Put to the test

While the PlayStation 3 may command a much larger install base than the PlayStation 4, there’s no doubt that gaming mindshare has switched to Sony’s next-gen machine. As such, it’s pretty easy to forget that Destiny is even releasing on the Japanese giant’s age-old hardware in the first place – let alone that you can play it right now as part of the product’s pre-release beta.

So, how does it look on the eight year old hardware? Well, as evidenced by these comparisons provided by NeoGAF user Guymelef, it actually holds up pretty well. The image quality is unsurprisingly nowhere near as good – with the resolution taking the biggest hit – but it’s largely comparable, and the luscious art style remains very much intact.

There’s no word on performance just yet, but that will be the big benchmark for the previous generation port; Bungie’s obviously building an ambitious experience here, so it’ll be interesting to see whether the vintage machine can keep up. Are you planning to pick up the game on the PS3, or are you plumping up for the superior PS4 version? Let us know in the comments section below.

PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3

[source guymelef.minus.com, via neogaf.com]