The outstanding (but criminally underrated) Gravity Rush looks like it's finally ready to turn your gaming world upside down again. Eagle eyed posters on NeoGAF spotted a submission for a Gravity Rush Remaster on the Korean ratings board. The platform, as has been rumoured for eons now, is listed as the PlayStation 4.
Team Gravity – formerly known as Team Siren – announced a sequel to protagonist Kat's topsy-turvy adventure a few years back, but it always seemed likely that production would switch to Sony's next-gen device. It looks like we'll be getting a remake of the original Vita game first, then, followed hopefully by a full sequel down the line.
There's not a whole lot else for us to glean from the classification, other than that these are rarely wrong. There have been instances of games getting ratings and never releasing, but examples are thin on the ground. As such, you should probably expect the platform holder to make an official announcement imminently.
[source bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net, via neogaf.com]
Comments 17
Makes sense for this to happen. So does an Uncharted collection this christmas. Would bet my house that is why U4 was delayed. More developer lies (or so i think ).
@rockman29 Yeah. I think it's got issues that they could certainly tweak, but it was a great game, and I will definitely play it again. Think how good the hair and clothes physics are going to be on PS4!
I enjoyed the story mode but afterwards, despite the challenges, there just felt like no reason to touch it again. And I haven't. A sequel would be better than another remaster, unless they do the sensible thing and make it a budget release and a stop-gap before the second title.
Ive been dying to play this game so: hell yes!
Whatever it takes to see the sequel released. I enjoyed every second of getting that platinum trophy and while I think the game was what the Vita was made for, I can't wait to see what surprises a full blown PS4 version will bring.
I hope its a shared trophy list with the Vita version. I want to get rid of my Vita but a couple games are holding me back, this is one of them!
Yes, this is awesome! Looking forward to playing through the game again on the PS4 so long as it is indeed true! Hopefully we'll see more news soon!
I'm currently playing Gravity Rush, but think it's kind of a bummer to see another Vita exclusive that'll be available on the PS4. The Vita deserves it's strong exclusives!
But it is a wonderful title, so the trade-off is that it'll be nice that more people can experience it.
would be great if they also announced a sequel for PS4/Vita after this game drops on PS4 sometime this year.
No please no. Sequel Please.
It was so hamstrung by it's controls it turned me right off the experience, maybe getting back to it's spiritual home (before it shifted to handheld) will help.
And we lost another exclusive
This is great news, one less reason for me to get a Vita.
Now we just need Golden Abyss and Persona 4 Golden to be remastered.
@danny2kd Lmao it's still a Sony PlayStation game though. You're acting like Vita is a Nintendo or MS platform. "And we lost another exclusive".
@Dohv Yes, but the PS4 is also a different gaming platform. People that don't have a Vita have even less of a reason to get one if this game is being remastered. I'm not bothered by it, though. This is a game I wanted to see remastered on PS4 because it can reach a larger audience.
@Dohv my point I ment was that people have less reason to get a vita if it keeps losing exclusives
I'll buy it again and hopefully this means a sequel will be on the way for PS4 as well.
Not like people were buying the Vita before.
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