Okay, nobody panic, but we've got footage of one of Bloodborne's loading screens, and it ain't pretty. One of our very own users, TOMBOY25, managed to get his hands on the game early, and he's uploaded some direct gameplay footage to YouTube straight from his PlayStation 4.
Unfortunately, a good quarter of this video is the loading screen itself, which clocks in at over 40 seconds long after TOMBOY25's killed by one of the title's rather horrific enemies. If you're keen to avoid as many incredibly minor spoilers as possible before the game's imminent release, we'd recommend skipping to the 1:40 mark.
Now, it's perfectly possible that there's a day one patch in the works that dramatically lowers the load times, but we thought that this needed to be brought to attention. Bloodborne certainly isn't an easy experience, and if all of the load times are this long – which, reportedly, they are – we could be in for a very bumpy ride indeed.
Funnily enough, we've just written a feature on the seven deadly sins of game design, and frustratingly long load times featured as one of our main examples. But what do you make of this? Could you handle sitting through this every time that you kick the bucket? Stare in disbelief in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 85
Well, here's hoping for a day one patch!
it was actually that seven sins feature that made me tell you about this
and there was a 2.6gb patch already when i first put it in lol
@ShogunRok lol
The Remaster on the PS5 will load in only 20 seconds and that will be used to then justify the $39.99 price.
Yet another reason why I love pc gaming. Even the most demanding games load in about 5 Seconds on my SSD. Man it'd be nice if this game was coming to pc.
@rjejr Ohhh, you've been sitting on that one!
So, TOMBOY...is the game worth the money or not?
It's not stopping me from buying. Just because it MIGHT have long load times doesn't mean it's a bad game.
@JesWood13 That's true. Does the PS4 support SSDs? Or is it a CPU issue?
Anyone who played castlevania SOTN on PS1 will be relieved it only takes 40 seconds to get back into the game.
@Vincent294 Pretty sure it supports SSD. I have a 1TB HGST HDD in my PS4 that runs at 7200RPM. Some people say you can't notice a speed difference, but I definitely can. It's a lot smoother and load times don't seem long at all, even though it's not a SSD. Try it is all I can say. Since my drive has a bit more speed than the standard drives that come in PS4s, I probably won't really have as long of load times if the rumour is true. Surely there will be a patch not too long after launch to correct the load time issue should it be a problem for everyone else. I'm really not too worried by it, haha. It seems like people just love to complain and nothing but anymore.
@mitcHELLspawn you can put an SSD in the PS4 as well, and it supposedly decreases load times by quite a bit. I think your 5 seconds is a bit of an underexageration though, since I have a quad core i7 with a fast SSD and I have plenty of games that take 30+ seconds to load. An SSD is bad ass though, my OS cold boots in a few seconds!
@thedevilsjester nope it really isn't. I run 2 hyperx SSDs in RAID with my i7 4790k and dual gtx 980s in SLI and literally all my games loading screens are 5 ish seconds. I'm gonna say 10 at the very most for some.. but that being said my pc is extremely expensive and the ps4 is a 400 dollar machine so it's a fair tradeoff lol
I think the day one patch is also for adding enemies to this game. I was hoping for more enemies, now its mostly an empty world.
I've got out of the habit of buying games on release. Give any game 4 months or so and it will be a better game and a lot cheaper.
That why I love me some interwebz! These loading times are a real deal breaker for me; That's why I always end up playing my Nintendo systems way more than I planned when I bought em. So I'm gonna sit this one out till loading times are better, or when it's confirmed that this is a hoax.
And please don't tell us how hard it is to have a interconnected world like this loaded in etc etc... That's up to the designers to fix that they can't simply let us wait everytime we die.
Do you realize that on an average playthrough, we'll be staring at a loading screen for over 5 hours? Even a seasoned player will likely spend 30 minutes up to 1 hour watching loading screens, and most of us simply aren't.
