
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Th3solution alright, you may wanna pardon me for my sudden tanget. But your FPS comment has made me ponder and realize a few things. One of them was the likelihood you have likely missed out on one of the worst and ugliest eras in gaming, the post-2007 era of FPS games.

Now the golden age of FPS is actually shocking easy to summarize, you have Doom, Half-Life, Quake, Unreal Tourney, Deus Ex, Wolfenstein, System Shock, Shadowman… I can go on. But you get the idea.

Now brace yourself for the funny part; those don’t really matter in the context of what I’m about to say. The golden age was, well, golden. The dark ages though? Well, let’s just say you have likely missed out on horrific demonization and infantilization of foreign cultures. When I was younger, I loved battlefield 3. Now that I’m more mature and sophisticated (so sophisticated in fact, my favorite ps2 platformer is ape escape 3), revisiting battlefield 3 and hearing the dialogue makes my skin crawl. This sadly extended to some non-FPS games like a few mid-2000s one splinter cell game, though forgot which one and frankly I’m not overly interested. It’s best to let some games buried.

From the sound of it you played the good ones doe. Might I recommend Serious Sam 4? Careful, it’s a very serious game!

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