"Shut up about virtual reality already, Sammy," you're probably all screaming at your screens. Sorry, I have been a bit pushy, haven't I? But in my defence, I keep writing about PlayStation VR because I'm genuinely excited about it. No one's paying me to talk about it. I haven't been instructed by my bosses to churn out a never-ending stream of articles on it. It's not even attracting that much traffic.

But I legitimately believe that there's something to the tech – even if I can understand and appreciate every single sceptical comment I read.

I'm also not going to sit here telling you all you need to try it, because I've said that before. It's true, but that doesn't help you to better understand my enthusiasm at all – in fact, it must be pretty darn frustrating if someone keeps telling you to sample something that you have no means of getting your eyes on. So I'm going to try and explain one of the things that makes VR a game changer: scale.

Playing games on a flat screen is cool: I love it, I've tried to build a career out of it, and I'll never stop doing it. But no matter how big your television screen, you're always limited by the panel that's in front of you. Yes, TVs get crisper and sharper all of the time – but irrespective of your display, you're always going to be looking through a window into the game.

A bit like this guy:

Scale PlayStation VR Virtual Reality

PlayStation VR – and virtual reality in general – changes that profoundly. I've been thinking about Battlezone a lot over the past few days, trying to determine exactly what blew me away. And I think it's the sense of scale. Because the game's able to fill your entire field of view, everything suddenly feels gigantic in a way that a standard screen simply can't replicate.

Apologies for the shoddy Photoshop work, but this is what it feels like:

Scale PlayStation VR Virtual Reality

In fact, it's better than that, because the 3D aspect of the experience adds depth to the scene that's not present on a 2D screen. So imagine for a second that the No Man's Sky dinosaur is not only towering above you, but is also many metres away. Suddenly, a scene that looks gorgeous but quite small on a standard TV becomes absolutely gigantic in PlayStation VR.

And it's even more powerful than that, because when you move your head, you remain in the game. If I move my head away from my normal display, then I instantly lose the attachment that I have with the game world. But in PlayStation VR, that connection that you share with the virtual world won't break until you physically take the headset off. It's an unbelievably powerful effect.

Now, there are downsides to that, of course – there's a chance that it may make people feel sick or experience eye strain. But removing those factors from the equation, I just wanted to write this article to try to explain why this tech is a game changer for me. I fully understand if you remain sceptical, but I hope I've at least done a decent job of illustrating why this stuff is blowing my mind.

Is the sense of scale that's possible with PlayStation VR something that's exciting you, too? Is Sammy getting a bit too giddy over this stuff? Make yourself big in the comments section below.