Fallout 4 PlayStation 4 PS4

Much like a ghoul, Fallout 4 ain't exactly a looker. The game's debut trailer was exciting, no doubt about that – but we can probably safely assume that it's not going to be a graphical masterpiece. That's okay, though, because it'll likely be gigantic, crammed with hidden areas and secrets to find. And even though it doesn't appear to be packed with post-processing effects, Bethesda's global community lead has stated that the "stuff that we're doing will never work" on the PlayStation 3.

There was some speculation that the title would be cross-gen, but it was only revealed for the PlayStation 4 and other new-gen formats this week. Of course, it's no great surprise to see the studio skip the ageing hardware – it could barely get any of its older games running on Sony's last-gen system. If we assume that this new entry will be bigger in scope than its predecessors, then we could comfortably see it setting a PS3 on fire – after all, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim almost did the same.

[source neogaf.com, via vg247.com]