What are all the Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West? Which Outfit should you use, and where do you get them? In Horizon Forbidden West, there are dozens of Outfits for Aloy that give her unique resistances and perks. As part of our Horizon Forbidden West guide, we're going to show them all to you and explain their strengths and weaknesses. This includes all the outfits in the main game as well as those introduced in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores.
Horizon Forbidden West: All Outfits, Armour, and Best Outfits to Use
Below, we're going to show you every outfit you can find in Horizon Forbidden West. We'll be explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each outfit, giving you a look at their stats and telling you what they're best suited for. We have sorted the below list by rarity and then by name.
These sets of clothes and armour give Aloy various boosts to her resistances, as well as augment her abilities in specific ways when fully upgraded. Upgrades cost Metal Shards and various machine components. To get the right materials, you will need to go out and hunt Machines. When you have the right resources, each outfit can be upgraded several times at a Workbench.
Most outfits in the game come with a headpiece of some kind. To learn how you can hide this headgear, see our guide: Horizon Forbidden West: How Do You Remove Headpieces?
Can You Swap the Appearance of Outfits?
Yes, you can swap the appearance of outfits, or transmog them, in Horizon Forbidden West. If you like the stats of one outfit but prefer the visual style of another, you can mix and match. You can have the stats of one outfit with the aesthetics of a totally separate outfit. To learn more about this, see our guide: Horizon Forbidden West: How to Transmog Outfits and Change Armor Appearance.
Uncommon Outfits
Despite the name, Uncommon Outfits are the lowest level Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West. These Outfits are perfectly suitable for the first few hours in the game.
Uncommon Outfits can be upgraded up to 3 times at Workbenches.
Carja Blazon

Description: Worn by members of the Hunters Lodge, this showy garb is especially useful when it comes to laying traps for the unwary.
Class: Trapper
Where to Find It: Found inside a chest at Rebel Camp: Eastern Lie
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Carja Blazon outfit is a Trapper class outfit, making it most suited to players who like to lay down traps, such as using a Tripcaster. It allows you to lay down more traps at a time, and it comes with a Weave that lets you set traps more quickly. Quite a specialist armour, then, but will definitely come in handy for Hunters Lodge challenges.
Nora Anointed

Description: Well-worn armor made with repurposed technology from an ancient lab. After losing its power source, it was modified to augment ranged combat.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Unlocked by default.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Nora Anointed outfit is the armour you start the game with, and as expected, is a good all-rounder. It's perfectly usable in the early hours as you'll run into Bristlebacks, who will use Acid attacks against you, and this outfit has good protection against that. It also gives your ranged attacks an edge, granting Aloy more concentration (slow-motion while aiming) and gaining more health from healing items. Perfect for beginners, then, but it's quickly bettered by other outfits.
Nora Champion

Description: With a blend of Nora fabric and ancient technology, this armor favors stealth and ranged combat.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing the Side Quest, The Bristlebacks.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Nora Champion outfit is another solid all-rounder that skews slightly towards a stealthy playstyle. It offers decent protection against melee damage, so it's useful against human opponents, and it has a nice bonus to firing arrows while in stealth.
Nora Huntress

Description: The iconic outfit of a notable former outcast, tailor-made for stealthy hunting.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitchers in Chainscrape and Barren Light. Requires 85 Metal Shards and 1 Scrounger Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit is actually Aloy's original clothing from Horizon Zero Dawn. In Horizon Forbidden West, the armour is repurposed as a stealthy outfit, buffing your sneaky abilities by reducing your visibility to enemies and granting you a heal when you perform Silent Strikes. While it's resistant to Impact (ranged) damage, it has very few strengths against elemental attacks. Use this outfit if you plan on taking down enemies quietly.
Oseram Explorer

Description: A traveler's attire, crafted for melee combat. No matter where the road leads, an Oseram explorer is always ready to brawl.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitchers in Chainscrape and Barren Light. Requires 85 Metal Shards and 1 Burrower Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Oseram Explorer armour is focused on melee combat and little else. It protects you against incoming melee attacks while also enhancing Aloy's own melee abilities — Critical Strikes and Power Attacks will deal more damage. The trade-off is that this outfit has almost no resistances to elemental attacks. As a result, this outfit is best suited to those who want to use the spear against enemies, particularly human foes.
Rare Outfits
Rare Outfits are a step above Uncommon Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West. These Outfits will come into play a little later when you've leveled up a bit and are facing some larger, more dangerous machines.
Rare Outfits can be upgraded up to four times at Workbenches.
Carja Shadow

