We guess it's that time again, eh? Sony's revealed that there's an important firmware update in the works for PlayStation 4, and you can get an early look at its new features via an upcoming beta. If you're in North America, you can sign up through here, while those of you in Europe should click through here.
So, what's this firmware update actually going to do? Sadly, Sony's given away next to nothing on that front, but we're sure that when the aforementioned beta rolls out, we'll be hearing more than enough about it. What's more, the company's stated that it'll have details for us early next month, so you won't have to wait long either way.
Are the any particular features that you'd like to see in this next update? Get creative and make a wishlist in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 59
give us External HDD support and i will be a happy man
Hoping for folders and ability to delete things from my library.
No features i'm too fused about but I signed up. The last beta seemed to improve my ps4 loading performance then it released to all and slowed down again :/
@FullbringIchigo I'm with you. I'm desperate for external HDD. I don't have the extra funds to get a bigger PS4 hard drive as I'm putting money aside for PSVR. I do already own a 2TB external HDD though and what with everything that's due out in the last half of the year, I fear my already stretched 500gb just won't cut it.
@redd214 +1 on that!
No joke, improve the running speed of the main menu. Jesus the frame rate and usability died over the past week and I don't know why.
Also folders and HDD support ta muchly thanks.
I don't know about you guys but I am hoping for a stability update, always need more stability.
I want to change my PSN name. It's almost a decade old, and, while it isn't regrettable like some other people, I'd like to change it to match my Steam, Battle.net, Nintendo ID, XBL, and any others. My PSN is the odd one out.
Maybe the update is to help synchronization with ps4 neo?
@FullbringIchigo This is 1000% what it needs. Even if it ends up being a proprietary Sony external HD I will still gladly pay, need that support asap.
External HDD support is the only thing that I really want. Folders etc may well be 'nice' but External HDD support is 'essential' in my opinion.
I thought the next big 'update' was version 3.7 based on the 'Developer Guidelines' for the Neo. It mentions version numbers and the next step from 3.5 (current) is 3.7 according to that document.
Having External HDD support would also make upgrading to the Neo so much easier - just unplug from the PS4 and plug into the Neo - transferring all my games, patches, DLC etc in 1 very quick and easy step!
@Constable_What Same here - really want to change it...
Yeah external hard drive support and the ability to change my psn name.
Beta tester for firmware? Sounds right up there with bulletproof vest tester and crash dummy.
I'd be interested in seeing PS4 finally get 4k streaming support like the X1 Slim is getting. Unless it already has it and I missed it? Or its going to be a big selling point for Neo.
External Drive
I'd bet anything the focus will be ps vr support and neo support.
@rjejr I participated in the last 2 beta's. Really not that bad. The only downside with the beta frimware is that remote play is disabled for the duration of running in Beta.
Personally..I think its likely to be a readiness update for PS VR and nothing much more to test stability with various versions of PS configurations and game installs.
I would love to have folders so that I can arrange my games better and ofcourse being able to change my PSN ID.. although I seriously doubt that will be happening any time soon.
Ability to delete things from Library and delete trophies
Just one small request - Automatic trophy syncing.
It just bugs me that the PS4 still doesn't have an option for this.
Deleting things from the library. (Demos, seriously)
Not only what you said but also I want to delete the games that I got only 5% or less of the trophies on!
I've never liked the PS4's main menu, so hopefully the way it's laid out is changed in some way.
Delete things from the library.
Remove icons from the home screen that I never use (Sharefactory, music, etc)
Add custom folders for demos and deleted games in library. Being able to stop the automatic recording feature (even if it's not affecting performance, it should use some current and therefore produce more heat). Remove the ugly reminder in start-menu about not being connected to the Internet.
@Athrum if you have 0% trophies for any game, those can be deleted.
Would love a huge UI facelift.
1. remove the mandatory 15 items on menu
2. i think the activity area that appears below games needs a major clean up. seems crammed with information.
3. Re add Bluetooth headset support (would be amazing to have that back)
4. Expanding application support, like add a android subsystem for android apps.
That's all I got for now.
It's all about external HDD support for me. Fingers crossed
Probably part of getting ready for vr and neo. Please give external drive support. System is almost 3 years old and even the older wii u has it. Come on.
@FullbringIchigo It's getting ridiculous. 2tb is the most stable set up & I've already got that half full. I don't even have many of the AAA; larger file size games. As it is, we should all have small internal SSD's & a large external for storage.
@wittypixel ithought you could turn off the 15 item limit on the menu from the settings already?
Try rebuilding the database in the maintenance mode. It usually speeds things up.