This is your second warning to watch the language. I don't want to have to remind you again -Tasuki-
I am SHOCKED i.e about some Negative News about a PS Exclusive from Gaming sites Anyway 1 game The Order: 1886(that got LOADS of unnecessary Negative News by the so-called-Gaming press) load times are AMAZING. Really fast loading it has i was well impressed
@rjejr You seem to be delusional into thinking PS3 games can be played on PS4 and Sony is just charging you to do it. I'm sorry to tell you the weak a$$ PS4 is not capable of emulating PS3 games and I'm not even sure it could emulate PS2 games worth a crap. They have to spend money to remake their PS3 engine into a PS4 engine and if you didn't know the PS3 Cell is a piece of trash. PS4 is an example of what happens when you go with the weakest CPUs on the market while also going with the weakest brand of CPUs. If PS5 has the same PC tech it won't have to emulate the PS4 which means it could just play the games and they definitely wouldn't charge you to do it.
...I guess its a good thing I always have something around to fumble with while I wait on games to load. sigh
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi yeah its a great game if you're hyped for it i dont think you'll be dissapointed.
i'd even say the load times weren't an issue if it wasn't for the giant white BLOODBORNE you're forced to stare at it just really kills the immersion its like whenever you die the game shouts DID YOU REMEMBER YOUR JUST PLAYING A GAME, NO? HERE STARE AT THE NAME FOR A WHILE THEN they could've just done what DSII did whilst loading show info about items, the world, enemys ANYTHING would have been better than what it is.
@AFCC depends on how much you're paying really i'd happily pay £35 for it...........not the £50 i did pay for it, i actually put it on gumtree to see if i got any interest and be able to get my money back to buy it again later, my brothers phone went nuts with all the texts and within 45 minutes a guy happily came and bought it
just to be clear i only sold the game as i have never and will never pay £50 for a game no matter how good it is.
I'm not very surprised, gamers were quick to forget all the problems that shipped with Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Remember Blighttown?
Luckily it isnt a dealbreaker for me, but I'm not planning to pick this up Day1 either. The camera still looks like a problem though.
I really didnt think they were going to keep the way he holds that big ol' straight razor like that, all the way at the bottom of its handle. It looks so weird when being swung.
@TOMBOY25 Hmm...here in Portugal it's 60-70 euros...Don't really think I will buy it now :/
If you came here and said "OMG THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER" I would be tempted xD
Hmmm. This is not good. For a game that clearly revels in punishing the player, it really should be more respectful of your time. I could see this actually being a big problem, no matter how good the game is.
Are you suggesting a PS4 exclusive this year may not live up to the hype? I'm Definitely keeping expectations low and waiting for reviews to pour in.
Also, personal thing - I can't stand when games are primarily greyscale/dark palletes. You can use colour and still have atmosphere IMO. But, The Handsome Collection is coming out next week, so I'm hoping that satisfies me (I never played either game)
It would be awesome if just ONE of these PS4 exclusives could go smoothly. 40 second load times for a game that revels in kicking the player's a$$? Absolutely unacceptable, especially for this game that is the only big exclusive coming to the console the rest of the year. Sony needs to shape the hell up. This early part of the year with MS having nothing was a huge opportunity and it seems like it will be completely wasted.
@mega-gazz I really can't stand it either. It just feels like you're playing a black & white game with certain muddy colors showing every now and again.
@StaffyDog Couldn't agree more. It's easy to get caught up in the hype surrounding new releases but you're paying for that hype. It's better to wait it out, get it cheaper, get it after they've fixed the major issues, etc. if it's a good game it'll still be good in a few months. If not then you saved even more by dodging a bullet.
I don't see how dying a lot will be fun lol
cough Sonic06 cough
@BertToFlyingFox exactly. Always feels like a cop-out to me in terms of artistic direction.