Description: Adapted from the armor of Shadow Carja Kestrels, this outfit emphasizes endurance and survivability.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Plainsong and Scalding Spear. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Longleg Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Carja Shadow outfit is all about keeping your health bar nice and, well, healthy. It doesn't have masses of resistance stats, but it makes up for that by keeping you alive with stronger healing berries and more of them.
Carja Wanderer

Description: The finely-crafted attire of a seasoned explorer and trapper.
Class: Trapper
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Scalding Spear and The Bulwark. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Sunwing Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A fairly well balanced outfit, the Carja Wanderer armor is ideal for players laying down traps for machines. The weakness to Purgewater means you'll have to pick your battles, but at least you'll regain health more quickly.
Nora Sentinel

Description: The garb of an accomplished Nora sharpshooter, worn by those who fought in the Red Raids.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Barren Light. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Skydrifter Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is a great early game outfit that somewhat supersedes the Nora Anointed default armour, although it doesn't offer the boost from health items. It has far better resistances overall, but you will need to be careful when dealing with machines using Acid attacks.
Oseram Arrow Breaker

Description: Studded leather armor designed for trapping and melee combat. Sturdy enough for a difficult delve.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in The Bulwark. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Widemaw Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit seems ideal for going up against humans with its melee-boosting skills, but it also has a very high defence against Plasma, so it'll be useful against certain machines too.
Oseram Wayfarer

Description: The lightweight garments of an Oseram survivalist. While extremely flexible, it still supports the Oseram's penchant for fighting up close and personal.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Plainsong. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Widemaw Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: As a Warrior class outfit, this is ideal for players who like to use the spear as their primary weapon. With a buff to melee attacks and providing better health potions, it certainly plays nicely into that archetype. You'll need to watch out for any incoming Shock attacks, however.
Tenakth Marshal

Description: A Marshal must be adept at survival in the wilds, as well as turning the weapons of machines against them. This armor helps with both.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Found in a Chest nearby the Arena, next to The Memorial Grove. You'll first be able to find it during the Main Mission, The Kulrut. Here is its location:
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: With the skills this outfit provides, it seems ideal for stripping heavy weapons from large machines and then using them against enemies. This is a decent tactic, although it's offset by a lack of strong defences against elemental damage.
Utaru Harvester

Description: Utaru harvesters reap more than mere crops. This traditional woven outfit bolsters ranged combat while in stealth.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Plainsong, Scalding Spear, and The Bulwark. Requires 399 Metal Shards and 1 Shell-Walker Circulator to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: If you fancy sticking to the tall grass and picking enemies off, Utaru Harvester is a solid option. As long as you can avoid Shock damage, you should stay out of harm's way pretty handily with this, and the Weapon Stamina boost is a nice bonus.
Utaru Whisperer

Description: Artisanal attire woven for quiet kills, improving Silent Strike.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Acquired during the Main Quest, The Dying Lands. The Utaru Whisperer outfit is found inside this chest:

Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Here's another great outfit for those that prefer the sneaky approach. With this equipped, your Silent Strikes have some nice additional benefits. It's no good if you're up against enemies using Acid attacks, but if you stay in stealth, you'll be laughing.
Very Rare Outfits
Very Rare Outfits are a cut above Rare Outfits, and will see you through to the latter stages of the game. Very Rare Outfits can be upgraded up to five times at Workbenches.
Carja Behemoth Trapper

Description: Plated armor for the elite trapper. Crafted from Behemoth components, it offers enhancements for trap deployment and deconstruction.
Class: Trapper
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Rollerback Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: One of the game's best outfits for those who like to utitlise traps against machines. Fully upgraded, it's resistant to most elements and the additional skills will turn you into a trapping expert.
Carja Trader

Description: Sophisticated apparel for highbrow trappers who seek to maximize profits from their quarry.
Class: Trapper
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Legacy's Landfall. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Sunwing Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Another great outfit for fans of traps, this one puts more of an emphasis on resource recovery.
Nora Tracker

Description: Quilted from soft hide, this garment allows for stealthy movement and improved Silent Strikes.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Dreadwing Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A super sneaky outfit for situations that call for stealth. With the skills it brings to the table, those elemental weaknesses shouldn't be a problem.
Nora Valiant

