PSN Offline Down PlayStation Network

Whether it can be helped or not, Sony needs to realise that it can’t have consumers spewing bile about the PlayStation Network every other day. While the online service is nowhere near as poor as some people would have you believe, it has been distinctly unstable for a month or so now – and that’s evidenced by another outage today.

Fortunately, this one doesn’t appear to be as widely spread as previous episodes, with European consumers seemingly mostly affected. The platform holder has got maintenance planned, but that’s not scheduled to start until Monday. There’s some speculation that all of this is connected to the upcoming PlayStation 4 firmware update 2.0, which will hopefully steady things down.

Either way, the manufacturer needs to do everything that it can to minimise these issues. While we understand that it’s not quite as straightforward as it may seem to manage a global network such as this, there comes a point where the bad publicity surrounding these outages will begin to affect its brand’s current momentum. And that’s not a good thing.

Update: Everything's back up and running now. Hardly a vintage outage, but still not a good look on a weekend. Let’s hope that Sony can keep things more stable from now on.