Comments 73

Re: Poll: Do You Have a PS5?


Got one at launch. Played Miles, Demon's, Bugsnax and Sekiro (4K60) and sold it to a friend at cost so he could experience the goods too. I'll get one once this craze dies down...if ever.

Re: 'People Ask for Story-Based Games, But Don't Necessarily Buy Them'


I think her points have some validity, but are largely exaggerated. BOTW, HZD, SMO, Nier Automata, Cuphead and many other games did great saleswise. BETHESDA has had bad luck because of poor management, pitting Dishonored 2 against CoD, BF1 and the other big holiday releases. Same with Wolfenstein and TEW2. They seem to think their brand is strong enough to compete in the holidays. It's not.

Secondly, I'll say that we're guaranteed to see God of War, Spider-Man and some Switch single player game be amongst the top selling games of the year once it's over.

There are some flops of course, but they're also present on the multiplayer scene like Battleborn, Lawbreakers, Titanfall 2 (shame), Evolve, etc.


Re: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Director Shaun Escayg Departs Naughty Dog


@DerMeister @Th3solution They get poached, made offers they can't refuse. Strayley probably got burned out of being a team lead for seven years with heavy expectations on him 24/7 and Hennig left over creative differences.

Shaun probably said, due I want to work on another TLL like standalone for TLoU, or helm a huge team in an Avengers project which will lead to a bigget payday and more recognition. It's not rocket science.

Re: Reaction: Sony Must Pick Between PSX or Paris Games Week


Hello, everyone, here's how I think they could have had a realistic and GOOD show instead of the bust we got.

Ni No Kuni II trailer or gameplay.

A further tease of From Software's game, not even a full trailer. More teasing. Crowd would have gone mental.

A remastered Demon's Souls (I don't know how this isn't a thing yet)

Herman Hulst announcing Horizon Zero Dawn 2 is in planning stages. (Don't get your hopes up just yet, but it's definitely happening)

Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson (Ellie) salute the crowd in a pre recorded video, hype up TLOU II a bit and then another short scene is shown or a very short gameplay tease (it was announced a year ago, lets see it)

Spider-Man info, estimated season when it'll drop. Some raw gameplay, no cutscenes.

Days Gone battle royale mode, would have given the game some buzz since that is really popular atm and that game desperately needs something to sell it.

When they dropped the Medievil news, have Shawn Layden say... We know there's a certain other purple hero your clamoring for... We're aware. (that's enough)

Indie montage

Ghost of Tsushima gameplay (one minute)

Final Fantasy VIII or Tactics available now. (Sony should work with Square to make this happen at their events, make it a thing)

Tell Capcom to hold their horses and let Sony announce the DMC Collection at PSX and have Sid Shuman say... Looks like 2018 is gonna be a big year for Devil May Cry (wink wink)

Recommit to Ps2 on Ps4. Have a sizzle reel with popular ps2 games (God of War II, Dragon Quest VIII, Burnout Revenge, Suikoden III/V, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand)

Plus the MHW, SCVI, Blazblue trailers shown last night. Then it'd had been a good show

Re: Rumour: December PlayStation Plus Games Leak Ahead of Official Announcement


Darksiders II is a horrible game though.

Ps4 version is janky.

Death is not a badass, but an errand boy for the dwarves.

Loot makes experience pretty much an afterthought and once you get a weapon that leeches health for you, game becomes a joke. (Even on the new hardest difficulty)

Story is inconsequential drivel since it is not a true sequel, more like a companion piece to the first one, the story is bad and doesn't matter at the end of the game.

Game is bloated and too big for its own good, jack of all trades, master of none.

When you offer a nearly 6 year old Ps3 game (port is not improved for ps4) that didn't even get a great reception back then, you are just throwing people a bone.

Bad month.

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