Description: The garb of a valiant warrior, useful for gaining the upper hand in ranged encounters.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Sold by the Hunter in Lowland's Path and the Stitcher in Legacy's Landfall. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Clamberjaw Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This will likely become a favourite with its strong resistances to physical damage and extra Concentration gains. A great all-rounder outfit for the late game.
Oseram Forester

Description: A highly versatile outfit tailored for the battlefield specialist. Sometimes even an Oseram needs to stay one step ahead of her foes.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Located inside a chest within The Spinebreak. You'll find it during the Side Quest, Breaking Even. Make your way through this area from the west side. You will eventually come to an open area where you must fight a Rockbreaker. Once done, find the chest in the following position:
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit does put a slight emphasis on melee combat, but the Weapon Stamina perks mean it's pretty useful whatever weapons you're using. A solid outfit you can wear for most fights — just watch out for its weaknesses against Frost and Shock.
Oseram Striker

Description: Insulated Oseram freebooter armor, augmented to improve the Resonator Blast melee technique.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Hunter in the small encampment just west of The Base and by the Hunter in Fall's Edge. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Rollerback Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit is all about melee. It has some super strong resistances, but more importantly, it seriously beefs up Aloy's ability to use Resonator Blasts, which are one of her strongest melee moves.
Oseram Vanguard

Description: Armor made for Sun-King Avad's personal guard. Ring-locked Vanguard steel is renowned for its durability and strength in melee combat.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Legacy's Landfall. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Snapmaw Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Oseram Vanguard has some great resistances and emphasises keeping Aloy's health bar healthy. Dealing more damage when low on HP, gaining valor when hit, and a boost to health potions make this a risky but strong outfit.
Sobeck's Raiment

Description: A Quen ceremonial raiment made to honor the Ancestor Elisabet Sobeck, so-called "Assistant" to Ted Faro.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Obtained during the Main Quest, Faro's Tomb.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This unusual outfit may not have the best resistances, but its skills make it a very useful armor nonetheless. It provides handy boosts for using Weapon Techniques, Valor Surges, and machine overrides, making it a pretty versatile outfit.
Tenakth Dragoon

Description: Ceremonial Lowland armor, augmented to improve mounted combat.
Class: Machine Master
Where to Find It: Sold by the Hunter in Fall's Edge and the Stitcher in Legacy's Landfall. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Stalker Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit goes hard on overriding machines and engaging in combat while mounted. It's quite a niche style but there can be great benefits to riding machines, using them to tank hits.
Tenakth High Marshal

Description: A gift from Chief Hekarro. Such armor is only worn by those he trusts completely to keep the peace.
Class: Mixed Gear
Where to Find It: Obtained upon completion of the Main Quest, The Wings of the Ten.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A great outfit with some very strong resistances, this one puts melee combat in the focus, although the mounted archer perk gives you an upper hand while riding a machine, too.
Tenakth Marauder

Description: Fearsome armor for those who know how to contain their own agony and then inflict it on enemies.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Frostclaw Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Another glass cannon style outfit, this one rewards fearless players with increased damage while on the brink of death while beefing up Aloy's melee attacks.
Tenakth Reaver

Description: The garb of a reaver, who thrives when injured, channeling their pain into battle rage and bloodlust.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Rewarded for completing the Side Quest, The Blood Choke.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A reasonably well balanced outfit that encourages risky play, rewarding you for having low health. Not a bad option for those who like to get stuck in and engage in dangerous close-quarters fights.
Tenakth Recon

Description: This light armor is ideal for scouting herds and overriding machines.
Class: Machine Master
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Behemoth Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A unique outfit that goes hard on overriding machines. One perk makes it easier to sneak up on machines, and the others seriously crank up their effectiveness when overridden. A great outfit if you want the machines battling for you.
Tenakth Skirmisher

Description: The garb of a battle-tested archer, accustomed to channeling rage and pain into deadly precision.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Scalding Spear. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Sunwing Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit is one of high risk, high reward. You'll benefit from being in a low health state, essentially meaning you'll be more powerful the lower your health is. Best to avoid enemies using Frost or Acid attacks, but this is otherwise a very strong outfit.
Tenakth Sky Climber

Description: The reassembled armor of the first Tenakth to take flight, granting increased concentration and consumable potency.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing the Errand Quest, First to Fly.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is a really nicely rounded outfit, save for its weaknesses to one or two elements. The Concentration boost is super handy for ranged combat, and the boost to healing is always welcome.
Tenakth Vindicator

