
Topic: Life vs Work vs Gaming vs Internet

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Recently Ive been having the hardest time ever fitting gaming and pushsquare into my life. My Job goes crazy busy in the hunt for social links (customers) and sphere grid orbs (sales) and my spare time is eaten away by the goblins who live in my inn without paying gold (kids).

Are there any adults out there who own an outpost with potions to slow down time? (A solution)

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Let's be honest, the sad reality is that if you could slow down time, you'd just end up spending more time at work and still have an ever expanding video game backlog.

My advice — win the lottery.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”



Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


This is why I like handheld devices. I can squeeze valuable gaming time in during little moments of downtime that would otherwise be wasted, and I don't feel like I have to make a choice between playing games and spending time with my family when I'm home.

Now, most people will probably be satisfied with playing piddly mobile match-3 games, but I like real, meaty experiences, which is why the Switch, 3DS, and Vita are so attractive to me.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)

PSN: Ralizah


It sucks man. I've got a pretty busy job and a long commute on top, so I have to get my gaming in really early (5-7 am) as I'll be too tired after. This also one of the reasons why I play single player games and don't play online much.
After Uni I really thought I would have more time to myself, but so is life...

I've been watching this guy do a 24 hour stream on twitch and I really started flirting with the idea of just taking a day off and game for 24 hours straight, but no I've got to be a responsible adult.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


Man, this thread really just hits home. I work a full time job, I commute, I have two young children, a house that constantly needs work doing to it and a wife who I occasionally have to spend time with. I am lucky that I can check PushSquare at work but gaming is tough. I have been lucky this year as my youngest sleeping patterns gave me an hour or two an evening.

Gaming makes me forget my stresses and gives me something to work towards. I do feel a little guilt when playing as I could be doing a million and one other things but without it, I would go crazy. I mean, it has taken me three goes to write this post as I have had to stop to go quack quack quack with a duck for my youngest.

Sometimes games just have to take a backseat. I did my neck in a couple of weeks ago doing some diy and I haven't been able to sit in front the TV and do any gaming even though I have Hellblade downloaded and waiting.

Still, thems the breaks I guess.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


I work full time but live very close to work and don't have kids so the evenings and weekends are mine. Nothing's forever and my situation will no doubt change in the years to come but it is what it is for the moment. Like anything, if it's important to you'll find time to do it.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Time constraints is actually why I'm getting to where I enjoy the solid 8-10 hour game more than the huge sprawling 100 hour open world RPG that goes on forever. I feel like I'm making progress when I can "finish" a game and then move on.

I also have basically given up watching TV. If I have free time, it's pretty much spent gaming, reading, or on some real life social outlet.

I do also like the comment about portable gaming. It is a good solution to time constraints.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well, so is life. I work a night job from 5-12, takes me an hour to get home, and usually game in the daytime hours, which depend on how long I sleep. I'm usually up by 8, but there have been times where I slept the whole morning and only have maybe 1 or 2 hours to play. Right now it sucks, because I want to finish FF7, but I can only really play it on my days off.

I can pretty much check Push Square whenever I want, except at work, so that's not too bad, but I don't post as much as before since I take a lot of time typing out my post. Gotta make sure it looks good, after all. Welp, there goes 15 minutes.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@Th3solution I will win the lottery! Great idea.

@splat lol

@Ralizah even with handhelds it doesnt help. I drive to and from work and drive all the goblins to the mines of a weekday. However when rocking the smallest goblin to sleep you can play dont die mr robot with one hand on vita. So thats good i suppose.

@get2sammyb lol. At least you have an encyclopedic knowledge of whats going on and dont waste time on filth like coffin dodgers.......

@Tasuki right I need a borrow of your time making machine Taz.

@Fight_Teza_Fight Ive just put holidays in for a few days early December to game and have some time to myself. Your gaming pattern of 5am-7am is mad.

@Rudy_Manchego haha snap. Your situation is similar to mine. I hope your neck gets better.

@Comrade44 yo yo mate, yeah its usually 45 minutes before I leave for work Monday, Thursday and Friday and an hour or two in the evening Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Im on 7 times a week but only get 8 hours a week in currently.

@kyleforrester87 its travelling and kids that are the real killer. If I worked on my doorstep it would free up an hour a day at least. But kids omg. right now im watching Paw patrol.