I'll believe it when I witness it first hand. I'm still looking forwards to playing this game. It always seems like when a game gets that bit of hype, there is always something to try and drag it down. Now I don't know anyone here, but I find this pretty hard to believe that all of a sudden after previous hands on footage and stuff that now there is this 40 second loading time.
@Gamer83 Every game has it's problems mate just apparently with Sony everyone expects perfection. As for Sony lineup this year, we don't know what their plans for the rest of the year yet. That should be a reason to be excited but everyone wants everything yesterday. Glad I'm not a game developer.
@JesWood13 agreed complain complain complain that's all the reason this generation so far come if they remember to look at the bright side I'm sure they'd be noticing the fun there actually having!
Well, I guess From found another way of punishing players. Or maybe it is a 'Angry? Count to ten. No, you are super angry, count to 40 instead'.
I really hope they fix it ASAP.
Isn't there a day one patch for Chalice Dungeons anyways? Maybe there's a fix in there too.. Although this won't bug me TOO much..
Ah another PS4 exclusive more overreacting. There will be a day 1 patch.
@Carl-G It's just funny really. With every PS4 exclusive there's always something that people got to overreact too. Bloodborne will be an amazing game of course and people will still downplay it. They act like there isn't a day 1 patch to fix this.
I think this was done on purpose so you can go to your happy place and not break the innocent little controller.
@Scotch lol sure thing pal, just for you.
@Scotch farewell then
All this commotion over forty seconds. Hasn't GTA Online taught you lot anything?
40 seconds loading time is hardly the thing that makes BloodBorne a bad game. It'll get patched, provided reviewers don't getting hung on that.
lol I would have restarted the game thinking it locked up! Not Good But wait a second other factors could have played a roll in the time. being you cant see anything but the recorded video. People love to post fake crap to get hits. I have it pre-ordered and one video wont change my mind. Still looks like a great game. Patches repair stuff no worries here..
@Scotch you are such a pleasant individual, and your use of the English language is without equal. Another way to phrase the tone of disgust in your wording, would be, for example, you make a fair point (enter persons name) but this is a playstation centric site so without sounding rude can we talk about the issue on playstation. I feel sorry for you scotch and there are groups out there to help with your problems. Unfortunately This site is not one of them.
@AyeHaley That just sounds incredibly rude, haha.
@Dohv "With every PS4 exclusive there's always something that people got to overreact too" - a game where you die a lot and there are such long loading times isn't an overreaction though. You are chose to make it an overreaction. It's a problem regardless of console. Say you get stuck on a certain spot and it takes you ten-twenty times to overcome it, that's over ten minutes of sat twiddling your thumbs. I'm sure you'll be happy though, that's ten minutes extra for you to make out everyone in the world is against Sony and no other company is ever given negative press. Everyone raves about Nintendo's constant clangers and we all loved Microsoft's DRM restriction ideas didn't we? I still remember all the glorious pro-Microsoft press that got...
Some need to take a good look at themselves if they read this article and immediately think everyone's perception is that the game will suck. No one is saying that (well, maybe some have the opinion).
This is criticism of something that really shouldnt be happening on a PS4 system, especially with an exclusive.
The article itself already said there could be a day1 patch.
@rastamadeus Yeah be because Microsoft's appalling DRM tactics is comparable to a load time on a game.
I'm guessing the moderators are either all sleeping or sobbing in England's 6Nations loss.
Bans have been administered.
From this point on, you'll just get a straight ban if anyone steps out of line in this comments section. This will be the only warning.
Now, let's keep it friendly.
Dang. That's a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
Good god what have i done O_O
and this is a problem because.....jeez i get the mess with AC: unity and far cry 4 those games was damn near unplayable but a 40 sec reload really that's the issue here. come to me when the game freezes after every death otherwise stand aside.
@dolless honestly if the game has you dying as much as dark souls I definitely understand it could be a pretty bad problem. I can't picture me having much patience for a 40 second load time that often.