Description: Plated Desert Clan armor, traditionally worn by high-ranking raiders. Augmented to exploit elemental effects.
Class: Mixed Gear
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing the Side Quest, The Deluge.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A strong outfit with an emphasis on gaining Weapon Stamin and valor, letting you more often take advantage of Weapon Techniques and Valor Surges respectively. It's an outfit that could feasibly be used with most playstyles, although you will need to be careful around machines using Acid or Plasma attacks.
Utaru Gravesinger

Description: A Gravesinger may soothe fallen comrades, but they bring enemies no solace. This flexible outfit is well suited for mobility and archery.
Class: Mixed Gear
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Legacy's Landfall. Costs 945 Metal Shards, 1 Dreadwing Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is an excellent all-round outfit that's useful in most situations. Aside from a couple of elemental weaknesses, this is a great outfit you can wear for the remainder of the game.
Utaru Hardweave

Description: This armor employs a resin-coated weave for extra protection, with augmentations for stealth and ranged combat.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Hunter in Lowland's Path and the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Stalker Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: A very strong defensive outfit, the Utaru Hardweave is ideal for more cautious players. It's resistant to most elements, but has fewer skills as a trade off. If you prefer playing stealthily, this is one of your better options.
Utaru Protector

Description: Using resin-coated hardweave, this armor is designed for survivability in the wilds.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing the Side Quest, Forbidden Legacy. Complete this Side Quest, and then, after some time has passed, Alva will return to Legacy's Landfall. When you talk to her, she will give you this outfit.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is a relatively strong outfit in terms of resistances but it really comes into its own with those low health skills. If you play risky and are always at low health, or if you find yourself struggling to survive, this is a great option.
Utaru Ritesinger

Description: Ritesingers must master combat as well as ritual. This ensemble augments stealth, ranged combat, and survivability.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Ravager Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Utaru Ritesinger is classed as a Survivor outfit, which means it emphasises keeping you alive. The unique Second Chance skill means you have a chance to survive a killing hit, and your ranged combat will be deadlier while in stealth. A decent outfit that fits more than one situation.
Utaru Thresher

Description: The hardened armor of Utaru machine hunters. Made for durability and mobility, it is ideal for use with heavy weapons.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Scalding Spear. Requires 945 Metal Shards, 1 Sunwing Circulator, and 1 Large Machine Core to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is a very well balanced outfit that will come into its own when fighting the game's biggest machines. The ability to move faster and deal more damage while wielding heavy weapons are great perks for fighting machines, and it has at least some resistance to most elemental attacks. Its only real weakness is Purgewater. That aside, this is probably one of the stronger outfits in Horizon Forbidden West.
Utaru Warden

Description: The Utaru protect their woodlands as zealously as their fields. Wardens must be adept at both stealth and surprise.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing the Side Quest, The Second Verse. You will need to talk to Zo after the mission is complete to receive the outfit.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit goes all-in on Silent Strikes, making it an ideal stealth costume. All those Silent Strike perks really power them up and the additional smoke bombs will put you back into stealth if you're discovered.
Legendary Outfits
Legendary Outfits are the top class of Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West, boasting the best resistances and perks in exchange for hard-to-get upgrade materials. Legendary Outfits can be upgraded up to five times at Workbenches.
Carja Stalker Elite

Description: The ultimate armor for the trapper's arts, fitted with reflective plating from a Stalker.
Class: Trapper
Where to Find It: Sold by Dukkah at The Maw of the Arena. Costs 54 Arena Medals to purchase. Earn Arena Medals by completing challenges in The Arena.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: An excellent outfit, fantastic for laying traps and catching enemies by surprise. Its perks not only help you when laying traps, but also help to keep you in stealth, making this a great sneaky outfit too.
Nora Thunder Warrior

Description: The ultimate ranged combat armor, as fearsome as the Thunderjaw that inspired it.
Class: Hunter
Where to Find It: Sold by Dukkah at The Maw of the Arena. Costs 54 Arena Medals to purchase. Earn Arena Medals by completing challenges in The Arena.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is one of the best outfits in the game, if not the best. Excellent resistances cover most of your bases, and the boosts to Concentration give you way more time to line up shots. As you spend most combat encounters at mid-range, this is ideal.
Oseram Artificer

Description: From scrap to supremacy... thanks to Keruf's Salvage Unlimited.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Rewarded after completing Keruf's Salvage Unlimited and all related Salvage Contracts.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: If you just like to smack things, this outfit is for you. With mostly great resistances (particularly against melee), this puts all emphasis on spear attacks and Resonator Blasts.
Tenakth Tactician

