
Topic: The Push Square Wrestling Thread.

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I'm a lifelong fan, and I always will be. I know every fan has freedom of speech just like I do, but I get pretty tired of the "smarks" of the IWC taking a dump on everything that doesn't go their way. If I was running the WWE, things would be a bit different than they are now. And I'm sure some things I would do would get crapped on as well. I think the WWE has always made some great decisions and bad decisions. Everyone praises the Attitude Era, and don't get me wrong, I loved it as well. That being said, there was plenty of absolute garbage at that time, but people choose to only remember the great stuff. That's what I don't get.

I'm not Roman Reigns' number one fan by any means, but I like the guy. I liked him when he was the destroyer of The Shield, and I've liked him since he's gone on his own. He isn't as polished as Ambrose or Rollins (who I personally think is the best in the WWE right now), but if people would quit whining about everything he does, they would see he's improved in the ring and on the mic recently. His mic work is and may not ever be great, but he's trying. And he's saying what Vince is giving him to say, so give the guy a little credit. I probably wouldn't have had him win the Royal Rumble and face Lesnar at Mania, but I'm not angry with it like so many others. I would've loved to see Ziggler win the Royal Rumble and be the champ for a year, but not all my decisions happen. And that's fine because it's not my show. I enjoy some parts, and other parts not so much. It's how it's always been in the WWE and how it always will be.

For those who will cancel their WWE Network subscription, they'll miss out on some really great matches like last night's triple threat World Title match. It was amazing!! And the WWE Network for $9.99 is an absolute steal whether I'm for all the WWE's decisions or not. So for those who want to cancel, go ahead. But it's a pretty close-minded decision, and you'll miss out on what the WWE does right. And believe it or not, they still do a few things right.

After reading several websites, I'm clearly in the minority after last night's Royal Rumble event. And that's fine because I've been in the minority a lot through the years. The WWE doesn't always put out the best product possible, but they still entertain me on a weekly basis. Call me a "company guy" if you want. I'm fine with that. I'm a loyal fan to the product, and I'm not going to quit watching because Daniel Bryan got eliminated earlier than I wanted or because Ziggler or Ambrose didn't win.

On a side note, all the Daniel Bryan fans make me laugh. I enjoy his work, and when he's on his game, there aren't many better. That being said, the WWE completely changed their plan for 2014 after fans crapped on the product when he wasn't in the Royal Rumble match. He won two matches at Mania, including winning the World Title. The WWE completely scrapped their plan and planned the next few months around him as champ. What happens? He gets hurt and puts them in a tough spot the rest of the year. Like I said, I love Daniel Bryan's work. But it's not so easy to throw the title his way again after watching him leave due to injury less than a month after giving him the ball to run with. Give the company a little credit in the process of wanting it "your way or the highway."

I'm sorry for the rant, but I've been wanting to post this somewhere. And I don't even want to go to any wrestling forums today, lol.





Man, you make some good points! We'll all just have to see how the story plays out over the next few months. I don't think it was a mistake to have Reigns win the rumble match, but it was a mistake the way they did it. Kane, Show, Reigns, and Bryan should have been the final 4. If the Authority eliminated Bryan, and then Reigns eliminated Kane and Show after that, I think it might have gone down better. But having Bryan go out so early, you could tell the crowd instantly went "f%$#, Reigns is going to win now." It took all the drama out of the rest of the evening.

Anyways man, great post. I've been a WWF/E fan since the age of 3. I've stuck with them through worse than this. I think their best bet is to turn Reigns heel now. The fans don't seem to want to stomach him as a face. Have him turn on the Rock tonight, saying "I don't need them (the fans) and I don't need you!!" Turning on the Rock will help put him over as a heel.

Just a thought. I'll still be tuning in regardless.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."


I definitely agree it was a mistake to have DB eliminated so early just because of his quality in the ring. He would've kept that crowd on fire the entire time. I understand the twist of having him surprisingly eliminated by Wyatt, but it could've been done much later.

From the sound of it, RAW and Smackdown will be postponed tonight and tomorrow because of the incoming blizzard. I've heard RAW will be held Thursday now, but who knows what will happen. It's definitely a disastrous time to be canceling RAW after last night's debacle, but Mother Nature really doesn't care.

If they stick with Lesnar/Reigns for Mania, it will be pretty easy to keep Reigns a heel. The crowd has started to get behind Lesnar more and more, so that will be an easy transition. Having Reigns turn on The Rock (and possibly even join The Authority) would be pretty awesome. That's a great idea actually. I think Rollins will end up being a top good guy for years to come, so they could even replace Rollins with Reigns. It would make for an interesting story moving forward, and there are plenty of options. But turning him heel has to happen now. There's no way the crowd will be behind Reigns moving forward.




Hell yeah, man. Rollins killed it last night I thought.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."



I'm not sure I entirely agree with you. As the only real company around WWE can make some stupid decisions but if what it's doing starts leading to major proft losses and has the company close to going the way of WCW and ECW, I think changes would be made. Of course by that time it could be too late.

