Sony sprung the smallest slither of PlayStation 4 firmware update v4.00 news this week, confirming that a beta for the big update will commence next month – but stopping short of announcing any features. It's been quite a while since we last got a major system software refresh for the Japanese giant's flagship format – v3.50 launched in April, bringing friend request notifications and PC Remote Play with it – so it begs the question: what are you hoping is on the docket this time?
Folders have been a frequent request since the launch of the console, but it's amazing to think that external hard drive support is being overlooked as well. We're pretty confident that this new firmware update will quietly pave the pathway for PlayStation VR and potentially the PS4K – or Neo – but we'll have to wait and see on that front. The ability to change PlayStation Network usernames seems more like a networking headache, so is unlikely to feature in this latest update.
But is there anything else that you want? PSone Classics support would be welcomed by this author – especially if Trophies were included. And then there's more simple stuff, like the ability to create custom wallpapers, for example – or better filtering options for the Library tool. Talk us through your dream list of updates in the comments section below, and we'll of course keep you updated on any announcements or rumours as they break.
Comments 39
How about the stuff your competitor does, like External HDD, folders and the such? Hell, even that on the way out company managed that on vastly inferior hardware that no one wants. Twice.
It really boggles the mind how Sony hasn't put these features that the PS3 had into the PS4.
Folders would be cool
Folders and PS1 please. I'm so ready to put my PS3 into retirement.
I would like:
Implementation doesn't need to be fancy - just make it function the same as the current TV tab. Would be nice to be able to group together certain types of games, etc.
PSone Classics
I'm ready for PSone games on PS4 now. I'm happy to pay again if they're upscaled, Trophies are added, and all of the share button functionality works.
Tidier Library
Obviously you need to have a way to see absolutely everything if you need to, but I'd like to be able to filter this a bit so that demos, games I've finished with, and betas can be "hidden".
Friend Sorting
Would be nice if I could select "favourite" friends and give them priority. A lot of people off Push Square add me and I love accepting those requests, but I have almost 400 friends now, and it can take time to get to the peeps I want.
I'd really like to be able to set my own background picture and music on the home menu
I would like, the USB music player back cuz it as awesome and less clunky than that hideous Media Player..
Animated gif support in profile pictures with a max size of say 200kb..
And also, and though it's not a ps4 software, the store needs fixing.. The ps store has never been good, and the current one is the worst, heaviest and slowest ever lol.. I only go there once a month usually, and even then I get annoyed with it..
As I have stated on every thread regarding firmware updates for at least the last 18months, the ONLY feature I want is proper External HDD support - like the XB1 has. The ability to run games from my External HDD and to plug that HDD into ANY PS4 and play my games (obviously with Disc in the drive for those) as long as I have an Account on that PS4/Neo. Obviously I wouldn't expect Sony to allow people to swap games (transfer a game to someone elses console/HDD) and play but if you have an account then games linked to that account, regardless of which PS4 you are on, can play. That means I could transfer my entire library to an External HDD and when I buy the Neo, set up my account an then could just plug the HDD in and start playing - no need to reinstall, no need to redownload patches/DLC etc.
Anything else above that would be a bonus and most likely to go unused by me anyway. External HDD support is the only thing I specifically want added!
Beautiful girls in bikini's please, barring that I'd go for folders.
Folders plus library sorting with Demo/Beta/Games. More ways to sort Trophies.
I would like to change my PSN ID. 14 year old me was a dumb kid, and I don't like the bland name he chose anymore. Even if it was a one time thing for a few bucks that would be amazing.
Seeing as how you can make a sock puppet account and harass people with no repercussions (I've had this happen a couple times before, and it takes literally weeks before Sony customer service does anything from a dozen of complaints.) I don't believe their stance on trolling.
I also want two factor authentication for obvious reasons, and I'm fairly certain this is indeed one of the features in this update. In April, Sony mentioned it would show up in the future as a feature on PSN.
And better performance for the console's OS. It has been crashing on me pretty consistently. It is very annoying when playing multiplayer as it makes your controller unresponsive for a period of 30 to 60 seconds. It has been happening since the latest firmware update.
The only thing I want is a customizable time line.. Its just plain horrid right now
Offline trophy support, and actually for the machine to stop showing messages telling me to go online even with connect to the internet turned off. Also for my PS4 to stop disconnecting from all controllers at random, or when that happens that they add turn off PS4 in the power menu as it only allows rest mode to be selected via voice command. Funny that...
Improved network speeds.....
@get2sammyb There is already a favourite friends section that you can add friends in to.
