There are no surprises in the PlayStation Store charts for December 2017, apart from perhaps the success of the long-overdue Gang Beasts, which charted second on the PlayStation 4 in North America and sixth in Europe. Call of Duty: WWII and Star Wars Battlefront 2 dominated depending upon your continent, with FIFA 18 putting in an appearance in second in the Old World.
Job Simulator continues to quietly control the PlayStation VR sales charts in North America, while SUPERHOT VR is doing well in Europe. Interestingly, Destiny 2 DLC conquered USA and Canada, while the Fortnite: Founders Pack fronted the add-on charts in Europe. It really seems like the latter game is starting to snowball in popularity these days.

You can peruse the full charts for North America and Europe through the respective links. What did you buy from the PlayStation Store in December 2017? Show us the receipts in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 8
Hmm what did i buy from the store... tokyo xanadu, undertale, batman the enemy within, ys origin, life is strange before the storm, monsters of the deep, guardians of the galaxy...i hope that was it :s
Gang Beast came out if nowhere or am I missing something here?
It saddens me that Star Wars cash grab is selling so well, but I guess it's Star Wars so whatever, it's expected.
It didn't do well in Europe at least, nowhere near as well as expected there.
@LieutenantFatman That's good. I saw people on my friends list playing it and I had to roll my eyes. I mean, you can play whatever you want, who am I to judge? But as a dumb nerd, I can disagree with your decisions
@NinjaWaddleDee I was quite impressed that a few of my hardcore star wars friends decided to avoid it. I think a lot of people in the know have voted with their wallets on this occasion. It hit EA's share value hard, they suffered for their greed and hopefully so has this new trend. Time will tell.
@NinjaWaddleDee Since it was December sales Inam willing to bet that a majority of those were probably bought as gifts by people who don't follow gaming news. Dear old Granny knows her grandson loves Star Wars and has a PS4 and figures hey he will like this.
Thought people were against Star Wars, guess only in words, not in terms of their wallets.
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