Definitely still buying it to find out if I can tolerate it.. because I mean if the game is good enough then that won't stop me from playing through but if the game is just decent then yeah it could definitely be a deal beaker.. for me at least.
@TOMBOY25 hey man so have you played quite a bit yet? Are all the load times that long when you die or just certain times and also is the game awesome ?
Why am I always at work when these creeps come around?
OK guys I went ahead and clean up the comment section. Please do me a favor next time someone like this shows up please don't trade insults with them, just report and move on. To be honest a few of you are lucky I wasn't around when this was happening cause more of you would have been joining him.
Just because you have been here for awhile and we know you doesn't mean it's OK to insult trolls, spammed etc. If you insult them in a way that goes against the community rules you are just as wrong as they are and will receive the same type of punishment as they do.
Now let's get back to the article at hand.
@Tasuki I sincerely hope you're not talking about me. I didn't insult him just laughed at the fact that he was so pathetic.
Lol you talk as if you're on some sort of power trip. Grow up youre a moderator on a comment section. I didn't do a damn thing wrong and I reported his comments. I defended myself without breaking any TOS.
And if you're not talking about me then I apologize but it sure seems as if it's the case.
When "THE" Perfect Game is released. Great Story. Long Gameplay. Great Replayability. Perfectly smooth online and multiplayer. Great price. Zero loading times... Etc... Etc...
The complaints will be... How can Sony ( or any other company for that matter)... How can they release THE perfect game. Leaving the trolls or detractors from anything to complain about!?! No ammunition to create negative comments about. It is now expected to have something to complain about. Game companies should charge for it.
Ahh, modern gamers. Imagine what the internet would have had to say about datasettes or a good ol' 1541.
Only big exclusive this time of the year? Long loading times? Stop complaining and go play Helldivers. One of the very best games I ever played.
@FATHASUN I like you.
We do know enough about the rest of the year that right now it's fair to say it's not exciting. If they have a surprise for E3 that does actually change everything, great, but I'm not expecting it so I'm they bring over some of the Japanese games they have that are good. We are getting Dragon Quest Heroes but that alone isn't enough to make the lineup stand out.
In regards to Bloodborne, it would've helped if Killzone, DriveClub, LBP 3 and The Order, basically all the big exclusives except inFamous: Second Son, had turned out to be great games. That's not the case unfortunately and with The Order being a recent disappointment and the announcement that the one game we all knew was going to be good has been pushed into 2016 it puts extra pressure on this one. Every game has its problems, no argument, but the great ones have minor problems easy to overlook. It's not 1996 anymore and 40 second load times isn't a minor issue in a game that prides itself on making the player have to retry segments a lot. I don't think it's a flaw that ruins things on the whole but it is something that will bother some people and rightly so.
Yeah, I mean, losing a lot in itself doesn't sound fun. The fun comes from having your skills tested though. How many games today hold your hand, sometimes 80% of the way through? Too many. And some games eventhough they're not telling you what to do are just stupidly easy. So, I think it's a plus that the Souls games, and I'd assume Bloodborne, push the gamer to improve their skills. As long as you're not losing the cheap way, nothing wrong with brutal difficulty.
Pretty much this. I think it will be pretty hard for this game to suck, because going on track record it doesn't seem From Software is very capable of making a game that sucks. It is something that could severely hurt what many are hoping is the first must-have PS4 game. We'll see. Reviewers did give Battlefield 4 a pass for broken garbage and the same could be said of The Master Chief Collection. So if everything else about the game is awesome except the time spent looking at the loading screen, hopefully reviews reflect that.
@mitcHELLspawn You can install an SSD on your PS4.
@Gamer83 True
@Agrim if you don't realize that wouldn't solve the problem I don't feel like explaining. It may shave off a few seconds though.
@Agrim all I can do is wait til Tuesday and play the game for myself and see if the loading times will be a big issue for me or not. Loading times definitely aren't enough to keep me away from a game like bloodborne but if the game ends up not being amazing, it could stop me from beating it for sure.
