Firm and fair

What's this? A PlayStation 4 firmware update and a PlayStation Network outage all in one night – we've missed out on some traffic today, haven't we? Seriously, though, Sony dropped firmware update v2.04 for its next-gen system overnight, which caused a slew of crippling problems. Many people were unable to download the patch immediately, receiving error message 'CE-32937-4' during the install process.

This then prompted the PSN to fall to its knees, causing the platform holder to comment on the issue. As far as we can tell, everything is back up and running smoothly again now – but we're sure that it'll only be a matter of time before it all inevitably collapses again. As for the firmware update, well, it's the usual round of "software stability". Sigh, all of this drama for so little reward. When are we getting some proper new features, Sony?