I did contribute to ratings tonight by the way. Watching the triple threat match right now because my friend told me they were replaying it and all the articles I read about it last night claimed it was an early match of the year candidate. And so far, I have to say it was a great match. Too bad it won't get the credit it deserves right now because of how the Rumble ended but it seems like one of those matches you don't forget so people will talk about it as the year goes on.

Rollins has become a tremendous worker. If he gets the title, I may start tuning in again more often just to watch him.

I actually agree with you somewhat. I get the frustration with WWE because I don't think they always make the right decisions at the right time, but the main reason I've stopped tuning in is simply because the product just doesn't entertain me anymore like it used to. Certainly if it still entertains others, by all means I hope they keep watching and enjoying. And I said it last night when I was reading stuff on Twitter like 'Worst Rumble ever.' People are all over Daniel Bryan's jock it's ridiculous. The guy had his shot last year and it didn't go well. Not all his fault but it didn't go well. WWE wants to try something different but unlike crowds back in the day, today's miserable bunch isn't willing to give anything a chance. And what's funny is not too long ago people liked Reigns. Now all the sudden he's garbage? I don't get it. They criticize his mic work, well I hate to break it to people but Mr. YES! YES! YES! isn't exactly Rollins, CM Punk, The Rock, HBK or heel HHH on the mic either.

Edited on by Gamer83



@Thrash13 Hey, if you want to stick to the product, stick with it. I haven't dropped WWE, but I haven't felt like watching since NOC. I've kept up, just haven't watched anything except Smackdown's return to Thursdays. I honestly just can't sit through RAW because of the length, but kudos to you for being loyal.

@Gamer83 The thing about Reigns is that he's being hotshotted to the top before he's ready. Back when the Shield were still around it wasn't the best kept secret that Reigns could be Cena's successor, but I think people were fine with it as long as they took their time with him. Right now it seems like he's being rushed and forcefed to the crowd as a result. He's not awful, but he's still a bit green.

When it comes to Bryan, many feel like he should be champ based on ring skill alone. He's not great on the mic, but it works for the most part. Sometimes the crowd just wants a bad-a wrestler as the champ, and there aren't many better than DB.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


For me it's not even so much that Bryan didn't win it's how they went about it. If they wanted Reigns to win that's fine but it could have been booked so much better. Having Bray Wyatt just randomly knockout Bryan after like ten minutes made no sense whatsoever.

They could/should have had Bryan in the mix at the end and had Kane and Big Show gang up on him and take him out. It would have put all the heat on The Authority and made sense storyline wise. They put Reigns in a really awful spot with some really poor booking.

Edited on by Splat

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


I'm not sure if Reigns is ready or not honestly. Maybe he'll surprise us and be better than expected. To those who say he hasn't paid his dues, I don't agree completely. He's worked his butt off to improve in the ring and on the mic. He's not as polished as Rollins or Ambrose or even Ziggler, but he has paid dues. He's been in the spotlight for over two years. It's not as long as some people have to wait, but he's not brand new to the spotlight. Brock Lesnar debuted in 2002 and won the title shortly thereafter, and that was one of the best decisions WWE has made. Swagger also won the title shortly after his debut on RAW/Smackdown. It went great for Brock and not so well for Swagger, so only time will tell for Reigns. He isn't as good as Lesnar was in the ring, but he's better on the mic for sure. They might even have Heyman side with Reigns if Brock ends up leaving after Mania, and Heyman could be his mouthpiece.

What the fans don't realize is that they're actually going to make it much easier for Reigns to win the title by turning on him. He's going to end up being a far better heel than face because he won't have to talk as much. He's going to be able to destroy people like Brock did, and that'll get him over even more as a bad guy. The fans will want him to get beat so bad that he'll end up being one of the top heels we've seen in quite some time. The fans don't really think about that kind of stuff though.

If fans want to be truly smart, they'll give zero reaction. That will hurt Vince's feelings far more than a major heel reaction. The "smarks" aren't nearly as smart as they think they are, lol. I've been watching for almost 30 years now. I've seen a wrestling match or two in my day.

One thing I'll definitely agree on here is the length of RAW. At first, I was all for it because it meant more wrestling. But after a couple years of it, it's clear the two-hour show would be much better quality on a weekly basis. They have Main Event, Smackdown, and Superstars (and NXT) which is plenty of programming on a weekly basis. A two-hour RAW would be a great choice.

By the way, it's nice to have a wrestling debate without people getting out of line and nasty. It's pretty cool to have real wrestling talk here.

Edited on by CThrash13




Some thoughts on last nights Raw. I loved how they tiptoed around Reigns being hand picked and that he isn't ready for a main event but we all knew they would do that. I am sure that WWE will work something out from this mess.

The newest Hall of Fame entry is a complete joke. After hearing who it is I am now debating on watching it. If I do it will only be for Macho Man and after that I will change the channel.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711



Yeah, the Rumble sucked - but the hate WWE got was WAAAAAAAYYY too much. Besides, the WWE Championship match was awesome; yet people just want to ignore that, and tear into Roman Reigns.