Talk about click-bait, 99% of these pre release rumors end up getting busted the day it comes out. Why havent i heard other people talking about this? Its not like youre the only one who got an early copy. With the order EVERYONE was talking about the length.
@namresaw33 Yeah, it's real dumb and annoying. I'm so tired of people complaining about games.
i am by no means bad at video games and my reflexes are pretty darn good i think (SF is a game all about reflexes, im a B rank makoto) despite this i had to give up pretty early into demons souls due to the difficulty. it just wasnt fun repeating the same level over and over again just to die in the end AGAIN. because of this i never bothered with dark souls 1 or 2 though i REEEEEAAAALLLY wanted to. having said that when it comes to bloodborne i really wish they would at least have a SUPER EASY "BABY' difficulty so some of us could actually play and enjoy the game and maybe ever BEAT IT, god forbid. the developers wouldnt want that now though would they. it looks amazing so far but im so hesitant that i may never end up playing it.
Bloodborne is an upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive and like most games, it also has a day 1 patch. In the case of Bloodborne, this day 1 patch seems to bring some improvements to the game performance and also adds online functionality to the game.
This is patch number 1.01 and the full list of changes in this patch can be read below. If you were wondering about its size, this patch will be about 3 GB in size.
Version 1.01
@douglas95ab Thanks for the information, but this patch is already out. The video from the article was captured after the patch was installed.
Funny thing is that no where on the internet this extreme long loading time is mentioned... Not trying to defend sony... Welp back to helldivers
No problem! I just thought to post it in case people were not aware that a Day One Patch is/was going to be made available. The game has been released early in some places but not everywhere as of yet. Some of us are eagerly and patiently waiting for March 24 to arrive already.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a 40 second loadscreen.
@Sanquine Yeah, but... it's not like we've forged the video. We're just pointing out that we've had reports, and video evidence, of the load times being rather long. Whether or not it's being said elsewhere about a game which isn't out yet doesn't matter.
And I can't believe anyone can seriously say that a 40 second load screen is a-okay. You're going to die a lot in Bloodborne, and if you have to wait 40 seconds every time that you do, it's going to get old really fast. According to our reports, this isn't a one-time thing. This happens every single time that you die. Big white screen with BLOODBORNE slapped over it. For 40 seconds. As you sit there holding the controller and staring into space.
@ShogunRok im not saying the vid is fake, but i just feel like we wouldve heard more. Because the 40 sec wait is a damning accusation. And im sure more players would be outraged enough to say something about it. But of all the people who got the game early(which there are several) this has been the only time ive heard it. Again im not saying youre lying, it just seems hard to believe all copies are like this
@ShogunRok. For real? 40 seconds.. I was used to it with oblivion but an exclusive.. Will wait for patch
@namresaw33 That's fair enough - I'd always say make your own mind up about a game before buying it anyway. I just thought that this should be brought to attention, and it has been mentioned by other sources over the last couple of weeks too.
Anyway. I'm sure it'll be a great game regardless, and if the load times are this long for everybody, it'll more than likely get patched, which is what I'm hoping for!
@ShogunRok Yeah I bet a patch will be imminent regardless if it happens to everyone. That load screen needs to be fixed though, im with you on that one
yeah I would skip the game
nobody got time for that
@mitcHELLspawn The PS4 supports SSD. It's just a matter of did you buy one or not.
@Stealth_sneak yup I'm well aware dude but unfortunately that isn't the only factor. Even with an SSD it won't load as fast as pc. Also my SSDs run RAID on my pc which makes them even faster. But yeah the cpu also factors in.
That being said an ssd should definitely shave a few seconds off on the ps4.
If true this will definitely cause review scores to be lowered . If the rest of the game is brilliant it probably won't affect them too much but that is a big issue for what is reportedly a harder game than the Souls series.
Still, guess we'll have to wait and see won't we.
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