Description: The ultimate armor for controlling machines. Play the battlefield like a Machine Strike board.
Class: Machine Master
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 2,000 Metal Shards, 1 Thunderjaw Circultor, and 1 Apex Slitherfang Heart to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This outfit really is the ultimate outfit if you like to override machines and have them fight on your behalf. It has great resistances, but the skills mean you can really use machines in your own favour — an interesting alternative outfit.
Tenakth Vanquisher

Description: The ultimate reaver armor. The more you bleed, the more your enemies do.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Sold by Dukkah at The Maw of the Arena. Costs 54 Arena Medals to purchase. Earn Arena Medals by completing challenges in The Arena.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: If you find yourself constantly on the fringe of defeat, this outfit is as good as it gets. The low health skills will all give you a boost in key areas, and you'll earn valor quickly, letting you do Valor Surges more often. If you enjoy a risky strategy, get this outfit.
Utaru Winterweave

Description: The ultimate outfit for stealth mastery. Lethal as jagged ice, quiet as falling snow.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Thornmarsh. Costs 2,000 Metal Shards, 1 Tremortusk Circultor, and 1 Apex Dreadwing Heart to purchase.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: As you can tell, this is the best outfit in the game as far as stealth is concerned. All those skills build towards a very sneaky Aloy, while the resistances are pretty damn strong once you are spotted.
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores: All Outfits, Armor, and Best Outfits to Use
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores, the DLC expansion, brings with it a few new Outfits for Aloy to use. As with those found in the main game, these Outfits boost Aloy's resistances and give her passive skills, improving her stats and abilities. They can be upgraded five times each, which will require resources found from defeating machines and picking things up in the environment.
Below, we've outlined all the Outfits you can find in Burning Shores, with descriptions, stats, and more.
Legendary Outfits
Legendary Outfits are the top class of Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West, boasting the best resistances and perks in exchange for hard-to-get upgrade materials. Legendary Outfits can be upgraded up to five times at Workbenches.
Nora Lookout

Description: A scout's garb, suited for prolonged excursions into the wilds. Durable satchels allows its wearer to make the most of their provisions.
Class: Survivor
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Fleet's End. Costs 2,000 Metal Shards and 8 Brimshine to purchase.

Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: The Nora Lookout is pretty much the ultimate Outfit in terms of defence and healing power. Medicinal Berries and potions are more effective, your health regen kicks in sooner, and you're generally harder to kill. On top of that, it only has minor weaknesses to Frost and Plasma, which you can eliminate with some Weaves.
Quen Commander

Description: Heavy armor designed for Quen who strike with the full force of the Empire at their back, augmented to improve resonator strikes.
Class: Warrior
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Fleet's End. Costs 2,000 Metal Shards and 8 Brimshine to purchase.

Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This Outfit pairs very nicely with some of the new Skills introduced in Burning Shores, which focus on Resonator Blasts and buildup. If you like attacking with melee and find yourself applying Resonator energy to enemies a lot, this doubles down on that approach, and it can be a very potent way of dealing damage.
Quen Deadeye

Description: Armor tailored for stealth, affording its wearer time to find the perfect vantage for a deadly, precise shot.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Rewarded upon completion of the Side Quest, The Splinter Within.
Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: This is one of the best outfits in the game for those who like to play stealthily. If you prefer to stick to the tall grass and keep a low profile, this outfit's skills make you harder to detect, increase some types of damage while in stealth, and increase your Concentration, giving you far more time to line up those headshots.
Quen Marine

Description: This fitted armor is the mark of a marine, the cornerstone of the Quen naval forces. Strong, nimble, and, above all, reliable.
Class: Infiltrator
Where to Find It: Sold by the Stitcher in Fleet's End. Costs 2,000 Metal Shards and 8 Brimshine to purchase.

Stats (Fully Upgraded)
Resistances | Skills |
Summary: Much like the Nora Thunder Warrior outfit, the Quen Marine outfit focuses on Concentration and has exactly the same resistances, making it an easy swap. The only thing separating this armor from Nora Thunder Warrior are a couple of Skills — it depends if you'd rather have a boost to heavy weapons or Valor Surges.
That's our guide on all the Outfits in Horizon Forbidden West. Which Outfit is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below, and check out our huge Horizon Forbidden West guide for lots more help and information on the game.
Comments 1
Thank you so much for this! I want to add, it must have been in one of the updates, but the Tenakth Marshal armor is now Very Rare, I’m guessing others may have changed as well.
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