mighty no. 9 trailer.jpg

This is a story that just keeps getting better and better. After more delays than we care to remember and countless promotional cock-ups, Mighty No. 9 isn't exactly in the best shape leading up to its launch next month on the 21st June. Yesterday, publisher Deep Silver released this trailer, which went down really, really badly with just about everyone. The video currently has 363,000 views and 14,200 dislikes on YouTube.

Indeed, it's so crap that even the game's developers are taking shots at it. Takuya Aizu, CEO of Inti Creates, deemed the trailer "unforgivable" on his Twitter account. "What the hell was D*** *il*** thinking making a crappy PV like this?! Unforgivable," he wrote. We can probably assume that all of the asterisks refer to aforementioned publisher Deep Silver, the company that's naturally responsible for marketing Mighty No. 9 here in the West.

Honestly, you couldn't make this up. What's next for Mighty No. 9 and its crusade to p*ss off every human on the planet? Join us for the next episode of this dramatic saga in the comments section below.

[source twitter.com]