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Sony has just wrapped up its deep dive into PlayStation 4 exclusive Ghost of Tsushima in the latest State of Play livestream. The near 20-minute showcase focused on combat, exploration, and how we'll be getting about the open world. This was our first proper look at gameplay outside of a few glimpses during cinematic trailers, so what did you make of it? Is Ghost of Tsushima shaping up to be everything you hoped it would or are you feeling slightly disappointed with what you saw?

To catch up on what the Japanese giant revealed, head on through this link to check out gameplay. Alternatively, you can watch the full showcase here. Don't forget that the game has suffered a slight delay to 17th July 2020. So, will you be buying Ghost of Tsushima? Did the State of Play livestream convince you into a purchase? Place your votes in our polls below and expand on your thoughts in the comments section.

Will you be buying Ghost of Tsushima?
Did the State of Play livestream convince you to buy Ghost of Tsushima?