"That guy over there is camping"

There’s less than a month until The Last of Us stumbles onto store shelves, and while developer Naughty Dog has been quite forthcoming with the game’s single player campaign, it still hasn’t said anything about multiplayer. That’s set to change imminently, but while the developer is keeping a lid on the competitive extra for a little longer, it’s at least starting to tease what we can expect from the option come the PS3 exclusive's release on 14th June.

“Take all these things that we’ve been talking about: the pressure to survive, the high lethality, the limited resources, the crafting, [and] the upgrades,” lead game designer Ricky Cambier told the PlayStation Blog. “Now go head-to-head with somebody else. So, that spirit that we’ve captured in the single player, you’re really going to feel that in the multiplayer. And that’s really all I can say right now.”

As big fans of Uncharted's multiplayer, we’re really curious to see how this shapes up. Do you still feel that the online mode is unnecessary, or are you open to the idea of Naughty Dog experimenting with something new? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source blog.us.playstation.com, via neogaf.com]