This week really sparked into life about midway through. Just as our servers went offline, rumours started to circulate that Hideo Kojima had been ousted out of Konami, and it's been non-stop since then. God of War III Remastered was announced on Friday, while we took our time on retail servers to review Battlefield Hardline. Here's all of the headlines that you have to know.
Battlefield Hardline - 7/10
There are people that say that Battlefield Hardline is just a DLC pack disguised as a new release, but that's not quite true. It feels familiar in terms of gameplay, but fresh enough in theme and heavy enough in content that it's worth its own release. It's a decent game that gets points for originality of concept, but how much value it has is down to how much you enjoyed previous entries in the franchise, and how much you'd like to see the Cop FPS genre become a thing.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD - 7/10
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is a mechanically solid action role-playing game, but now and again, it feels far more like a straight port than a grand remaster. However, questionable visual effects and some pretentious plot points aren't quite enough to hold back the efforts of Class Zero. Even though it can take a little while to truly click, this is a unique and refreshing entry in Square Enix's beloved franchise, and one that's a prime candidate for an even better sequel.
Other Reviews
- Lu-Mulana EX - 7/10
- Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yetis - 7/10
- Bladestorm Nightmare - 7/10
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - The Bright Lord - 7/10
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters - 8/10
- Shiftlings - 7/10
- Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2 - Atlas Mugged - 7/10
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Episode Four: Metamorphosis - 7/10
First Impressions: Final Fantasy XV Has Massive Potential
To be totally honest, we're still having trouble coming to terms with the fact that we've actually played something related to Final Fantasy XV. If you've been keeping up with the game's development, all the way back since it was announced almost ten years ago, then we imagine that you'll feel the same. Episode Duscae, the title's playable demo, comes bundled with early copies of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. Boasting around two to six hours of gameplay depending on how slow you take things, it's a meaty first look at Square Enix's next big deal, and the best part is that once it's over, you can keep coming back to it, levelling up your party and generally just exploring every inch of the countryside.
Feature: The Seven Deadly Sins of Game Design
Frustration is an emotion that none of us want to feel, especially when we're playing video games. The problem is, of course, that frustration is always lurking just around the corner, unless you're like the gaming equivalent of the most meditative monk in the world – in which case, we salute your patience and understanding. For the rest of us, though, all it takes is one incredibly bad bit of game design to send us over the edge. We'd like to think that most of you can regain some sort of control before you put your DualShock through the television screen, but you'd be surprised at how serious our favourite hobby can be.
Other Features
- Feature: 'We Made a Vita Game 'Cos We Wanted More Awesome Things to Play'
- Round Up: Battlefield Hardline PS4 Reviews Play Cops and Robbers with Critics
- First Impressions: Bringing the Beat Back with Amplitude on PS4
- DLC Review: Dragon Ball XenoVerse's GT Pack Has Us Beating Up Baby
- Soapbox: Has It Just Been a Bad Week for Games, Or Is This Simply a Sign of the Times?
- Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 61
Konami's Recruiting a New Team to Build a Fresh Metal Gear Series
Read between the corporate double speak and it's becoming increasingly clear that Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has been targeted by a tranquiliser gun, bundled into a cardboard box, and put out with the trash. Following yesterday's rumours regarding an internal power struggle, publisher Konami has now revealed its intention to build a brand new Metal Gear series – and it's recruiting a fresh team of senior staff to do it.
God of War III Brings the Brand's Best Boss Fight to PS4 in July
Poseidon's going to get creamed all over again – and this time in 1080p. As rumoured earlier in the day, God of War III Remastered is coming to the PlayStation 4, and it will launch on 14th July in North America and 17th July in Europe. According to a post on the PlayStation Blog, this will repurpose the original outing for Sony's next-gen machine, but will sprinkle some new features on top, like Photo Mode.
Uh Oh, Watch PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne Take Over 40 Seconds to Reload After Player Death
Okay, nobody panic, but we've got footage of one of Bloodborne's loading screens, and it ain't pretty. One of our very own users, TOMBOY25, managed to get his hands on the game early, and he's uploaded some direct gameplay footage to YouTube straight from his PlayStation 4.
Tune in to PlayStation Vue from Today for $49.99
PlayStation Vue, the television streaming service for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, is now broadcasting to consoles in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago. The basic package will set you back $49.99 per month, and will provide you with access to up to 60 channels, including CBS, Fox, NBC, Comedy Central, and many more. You'll be able to pay $59.99 for the 'Core' step-up, which will unlock the Golf Channel and other regional sports stations, while the 'Elite' option for $69.99 will come with around 26 extra channels on top.
Rumour: Gravity Rush Remaster Purrs to PS4
The outstanding (but criminally underrated) Gravity Rush looks like it's finally ready to turn your gaming world upside down again. Eagle eyed posters on NeoGAF spotted a submission for a Gravity Rush Remaster on the Korean ratings board. The platform, as has been rumoured for eons now, is listed as the PlayStation 4.
Other Noteworthy News
- Dying Light's Latest PS4 Patch Raises the Dead With a Lot of New Content
- PS4 Firmware Update 2.50's Suspend Will Get You Back into Your Games in 15 Seconds
- DriveClub Developer Waylaid by Layoffs
- Predator Stalks Mortal Kombat X as Post-Launch DLC
- Rory McIlroy Tames Tiger Woods in PGA Tour PS4
Video of the Week
Life Is Strange Gets Out of Class Early Next Week
Hype. While not everyone's quite on board with Life Is Strange just yet, we're seriously looking forward to the second instalment, which is set to debut from 24th March on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. This is looking like a much more action heavy outing, as the search for Rachel Amber amps up. There's also an obligatory shower scene. Sigh, who invited David Cage?
Comments 3
Really good week and some great articles like the 7 deadly sins and the article on what's wrong with the industry. A lot of games with a score of 7/10, We are in real need of some banging 9 or 10 games hopefully we will see them soon.
yay another remaster (GoW).. I sincerely hope all these studios doing remasters are going to put this easy money in some great games the next couple years
I think the main Title is wrong above i.e it should say(& this is for every week to it seems) -
'Push Rewind: Hideo Kojima Kerfuffle, God of War III Remastered Kerfuffle, Battlefield Hardline Kerfuffle & Everything to do with anything Gaming seems to be a Kerfuffle'
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