"We've got ten more hours of this, kid"

The Last of Us will feature Naughty Dog’s longest single-player campaign on PlayStation 3 to date, with the developer shooting for an adventure approximately 12 to 16 hours in length. Community strategist Arne Meyer revealed the tantalising tidbit in an interview with EvolveEnt, which you can watch in full through here.

“We’re definitely looking at more than 12 hours, maybe 12 to 16 right now is what we’re looking at,” he said. “It really depends on how you play. You can play a little bit slower if you try to approach situations stealthy, if you really want to explore the environment and scavenge, that’s going to add more time too.”

Seeing as the title’s recent two minute 'Clickers' trailer scared our socks off, we’re not sure how we’re going to cope with up to 16 hours of unadulterated terror. Still, we reckon that the ride will be more than worth the sleepless nights.

[source youtube.com, via uk.ign.com]