@ZurapiiYohane Im lucky, I use a computer for admin but most of my job can be done away from my computer so headaches etc arent that much of an issue.

@DerMeister You do write very well, ive always wondered why. You take your time? I go for the Donald Trump approach and say whatevers in my head.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy Yeah I used to spend 2.5 hours on the tube before I moved closer. To be honest though I just spend an hour longer in bed now. When I was on the tube I'd be playing Final Fantasy's, Fez, Virtua Tennis, Bravely Default and more on my Vita and 3DS

And when I wasn't gaming I'd be reading a book, something I only really bother doing when I'm on a train. So yeah, kinda miss the commute in a lot of ways.

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@themcnoisy Yeah, it can take me 7 to 10 minutes to post because I want to make sure my thoughts are organised before I write it, and making sure my spelling and grammar is good. I didn't make high marks in English for nothing, after all!

On another note, I just realized I still haven't started MGSV even though I bought it a while back. Work sucks.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


Just give Doc a call and make some time!

I don't have the time to play games every day, but I guess I could squeeze a couple of hours in each day if I really wanted to. I can usually do a few hours a day during the weekends though. It also depends on what I'm playing. If it's something I'm really in to, then I make some time, if not, then I can live with a few hours here and there. I don't buy a lot of games anyway, at most one big game a month with maybe a smaller indie title.



The last year, getting time to play games has become a bit of an issue for me too. Now it's nowhere near as difficult as you guys with families or serious work commitments but since last summer I've had a long hours part time job in a pub which usually results in long nights (Irish rural pubs have no closing time!) plus I was in my final year of teaching practice which meant college assignments plus teaching in a school and lesson planning and all that. So basically the last year gave me a real taste of what the future will likely hold ( I didn't like it lol), it's so hard to plan for online sessions especially. Can't wait to have full weekends back for myself for gaming! I'm always a bit jealous when reading the WAYP articles comments if everyone's plans for a long gaming weekend 😜I miss having those days!


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


@themcnoisy Lol I wish I had a time machine. Seriously though I just budget my time that's all. I work an 8 hour job, 5 days a week, and have a teenage son. Sometimes I get some time when his mother has him but that's not too often, usually when she has him I am at work.

For the most part I juggle my free time sometimes I don't play games for awhile and catch up on tv shows other times I don't watch TV for awhile and catch up on games. I aside a few hours at night usually from 8 to midnight for myself cause a person just has to. As I said I might play games all that time, I might binge on a tv series. I might play games for half the time, then watch a couple shows. I might play a game with my son, or alone or with some friends online. Point is its my time.

As for the internet, I dont have a PC so all my Internet time is done on my phone, usually when I am at work on a break or just chillin somewhere, which is why I don't have set times as to when I am on Push Square. Like right now I am at my mom's repairing her PC which am waiting for Windows to download which gives me time to pop in here.

As for my son it's a bit easy for me as he's 17 now but I remember when he was younger which was during the Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 era. I didn't have much game time then which when I did it was World of Warcraft and that was really the only game I played. That's why I missed alot of games during that era. But then again at that time we only had the one tv so it was easier as well to game on a PC.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@themcnoisy Don't need much sleep. Whilst I game from 5-7am on workdays, I actually get up at around 3:30/4:00am and get some cardio in first . Been doing it for almost 4 years now, so my body has adjusted to it.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Hego I used to love doing bar work when I was a bit younger, I used to get home after work/a few drinks in a club and if i didn't get lucky I'd be up until 4-5am playing games like Shadow of the Colossus instead

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


It's not actually that bad for me. Yeah, there's too many games to fit into life. And yeah, every time I have to do something grown up like tidying up or eating it slows me down. But all in all I've got it really good.

My fiancee is a gamer, too, and we've got two televisions set up in our living room. We sit crossed on the sofa playing our video games at the same time. I've put an outrageous amount of time into Final Fantasy XIV recently - probably well over 100 hours in two weeks - and nary a word has been spoken about it because she's been building a massive castle on Minecraft or going for the platinum in Deadly Premonition. I do a ridiculous amount of gaming for someone with a full time job in a managerial role, but I'd imagine that will probably become harder as kids come on the scene.



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