Sony is set to reveal the first batch of PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium games for 2025 tomorrow, but more urgently for current members, the day they arrive also marks the removal of 11 great PS5, PS4 titles from the service. From 21st January 2025, the following 11 games leave the two tiers, rendering them unplayable with a membership:
- Resident Evil 2 (PS5, PS4)
- Hardspace: Shipbreaker (PS5, PS4)
- Just Cause 3 (PS4)
- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4)
- Legend of Mana (PS4)
- Secret of Mana (PS4)
- Dragon Ball FighterZ (PS5, PS4)
- Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (PS4)
- Life Is Strange (PS4)
- Just Cause 4 (PS4)
- Pure Hold'em (PS4)