Gotta love the OS though....20 seconds from standby to starting a game, impressive for what's basically a stripped down x86 PC.
Library control, folders, external HDD & possibility of more background colours....we need at least 255😂
@blah01 The OS is sweet and fast, again when my system isn't running like the EU PSN store on PS3, that's crash-tastic.
Ill try doing some removals of stuff.
Hopefully it will fix the Ce-34878-0 error code
folders and external hdd support.... don't know why they still don't have those
@BAMozzy A transfer like that would not work, since the data (even when stored on an external HDD) is encrypted to the specific device it was backed up on. (For example, you cannot even backup one PS4 or PS3 and restore that on another). This makes external drive support quite limited, since if your console broke and you had to replace it (even under warranty) your external backups would all be useless.
Its not like a PC, where as long as you plug the drive in occasionally to avoid bit-rot, you can just plug them in to any PC you have or upgrade to in the future. The utility of external drives is mostly just for those that want to have hundreds of games installed at time.
I would like to have folders, custom theme and custom wallpapers enabled.
And also, it may not be PS4 related, but I do hope that for the last time, Sony should add a "Sort" option on PS3's Download list. This will help bigtime.
@Constable_What couldn't agree more
-Customized theme support
About changing PSN ID names, don't think it'll happen anytime soon. It's not a PS4 thing, it's PSN's. PSN covers PS4, PS3 and PSVITA. So, all of these systems need to be updated too for it. Well, PSN is a mess actually. But its getting better. Hopefully one day.
Ability to delete demos and other crap from MY library!! Really hoping for better video compatibility with the Media Player. Really is hit and miss with playback!
It's all just fine for me as is really! The rest feature and Spotify were the best things they added. Along with working games and I'm a happy boy!
External Harddrive support or f**k off.
I would sure like to be able to just delete a game update. You know like on my Xbox 360 a decade ago. Some patches fix one problem but cause 3 more (Fallout 4 I'm looking at you). Also external HDD would have been awesome a month ago before I upgraded my hard drive. I could have gotten a 4tb external for less than the 2tb 2.5" I installed. Also let me for the love of all things good in the universe delete games out of my library.
External HDD support.
@thedevilsjester Doesn't work that way on XB1! The data isn't encrypted like that at all - its at most linked to account. I can take my hard-drive to any XB1 and plug it in to play. Obviously I would need the discs for most of my content but the downloaded stuff is linked to my account and as long as I am signed in to the 'other' xbox, those games will work from the External.
If I were to 'upgrade' to the slim, I could unplug my 5TB external, with all my games stored and plug it in to the Slim and play straight away - as long as I have set up my account of course...
So why would Sony be any different?
I just want to be able to turn the PS4 off without needing to go into secondary options. Not much to ask surely. ...
A brand new, cleaner, faster and darker UI.
i want External HDD support
and i want set wallpaper myself! i dont like that 6$ theme.
I want make icons smaller like ps3!!!! i hate big icons
@blakey78 Backup and screw it in is it a seagate external drive you can open them up easy.
I want:
1. Download management, I want to choose maximum number of active download on my ps4.
2. The ability to arrange/pin game's icon in main screen. Seriously there's nothing more annoying than trying some free psplus game or demo or beta and see the main screen cluttered with it while the game I always played icon pushed to library.
3. The option to delete demo & beta icon and hiding some free psplus game icon that cluttered my ps4 library.
@TomKnows I just put in a 1,5TB I have a lot of games. I just dont keep games i am done with and uninstall. I only play 3 games at a time to be honest less 1 or 2.
@pbernoos Try the free ones there are a lot.
Maps and Librabry control for sorting Beta, Demo, Games. More sorting options for trophies.
External HDD support and backwards compatibility, please. All we need.
I guess if they made it so after you put in a disc the game would instantly pop up, instead of having to be found in the library if you haven't played it in a while would be nice too.
@wiiware Number 2 would indeed be nice.
@BAMozzy you misunderstand. This isnt some theoretical, hypothetical situation, this is how the PS3 and PS4 work. Everything is natively encrypted using some data in the PS hardware as part of the key. You move that data to another device and the decryption fails. I 110% positive that the PS3 works this way, only 95% positive that the PS4 does too.
I would like to be able to fully delete demos from the library apart from that there is nothing else I would be interested in.
External drives support
Ability to save local multiplayer saves on primary ps account - simply have an option for it - if I want to play diablo with 3 friends who dont have ps accounts I must create them to be able to save hero data
More fluent gui (if you go from game to trophies, sometimes its sooo much slow)
More fluent ps store - sometimes its tooo slow (internet connection is very good though)
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