Insomniac Games has shared more details concerning the gigantic Marvel's Spider-Man 2 update it has planned for 7th March 2024, including new suits to wear, New Game+, and more features like Ultimate Levels and Golden Gadget styles. The big news is two new suits will be made available (seen above) that will cost $4.99 from 7th March until 5th April in the Fly N' Fresh pack. They'll then be available for free at a later date.
The suits have been designed in collaboration with charity organisation Gameheads, and all of the proceeds from sales of the Fly N' Fresh pack will go to them — up to $1 million. The Gameheads mission is to empower "low-income youth and youth of color to thrive in the video games industry". There'll also be 10 new Photo Mode Stickers and two more frames bundled into the pack.

In addition to the two brand-new suits that are temporarily paid for, there's also the Marvel's Hellfire Gala suits for Peter and Miles, which will be free. Then there's an assortment of new suit styles, and the ability to set the colour of your symbiote abilities. Photo Mode is being treated to new features and time of day options, while audio description and screen reader features bring welcome updates to the PS5 game's accessibility options.
Damon Packwood, director at Gameheads, said its two new suits are inspired by a 90's b-boy for Miles and 90's television for Peter. "Marisa Diaz, who designed the suits, was just having fun. We never expected Insomniac to like it but it was definitely fun to design. Our designers had fun being silly and the older folks, me and the Insomniac crew, had fun reminiscing on our 90’s fashion choices."
Comments 34
I might get it just for the charity, but man, those are ugly.
Hideous but hey, charity!
That’s great news
Complete greed to lock specific suits behind an early-access paywall (even if the first 200k+ purchases directly go to charity, that's still a 2% uptake Sony need before it starts benefiting them directly). I'm sure they could simply have donated $1 million instead of trying to get their customers to foot their bill (and still give them those tax breaks for charity donations).
Did Marvel and Insomniac, working with arguably the most iconic comic book character costume of all time, just repeatedly talk to artists and designers and go, "Ruin it."
Because holy ***** the outfits for this game are absolute gutter trash, on average.
The hellfire gala suits are some of the best I've seen in comics. This one ain't bad but I'd like to see a few more. Maybe for some villains as well
These suits are hideous why in the world would I spend money on them?
@DarkTron man, whole industry is locking suits behind paywalls permanently, without giving to charity. It's basis of every live service game out there. At least this attempt has a noble cause embedded somewhere in there..
Its for charity so i will pay.
All the comments from your Facebook post are about how Sony is greedy because you didn't put "goes to charity" in the headline.
Those suits are absolutely disgusting. You would have thought they’d be better looking to entice people to buy for the charity.
Put some Rave on and they are perfect.
It's nice that they're doing it for charity, but I would never pay for suits in a Spider-Man game.
And I do agree with others, the suits are really tacky looking.
Finally played this and I gotta say, the suits in this game were disappointing.
@Odium Charity is only from USA purchases.
Only 1st month, only up to 1 million $
How many of you are based in America? It is only charity if purchased from USA region.
This event is just rubbish greed imo.
Only 1 month it will be active. Only USA purchases. Only up to 200 000 sold DLC. Everything else is going for insomniac/Sony.
Gamers are the most self entitled people on the planet.
I mean, if those suits are the product of the Gameheads project, I'm not sure we should finance it in any way. Charity or not, the expectation is get a great product at the end...
@REALAIS I’m in the US. My son will probably like the new suits and I’m always down for helping a good charity, so I’ll likely grab them.
@Splat that also loves to put eachother down every chance they get. people just cant say that they dont like something huh ?
I’m about 15 hours and 2/3 into the game, and I’ve unlocked about 70% of each characters suits but have only changed suits like once for each, and I think the 2nd Peter suit was forced by the game.
To me the suit selection breaks down into two groups:
All the same with a slight variation in color
Too ugly to wear
So why even bother?🤷🏻♂️
@Odium Yeah I am in agreement, who is designing these suits and again with the ugly headpiece where they show Miles' hair sticking out.
Only getting them because charity. Otherwise they're ugly as sin.
@nessisonett Oddly enough, my wife said the same thing when she agreed to go on a first date with me.
According to the video it's only sales in the USA which will go to charity. It might be worth pointing that out in the article for those not on a USA PSN account who would change their purchase decision with all the information available to them, one way or another.
@Nepp67 if I’m being honest, I hated most of the costumes in this game. I basically stuck with the black suit and the Miles costume with the jacket and hood on, for some reason I’ve always loved that design. Most I didn’t bother even looking twice at after they were unlocked.
@Amnesiac Well played 😂
@Odium For me I just stuck with original outfit(From SM1) or the symbiote suit for Peter and for Miles it would usually be the black and white outfit with the red spider logo. Instead of being simple the devs feel the need to add unnecessary details to be different. Like in the left image the first two suits have waaaay too much going on with them and then Peter's suit on the right image is just simple enough that it looks nice on the eye. I know it's just suits but god damn most of them suck.
@Nepp67 I couldn’t agree more. I rocked the SM1 suit a good amount too, I had forgotten about that one. Most I just found to be insanely over the top, I like Spidey’s design for its simplicity, the same goes for Miles. I don’t need over the top cyber punk looking fever dream suits.
The only suit worth it in the base game is Miles with the cat in the back pack, even comes out during certain finishers.
@Odium The weird thing is is that I was hyped for the redesigned advanced suit for peter because it had the texture detail I was wanting for the original suit, but I went back to the original suit lol.
Wow those costumes look horrible. Ill pass on the 5 dollars wait for it to become free and never use it. Just wanted new game plus since i beat it back when it released. Pretty dumb of them to make it a dlc
@MFTWrecks the suits look like they are made by a kid.
Paw patrol suits but knowing insomniac they wouldn't do a police related suit.
@Nepp67 awe man, I’m sorry to hear that, what a let down!
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