Okay, so this is one of those big fat Reddit rumour posts that we don't usually report on, but since a number of sites have already picked it up and people are starting to pay attention, we thought that we'd better weigh in with our thoughts.
This particular poster claims to have leaked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles being in Injustice 2, which obviously turned out to be correct. However, their new leak is much larger, supposedly spotlighting what both Capcom and Bandai Namco have in the works.
Apparently, we'll finally see Devil May Cry 5 revealed at the PlayStation Experience next month. The poster also claims that we'll witness the announcement of SoulCalibur VI at Sony's event. Both games are somewhat plausible in the sense that we'd bet on them eventually being revealed at some point down the line, but we question whether this is too early.
After all, we wonder whether Capcom really has the resources right now to push another big budget project -- especially with Monster Hunter: World out early next year as well as Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. As for SoulCalibur VI, we need to remember that Tekken 7 hasn't even been out for a year yet, and Bandai Namco is launching another fighting game in early 2017 in the form of Dragon Ball FighterZ. Would the publisher really introduce a third brawler at this point? As always, anything's possible, but we find it hard to believe.
And that leads to our biggest problem with this supposed leak: some of it reads like fan fiction. For example, the poster shares a huge amount of information on future plans for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite and Street Fighter V, and it goes into such great detail that we start to wonder whether a lot of it isn't just wishful thinking.
Last but not least, Resident Evil 2 Remake gets a mention. We'll apparently be seeing something of that next year, which at least seems reasonable when you consider that it was first announced back in 2015.
All in all, we're having a hard time putting stock into this one. As with most forum rumours, some of it sounds like it could easily be legitimate, while other parts do nothing but raise an eyebrow. We're not quite convinced, then, but we'll be over the moon if we really do get Devil May Cry 5 and SoulCalibur VI during December's PlayStation Experience -- an event that Sony supposedly stripped of big announcements in order to bring them forward to Paris Games Week, we might add.
What do you make of this? Too good to be true? Bold but possible? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 33
Oh yeah and a new Onimusha is gona be announced as well.....if only
The person that made this up clearly didn't get the memo about there not being a proper PSX press conference.
to be honest if they did announce Devil May Cry 5 i would fanboy out so hard
Well it's been ages since the last Soulcalibur game and now Tekken is finally out that's likely what the studio is working on, right?
Plus it wouldn't interfere with Dragon Ball's sales if it's released late 2018 for instance.
@get2sammyb to be fair Sony did say they’re gonna announce games... cus while release dates and more info on already announced games are cool maybe more announcements would be good plus if Sony knows gamers they are always hungry for games...
Why even report on something so blatantly false?
It is worth keeping in mind that VERY early this year, one of the creators of DMC said he'd be announcing a new game this year, and that has yet to happen. As for SC VI...in my wildest dreams. They can go ahead and announce Puppeteer 2 while they're at it
@PhenomenalOne "Okay, so this is one of those big fat Reddit rumour posts that we don't usually report on, but since a number of sites have already picked it up and people are starting to pay attention, we thought that we'd better weigh in with our thoughts."
Plus I'm working my way up to being #1 Edgelord.
It would be nice if they are ps exclusive
I’m down for a new Soul Caliber!
@ShogunRok You'll never surpass Supreme Edgelord Sammy m8. You may give up 😂😂
I’d be all over soulcalibur. It’s the only fighting game I can get into I love how fluid and fast it is
Geez. I could really go for another Soul Caliber.
@PhenomenalOne it may well be false but IF there is even a 0.000001% chance it's true then they have to report on it otherwise they miss out on people reading it from them
and on a website like this the "clicks" as people like to say are very important
@PhenomenalOne For the glory of clicks of course. Mom's spaghetti.
SoulCalibur is the only fighting game series I've ever enjoyed. Would love to see a new installment on PS4. Still skeptical about the rumor though.
I really want this to be real. The same 5 or 6 games Sony are pushing for 2018 except MHW aren't doing anything for me.
A real Devil may Cry that would be fantastic i would love to see something like Devil may Cry 3 come back again.
If my eyes could roll any harder they'd pop out of my head.
@BLP_Software I not quite sure I understand how any of that fits together.
@BLP_Software Well companies I suppose are kinda impressed w Switch after all its selling rather fast. Dragon Ball Fighter Z had a lot of people and Bamco sees the demand and has been seeing success on Switch. Pokemon like CoD is a yearly franchise so I can see it releasing 2018... Bamco and Metroid makes me have huge ??? Like WHAT?!
Reg Comment: it’d be funny if most of this was true just most of the platforms were wrong and TWEWY2 was PS4 Exclusive, SC6 was PS4 and PC, DMC5 was PS4 Exclusive... that’d be alotta Exclusives for Sony
This is the Gaming Industry tbh anything can happen. So We’ll see tbh
PSX x DMC5 will make or break this rumor
I really hope those rumors for Marvel vs Capcom and Street Fighter V are real. It just seems crazy though.
Oh! Well new SoulCalibur ! I want one , i can't wait any more to see new one. I hope they do something for it
About others , not really interested . I want Devil may cry with real Dante, so if thats real ... Hey is that real?
@BLP_Software Dragon Ball is probably the most reasonable thing as far as the Switch stuff goes.
The fact that this guy got TMNT and Enchantress correct gives this guy a lot of credibility.
SOUL CALIBUR !!!! Pls be true
They'd be great rumors if true, I'd love to see DMC and Soul Calibur make a comeback.
Yeah but new Dante or old Dante.
@johncalmc well if it's Devil May Cry 5 it would be old Dante, if it was New Dante it would be DmC 2
Meh, could be! Those games aren't so popular nowadays so an announcement at the 'why are doing this year's PSX without a proper conference wtf' seems kinda legit!
I would die laughing if capcom didn't learn their lesson and let ninja theory make DmC 2.
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