that after a few hours of rootin' and tootin'. It could be game of the generation for me.
A good mix of cult Japanese hits and Western blockbusters make up John's list, but do you agree with this picks? You can refer to him as 'BOY' in the comments section below.
Comments 15
Some solid choices! I like the variety with Ni No and also Valkyria (haven't played much of Valkyria since it's a bit similar to the last one)!
Also Merry Christmas to all of you my friends 😁
I see the greatness of GOW after about a few hours in but I don't know if there's ever going to be moments like; riding my war horse on a rainy night past Emerald Ranch, with a sheep stowed for Pearson, everywhere's dark and wet, wondering if I'll make it back to camp without Murfrees ambushing me. I notice there's a perfect Cow grazing in the fencing and remember The Trapper needed that pelt to craft a rare garment. So I dismount, release an improved arrow into it, as it falls I quickly scale the fencing hoping to skin it before some rancher spots me. But it's old Bob Crawford still awake, not in bed, shooting at me, and me being honorable I decided not to kill him over a cow, so decided to hide behind a tree, waited for him to get close, rushed him down to the ground, smacked him a few times, then went back to get my pelt. This is Red Dead Redemption 2.
I check most sites and it's torn between these 2 for GOTY -GameSpot, Guardian says RDR2. IGN, Gamesradar says GOW. End of the day I think PS players are the winners here.
Wow this is such a shock lol no just kidding everyone knew rdr 2 was getting their goty since an open world and graphics matter more than gameplay here
@TheArt the emergent gameplay is good, but I wish it counted for more; you don’t really need to engage with that stuff. The meat and potatoes of RDR2 are riding on a horse while listening to voiceover, Max Payne 3 shooting, and cut scenes.
The open world stuff, camp stuff, survival, hunting and documenting are more interesting than the actual game IMO.
Loved RDR2, but it felt just a little too much like a chore to play.
GoW is the most I've enjoyed a videogame since Horizon. Almost perfect, definite GOTY for me.
As much as I like Ni no Kuni I think Dragon Quest tops it, did you play DQXI?
@AyanamiReign I did not. Santa Claus is hopefully bringing it for me tomorrow.
good list but i don't agree with RDR2, it looks nice yeah but the game is just boring and there is too much chore work where it just isn't fun
Any list that includes Nino Kuni 2 and Detroit is great in my book.
I keep forgetting about Valkyria Chronicles 4. I loved the first two games so I defo need to get it in the new year. Totally agree about RDR2, it's up there with The Witcher 3 for my game of this gen.
I feel like God of War and Red Dead Redemption II are doomed to be pitted against each other for eternity, which seems unfair. They're completely different experiences. Gow is like a really good movie, while Red Dead is like a really good book.
"As much as I like Ni no Kuni I think Dragon Quest tops it, did you play DQXI?"
@Wesker Well yeah, I spend more time sometimes doing the sides like hunting, strangers etc. than I do main missions but that's not because I don't find the main interesting, I just want at least 75% done before I see the credits roll. I'm sure many people who aren't impressed, as usual went on a speedrun on the main missions and beat it at probably 45%. That ain't how you play a Rockstar game.
I find it extremely unprofessional for a reviewer to say: sure the controls are garbage... game of the generation! If we are going to give merits based solely on story and characters, lets add video games to the movies category. IMO, gameplay is the number 1 most important factor of any video GAME. Graphics, story, characters surely add a lot to a video game but should never trump gameplay. RDR2 has clunky and outdated controls, gameplay mechanics are boring and mission design is very repetitive.
@AyanamiReign dq11 my goty
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