Okay, so he's being pushed to the moon. Yes, he's inexperienced. Boo hoo, cry me a frickin' river - WWE is simply trying to create a new star. Would I do things differently? Yeah, sure - but people need to stop getting so overworked over a fake sport; go watch TNA, ROH, Lucha Underground, PWG or NJPW if it's THAT bad.

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I truly believe 'smarks' are worse than console fanboys.



By the way, why was I reading in every article and hearing in every podcast that The Rock was booed? Idiots made the negative reaction seem like the fans were booing like it was the end of the world, but I didn't get that impression at all. They were pissed but I've seend far more hostile crowds. And as far the reaction to The Rock the crowd cheered, loudly, when his music hit and he went down to the ring.



I'm going to elaborate: I like Reigns. I think he's got a great look of a star, reminiscent of someone from the era Stone Cold and Rock, but without the silliness. The established parts of his moveset are pretty good. But do I think he's ready for a main event at Wrestlemania? No.

I get that WWE is trying to make a new star, but here's a couple things. 1. Being in a main event doesn't automatically make you a big deal. Reigns has to be properly built first, so that he can be thought of as a star. He really doesn't scream star right now to me. I think he's more around Bray Wyatt's level- Someone who can be a major player, but needs the proper booking. Want Roman to be seen like a hero? Don't book him like Cena. The "Superman" booking just makes him look like a handpicked favorite instead of someone the fans can look to as a hero. If anything it's as close to a wrestling equivalent to a Deus Ex Machina as you can get.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


Second, WWE has had good opportunities to make stars, but failed. Ziggler, Cesaro and Wyatt are guys who waiting for the ball to be given to them so they can run, but it's as if they get the rug pulled from under them. Ziggler got a World title, but got punished for getting hurt, so he lost the feud and the belt it was for, then eventually became a jobber. He only recently got any real momentum, but his "firing" stalled it. Cesaro was getting pushed good for a while, but his partnership with Heyman got axed when Lesnar came back and eventually became a jobber too. Wyatt was over, then got a feud with Cena where he basically looked like a chump. Then after Cena lost to Lesnar at SummerSlam he and the rest of his stable were cannon fodder for Cena the night after. His feud with Dean Ambrose had promise, but it just turned silly by the end. These 3 could be in much better position than what they're doing now, but WWE more or less dropped the ball.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


I have no doubt Reigns can be big, but now honestly I don't think he's ready. Can he honestly be trusted with the WWE title right now? At WWE's biggest show? The only scenario I can see is that either Lesnar or Reigns win, but Rollins cashes MITB in and steals the belt. Taking the glory at 'Mania could get him some great heat.

I'm sorry for the triple post. Apparently you don't have alot of typing space if you go on the internet from your PS3.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95



I like the idea of a Rollins cash-in at 'Mania. I personally think he stole the show in that Triple Threat Match at the Rumble.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."


I think Rollins cashing in MITB at WM was the plan all along regardless of what the Main Event was. I think he is easily been the most impressive of the former Shield members since they split.

I think Reigns beats Brock and Rollins cashes in on Reigns. It's actually the best scenario for Reigns IMO. It would give him a huge win at WM but wouldn't fully put the ball in his hands. It would give him someone with years of experience that he is all ready comfortable with to work with.

It would also help build Reigns up in the fans eyes because the chase for the title is always more interesting then actually having the title.

Edited on by Splat

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


@Splat: Yeah I can see that happening or maybe even Seth cashing it in sooner having to make Reigns fight Seth at WM and maybe a Brock/Rock Rematch at WM since they keep alluding that Brock beat Rock years ago and Rock has never had a rematch against Brock. It also seems odd that they would just bring Rock back to sit in Reigns' corner.

Also I have to ask I know that Bubba Ray has signed with WWE but anyone hear about Devon? I am hoping that they would bring the Dudley's back and maybe have them work something with The Ascension.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Tasuki wrote:

I know that Bubba Ray has signed with WWE but anyone hear about Devon?

He actually talked about them coming back in an interview after but it sounds like as of now it was just a one time thing for the RR.

Bubba Ray Dudley said WWE called him about a month ago and asked if he would like to be a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble.

In regards to his future with WWE, Ray said if the fans and higher-ups want to see him and Devon again, hopefully there is a future.

When asked what it was like to hear the name Bubba Ray Dudley in a WWE arena once again, Ray stated:

I’ve always been Bubba Ray Dudley. That’s who I am. Throughout the course of your career, sometimes you have to reinvent yourself. I’ve always considered WWE my home and where I belong. Sometimes you have to leave a place to truly appreciate what you had. Being away from here for so long made me appreciate what I had here. I’m more mature as a person, I’m more mature in the business, and this was a great night for me. More importantly, it was a great night for the WWE Universe. I think they had a great time for the five or 10 minutes I was out there. If tonight was the only night, great. If it could go on longer, that’s great, too. Hopefully it can.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew

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