PlayStation 4 Firmware Update

The firmware narrative has most certainly changed this generation. We remember the web being ablaze with complaints whenever Sony rolled out an update for the PlayStation 3, but right now it’s being chastised for not doing exactly that with the PlayStation 4. Given that Microsoft has been deploying monthly updates for the Xbox One, the Japanese giant is starting to look like it’s falling behind – but the firm claims that that’s only because it’s been listening to your feedback.

“The strange thing for us is that we got a lot of criticism in the PS3 time about doing a lot of releases very quickly, and so we listened to that and we learned," SCEE’s VP of product planning Murray Hume told Video Gamer. "Because we did [make] mistakes in the PS3 time, and we've learned and we've listened. So, we've taken a different approach, and now we're getting possibly different feedback.”

The platform holder’s set to roll out PS4 firmware update v2.00 tomorrow, which includes a bevy of hotly requested features, including Share Play, YouTube compatibility, and themes. While we don’t think that Hume’s analysis of the situation is wrong, we reckon that the thing that’s changed this generation is standby mode, which more or less mitigates the issues attached to downloading and installing these operating system overhauls.

Seeing as we’re spinning a full length article out of this interview snippet, then, let’s set the record straight once and for all: do you want smaller more frequent firmware updates, or meatier less regular refreshes? Cast your vote in the comments section below.
