Game of the Year: #7 - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 1
Image: Push Square

While we're still not massively keen on Square Enix's decision to split a once 40-hour classic into three relatively huge releases, we simply can't ignore how much effort was poured into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake felt like it set the stage for a bigger and better sequel — and that's pretty much what we got. Away from the imposing metal city of Midgar, Rebirth lets its hair down and offers up an often engrossing adventure.

Arguably, Rebirth is at its best when its recreating story beats and locations from the source material, adding an obsessive amount of detail to a setting that already felt so rich and interesting. It also goes out of its way to provide more character depth across the board; Cloud and his party are brilliantly realised here, with the spiky-haired hero himself being a standout member of the cast.

The combat's been given some really nice improvements as well — and the hybrid action-command system as a whole is still a highlight, just like it was in Remake. Yet more incredible boss battles are the icing on the combat-centric cake, and we really have no idea how the next game will top some of these encounters.

Away from battle, Rebirth goes all-out with optional activities. Admittedly, the minigames are a bit much at times — and not all of them are what we'd call fun — but again, you just can't help but appreciate how much stuff has been packed into this extremely robust remake (if you can even call it that, at this point).

And then there's the soundtrack. Good god, what a soundtrack it is. It feels like every battle in the game has its own theme — which is just insane — and the musical diversity is ridiculous. It's a mind-blowing achievement.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth successfully builds on Remake, and that's a damn good sign when it comes to waiting on the all-important third game. Let's hope and pray that Square Enix sticks the landing, because if it does, we'll be left with a shockingly impressive trilogy.

Push Square's Game of the Year top 10 is decided by votes coming from internal staff and regular contributors. Our community Game of the Year poll also factors into the result. Feel free to agree or disagree with our list in the comments section below.

You can check out all of our Game of the Year coverage by clicking the link.

Do you agree with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth being our #7 Game of the Year? (958 votes)

  1. Absolutely, it's in the right spot15%
  2. It should be higher on the list72%
  3. It should be lower on the list4%
  4. It shouldn't even be on the list3%
  5. I don't know / I haven't played it7%