Call of Duty: Ghosts 1

Activision has released the first trailer for the impending Call of Duty: Ghosts. The sequel – now also confirmed for the PlayStation 4 – will run on a new engine, which has been designed to take advantage of the power of next generation hardware. As previously revealed, the title’s in development at Infinity Ward, the studio behind the Modern Warfare series.

The plot – penned by Traffic writer Stephen Gaghan – sees North America crippled, and its armed forces in disarray. You’ll play as the elite Ghosts team, the planet’s last hope – or something. New gameplay tweaks include the ability to lean around corners, slide into cover, and more. The multiplayer has also been overhauled, with dynamic maps that include flooding and destruction.

As expected, the game will boast timed exclusive DLC on the Xbox One – but this won’t be anything unusual to PlayStation fans. You can check out the first trailer, as well as a behind-the-scenes video in the space below. Oh, and the game features motion captured dogs, too.