I d like to have externall HDD, folders, appearance Last sign like ps3, and on ps4 ITUNEIN RADIO PLEASE!!
@get2sammyb basically everything you said, and also custom wallpapers, More PS2 games would be nice and also reverse remote play for the vita i.e be able to play your vita games on PS4 via remote play.
The only thing I want is folders for the games list. It takes me 15 seconds to scroll from one end to the other.
I also second/third the external harddrive support. My 2 TB is almost full, and it took the system 36 hours to transfer all the data from the 512 GB HDD to the 2 TB drive. I am not going through something 4 times as long to get a bigger drive, and I'm not buying a new PS4 so I can keep getting games. Either add ext. HDD support or I just stop getting games like I did the PS3.
@NeoTechni You need more than 2tb of space? Cmon to hell man, theres no way you play, on even a semi regular basis the amount of games that will fill out that amount of space. Do you never delete old games that you are not playing any more?
External hard drive support for sure!! I'm already juggling games to make room for new ones and sales! There's no excuse why a piece of tech like ps4 won't allow a simple external HD connection!! Dying to add a few terabytes to it!!
Ps one classics would be great yes but would be one step greater is not having to rebuy them again and just being able to pop a psone disc in your ps4 would be even more awesome!! Gave up on ps2 BC
@solocapers I bounce all over the place with my games and this would also be a matter of convenience too! If I wanted to on a whim play mlb the show 14 for example or show company a certain game, I'd prefer to have it ready to go and not have to redownload 45 gig of data and kill the moment. This is where retail purchases shine IMO!
External HDD support and PS3 games are all I want.
I'm pretty happy with the UI but I would like to be able to get rid of the forced icons Sony like to throw at us...
"Would be nice if I could select "favourite" friends and give them priority" The issue would be the same because we would all be on your FAVOURITE friends list??? right sammy?? because you love us aaaall the same??
@solocapers yes, I need more than 2 TB. I have 300 GB left, and I'm going to be buying a lot of games when PSVR comes out. And how or when I play my games is none of your damned business. No, I don't delete games. And I'm not going to start.
@NeoTechni calm down princess your getting a bit emotional there. Just wondering where you draw the line on storage. You might have to if they don't add external support is all.
@NeoTechni amen bro!! Why should we have to delete games?? Give us the damn storage options!!! Got a 3TB on my Xbox one and it's just beautiful!!
Language -Tasuki-
I would be happy to have many of the current features improved. Like games and dlc in seperate files, at least one more regular zoom step or zooming like the PS3 does when using the browser, alphabetical option for viewing trophy list, and showing how much is on my usb drive like the PS3 does.
The custon mapping of the controller is a great feature, but needs stored settings for at least 3 games. Also mapping changes should not effect out of game use like using the browser.
Still no external hdd support and still shipping units with only 500GB after this coming update will be sad.
External HDD and FOLDERS !!!
I've stopped purchasing content for my PS4, because the 400 GByte internal hdd barely allows for 8 games to be installed.
So unless Sony prefers to continue shooting themselves in the foot, they better come up with external hdd support.
Either way, I don't mind buying new titles on Steam instead.
Being able to gift digital games would be nice, a la Steam. Putting music on the system or being able to wirelessly connect it to a PC is also very much needed. There's no excuse why these shouldn't be on the system already.
Folders exactly the same as the TV section on the home screen so I can sort things into some sort of semi-logical order. It's chaos at the minute. Also the ability to stop things appears on my home screen. PlayStation Video updates and then it sits on my home screen until I've played enough games to bump it off the list, despite never having used it, or having any intention to ever use it.
I like the PSOne classics idea - especially if they come with trophies. I'd be all over those.
ID rename is my top choice, then folders.
@Jaxx2507 the usb music player is back there's a setting u can do to turn it back on
Maybe external HDD support & PS1 classics but can't think of anything else I'm that bothered about. I don't find the UI a problem as the games I last played are at the beginning of the list.
What I would like is a game stat section like they have on Xbox where it shows you time spent, progress of achievements and rank out of your friends.
Holy Jesus crap you're right.. Thanks..
Well now, I'm not fussed about the update.
Although I agree with the person who said offline trophy support.. It's ridiculous that is for whatever reason you can't get online, you can't check your own damn trophies.. The PS4 should be able to do everything the PS3 can do and more..
Oh, I want support for custom themes.. Yep, I wanna make my own icons, backgrounds and sounds for my theme like I did with the PS3..
External HD DVD support, that is all
Offline trophies, external HDD and PS1 games. I dont want to rent games on Now, I want to own them.
Folders and PS1 games would be cool.
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