
Topic: PS4 recommendation thread

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Help, please! We just got a PS4 for Christmas. I just beat The Last Guardian and I'm looking for something else to play. I have Uncharted 4 but never played the first 3. Should I pick up the collection, skip ahead to 4, or play something different. I'm also eying up The Last of Us.


PSN: dkxcalibur


dkxcalibur wrote:

Help, please! We just got a PS4 for Christmas. I just beat The Last Guardian and I'm looking for something else to play. I have Uncharted 4 but never played the first 3. Should I pick up the collection, skip ahead to 4, or play something different. I'm also eying up The Last of Us.

You can play UC4 having not played the first three but I recommend playing the collection first. Each game has a separate story but you really miss out on the relationships between characters if you don't play 1-3 first.

The Last of Us is a must play...

Edited on by Splat

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PSN: Splathew


@Splat: I decided to give Ratchet and Clank a try first. This gives me a little time to think about which game to play next. I was leaning towards The Last of Us first and then jumping directly into Uncharted 4, but I think I'm now leaning towards the Collection, Uncharted 4, then The Last of Us.


PSN: dkxcalibur


@dkxcalibur: If you haven't played Uncharted 1-3, I would highly recommend you start with these and play them in order. Each tends to follow on from the other although not directly as such. Certain things are mentioned between characters that relate back to previous game(s). Its almost worth taking a break after the trilogy to play Last of Us before jumping into 4 too. Whilst U4 does follow on from U3, it also borrows from Last of Us and whilst its still an Uncharted game it does have a different tone to it too which may feel odd after the previous games but may make more sense or not feel quite so odd after playing that game.

I can't say more than that without risking spoilers but I would certainly play the Uncharted games in order.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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@dkxcalibur I still think The Last of Us is arguably the best game on PS4, the writers at Naughty Dog have some serious talent. If you do get it, I would also highly recommend the Left Behind dlc but only after you finish the campaign. As for Uncharted it doesn't matter too much but as someone else has said you wouldn't fully appreciate 1 of the chapters in particular without at least playing the previous games

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



I appreciate all the advise guys! Like I said, I picked up Ratchet and Clank and I'm in the process of playing it now. After that, I'll need something to play unless I decide to wait for Horizion's release.

But, since I missed out on the PS3 games, and since I own Uncharted 4, I feel that I'll most likely play the Uncharted Collection in order before I pick up The Last of Us....even though that's a game I am very much looking forward to playing. The Witcher 3 is now on my radar too though! Too many games and not enough time to play them.


PSN: dkxcalibur


@dkxcalibur I second BAMozzy's suggestion, playing the Uncharted Collection first, then The Last of Us, and Uncharted 4 after that. Seeing Naughty Dog's games evolve over time makes you able to appreciate them even more. Uncharted 4 was definitely influenced by The Last of Us to a degree.

And yes, The Witcher 3 is absolutely amazing (too)! If you decide on getting Horizon Zero Dawn at launch, I'd suggest something smaller to play in between, maybe Gravity Rush? Or you could perhaps play the first Uncharted game instead, and maybe the second one as well if you have plenty of time!



Just picked up Rogue Galaxy, among others in the recent flash sale. What a great PS2 GAME. It reminds of the Final Fantasy games, but not turn based. Quirky yes, but so much depth and so far a fun story. It holds up well for its age. Anyone looking for a more old school RPG, I recommend this.



Well I just binge played Watchdogs 2.
It's the game that ubisoft has been threatening to make for the last decade, all the lessons from the AC series and Farcry have distilled into a slick, seamless open worlder.
Surprisingly well developed missions (for ubisoft - remember that flag collecting time trials were actually a mission in AC 1!), no weird design choices, manageable collectibles/map icons, and not a stupid tower in sight!
Small gripes are that I could have done with a 'leap of faith' style jump a couple of times (off the top of the golden gate would have been amazing) and the soundtrack is slightly underwhelming.
If you were in two minds, or hated WD 1 (I did), consider this a recommendation!

Edited on by CountFunkula78



Gravity Rush 2.

A game packed with content. Content that matters. It took me 12 hours to plat GR remastered- 62 hours for GR2.
One of my biggest gripes with FFXV was that the majority of side quests were fodder. They didn't matter. Simple fetch quests, the majority of them.
GR2 probably has the biggest variety of missions I have seen in any game ever.
Firefighter. CHECK
Detective. CHECK
Photographer. CHECK
Mover. CHECK
Stuntwoman. CHECK
Idol-impersonator. CHECK.
The game also has the best challenge/score attack mode of any game I've ever played. So much fun, so much variety. Wicked boss fights, unique gameplay elements, charming characters and a story that ties up all the loose ends make this a must play in my opinion.
Definitely recommended.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

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Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@kyleforrester87 You won't regret it!

That final 'chapter' in Abzu was breathtaking. Wish there was more of that throughout. Really great game to kill a couple of hours with.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


OK guys, I need your help. I've never played an Assassin's Creed game. Now, seeing how there are few games coming out this summer that I'm looking forward too, I thought it might be a good idea to play some of the game in the franchise, if not all of them (most of them are pretty cheap anyway). I've seen the glitchfest that was Unity and the recent film was a bit of a disappointment in my opinion, but I still want to play them just for the sake of having played them.

Now, I've a couple of question on how to play them, as I don't own a PS3. I've got a relatively new laptop, and it should be able to run the first AC game without any issues. I see that II, Brotherhood and Revelations are on the PS4 in the form of a remastered collection, I assume that's the best way to play them? Cause I've read some mixed reviews about the remaster. I can get III on Wii U, Black Flag is on PS4 as well. However, it's sequel(?) is not available on PS4, err, why? And it released on the same day as Unity? Can someone explain that to me? And Unity and Syndicate are PS4 games as well, so no problems there either.

I'm not really in a hurry to play them, but I just want to gather some information before I get the games.



@KratosMD The Ezio Collection is already down to €30, should be even cheaper in a few months from now.

Have heard good things about Black Flag as well, so I'm definitely looking forward to that game. I think I'll play them in order, but I don't know whether I should play the Ezio Collection first or last, but I'll probably play it first, after the original game.



@KratosMD I see, thanks! But the eight or nine mainline games will probably be enough for a while, but who knows! Need to play Horizon, Gravity Rush 2 and Zelda first. After that I'll start with the first game on PC.




The series can be equally thrilling and frustrating, depending on where you look!
As a warning, the AC 1 and 3 can be a bit of a slog, 1 suffers from lazy/repetitive mission design and is practically a ps2 game. 3 suffers from feature creep/bloat and a sense of design by committee.
Moaning over!
The Ezio Collection is fantastic, and you should play it on ps4 as an intro to the series. It has all the cut out dlc, and will give you at least 60 hours of play across all 3 games (they're fairly big).
If you like those, try black flag (very good game, possibly best in series, not strictly core 'assassins creed' experience.).
Syndicate is also a highlight of the series.
Rogue is worth a look if you can find it (ps3 only).
The 2d games are poor versions of Mark of the Ninja (by Klei games).
Hope you enjoy the franchise



@Octane The first AC game was great but it also suffered from a number of game-play issues. It put us in control of Altair during the third Crusade. AC2 was a sequel but also corrected a lot of those issues and as a result is probably the best in the series. Brotherhood and Revelations are just continuations of the Ezio story. Personally I found Brotherhood weaker as a story but the big thing that introduced was MP - missing from the collection. Revelations finished Ezio's story. AC3 jumped ahead to the American Revolution and gave us Connor as a lead character and perhaps the weakest of them all. AC4 gave us Edward Kenway. Personally I found AC4 to be a poor Assassins Creed game but its not bad as a Pirate game. Rogue ties up a few loose ends between 3 and 4 and the main character is a Templar rather than an Assassin. It was released on last gen only as the last AC game on that platform and Unity, the first 'next' gen only AC game released at the same time.

Each 'numbered' game (Ezio's trilogy is still AC2 and really does need to be played in order) tells its own story and set in its own timeline. I haven't played them after AC4 (Unity and Syndicate - Rogue too as that was last gens game) but AC2 for me was the pinnacle of the franchise. I believe that the 'real world' character - i.e Desmond, would require you to play them in sequential order to make sense of that aspect but each game is also a separate story. So far the franchise has moved forward through history with each game and the last was set in Victorian times. You could start with the Ezio trilogy but if you do plan on playing the first, you may find it frustrating - not from a story perspective so much - more from the game-play. Ubisoft listened to fans/critics and addressed the design flaws for 2. Since then, I don't feel like they have moved forward as much. I know AC4 introduced Naval combat etc but that's not what I think an 'Assassin' game should have added (if that makes sense). My favourite is still 2

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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@CountFunkula78 Yeah, I figured that the Ezio Collection is the best way to play them all, since it has all the DLC included. I don't have a PS3, so no way of playing Rogue. I see that it's also available on PC, so maybe my laptop can run it, but that's an issue for a later time. I want to play them in order, so I'll see what I can do for Rogue when I'm done with Black Flag.

@BAMozzy The only reason I'd play the first one is to appreciate the improvements made in the second game. I don't know, gives it all a bit of context and perspective, I like that, knowing where the franchise started. Maybe it's bad, and maybe I don't like it, but I also know that it isn't perceived as the best game in the series. I can look past that, knowing that other entries are probably better. But it's also good to know that each numbered entry stands on its own as a game.



@Octane I enjoyed the first one at the time myself - more than AC4 for example. It maybe because I played around release and maybe because I really didn't think AC4 was a 'great' Assassin game. I think AC4 would havebeen better as a new IP as a Pirate game and could of been the start of a new franchise. It seems a lot enjoyed playing Pirates!

Each game does follow on - particularly around the Animus but each numerical one is its own story - quite obviously as it jumps through time. I wasn't a big fan of the modern setting (outside the Animus) parts myself but it is worth playing them in order if possible but only if you really want the 'full' AC story. If you are only interested in the eras and their story, then you could play them out of numerical order.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


If you liked the original Dishonored you should definitely pick-up Dishonored 2, its a brilliant game that definitely tops the original.


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