
Topic: Unpopular Gaming Opinions

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@Arugula Fair enough. I might be falling victim to coercive writing, but I think Aloy was interesting because of the whole being an outcast initially, disrespected, and then to find out a clone of Sobeck. It was just a fascinating backstory.. I’ll admit, her personality is rather dull but that’s some of the charm. And being a ginger makes her quite unique in the gaming world 😂. Definitely an underrepresented minority.

As for Jin, similarly he is stiff as a board personality-wise, but the whole ’fighting the inner struggle of whether to follow the traditions of his fathers, or whether to cast aside custom and honor to accomplish the greater good for his people’ gives him a lot of depth story-wise. Granted I’ve still not completed the game. Still sitting at the end of Act 3, gathering collectibles and finishing off side quests before I lay it to rest. But yes, Khan is probably my favorite character in the game though.

But I realize I’m speaking out of both sides of my mouth here because I find Geralt to be one of the more over-rated main protagonists out there. The guy has zero personality and I just couldn’t connect with him. But I think it’s maybe more an issue of not knowing his backstory well enough.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution There have been an awful lot of protagonists this gen like a plank of wood but then some rabid fan explains about how their motivations make them a plank of wood. I just would rather play as somebody with personality. Not Sony’s idea of ‘personality’ which is cracking jokes in Nolan North’s voice, a genuine rounded personality. None of these protagonists feel like actual people, they’re cardboard cutouts with backstories drawn with a Sharpie.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.



I don't like self insert characters in RPGs with pre-determined designs

If you're going through the effort of designing them from top to bottom as if they are like all your other party members, give them a personality worth a damn. With player-created characters like in Elder Scrolls and Divinity that's a different story, but for protagonists like the Dragon Quest Heroes, or the SMT/Persona MCs (with an exception being made for Maya in P2), I want to relate to these characters the same way I do with other party members if you're going through the effort to give them individualized designs.


PSN: phantom_sees


@TheFrenchiestFry What about Persona 5? I think it works because the dialogue choices let you insert yourself and really feel like a part of the group, but his design is necessary for the style and thematic elements of the game. For other games, I agree more, though.



@TheFrenchiestFry The PS3 let me watch stuff on my TV and watch movies on that are DVDs/Blu-Rays. PSP had those weird PSP movies you could buy for a tiny screen and only watch on the PSP. Aside from being portable what did the PSP have that PS3 didn't? Heck, how many streaming apps did it even have? (I legitimately have no idea any more.)



Video games have never been good at genuine rounded personalities in their characters, especially in the more popular games we see released. On the rare occasions they do manage it, the game in question tends to be an instant candidate for game of the generation.

The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect 2 spring to mind.



@Jaz007 I think it's because it's largely due to the fact that they go through all this effort to make you identify with the self insert character like Joker, but they then just straight up give him a personality and an actual voice in every other multimedia thing surrounding the game, including a canon name in stuff like the anime adaptation and even games like Dancing in Starlight.

Like at that point, why not just make him someone like Cloud who has a defined personality and voice as well as a compelling character arc that lets him stand on his own next to other party members

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]


PSN: phantom_sees


@TheFrenchiestFry What are they supposed to do with the anime? I mean, they don’t have a choice. They can’t let you put in a custom name then. The only other option is just cancel it for the sake of the game maintaining purity of self-inserting into the character. The 120+ hour game is more than the main focus and if it works there, I don’t see what the issue is.



@Arugula The most relatable characters usually turn up in indie games to be honest, Madeline from Celeste, Mae from Night in the Woods and Alex from Oxenfree feel more human than 99.9% of the bland characters you get in AAA games. I feel that because AAA games have to appeal to a wide variety of people, they just shove you into the role of Gunz McShootyface and call it a day.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I don't like Horizon Zero Dawn.
Spider-man should have been GOTY with GOW
Gamepass is overrated.
PS4 exclusives should come on PC.
Uncharted 2 to 4 are perfect stories with super fun gameplay and 4 even had relatability.
COD,FIFA,HALO are far from fun even factions is better.
Assasin's Creed is a really bad franchise.
We need a AAA detective game which require us to use brains more and less guns.
Almost all game critics are corrupt.

Multiplayers are mostly toxic.
Gameplay and graphics balance is more important than frame rates with everything washed out.

[Edited by L3GTRIGA]



The Order: 1886 is one of the best games of this generation and still one of the best looking.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a boring, tedious, self indulgent sludge of a game.

[Edited by TheIdleCritic]


@TheIdleCritic That is a HOT freaking take

I can agree on RDR 2 being self indulgent, especially when it gives you a large open world but it still wants you to do objectives in very specific ways which takes away from player choice and freedom, but Order 1886 was literally just a movie with QTE sequences to me. I'd barely call it a game at all.


PSN: phantom_sees


@TheFrenchiestFry Haha. I'm aware. In fact, the last time I played it, a couple of friends were over and we just turned it into a movie night where I played it to completion. But there's something about it, I don't know, the vibe, the script, the visuals, the score. I love it. There are better games (some would say almost every other game is better), but The Order has been the most memorable for me.

As for RDR2, I couldn't even complete it, I ended up trading it back in. Looks nice and has little flourishes with its details, but... didn't keep my attention.

[Edited by TheIdleCritic]


I guess this is unpopular but Uncharted 4 is the best game in the series imo. Some people seem to prefer 2 but 4 has more solid gameplay, a more grounded story and doesn’t have bloody bullet-sponge supernatural monsters. It has its faults but so much of it is improved from the older games.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@TheFrenchiestFry In terms of home consoles, it’s still got my favourite games. I’d say Wii was the best though since it plays Cube games too. I’d say 3DS is my favourite Nintendo console/handheld due to having an insane library and incredibly comfortable controls. Loads of people hate on the GameCube but just a look at its library shows how many brilliant games there were.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Kidfried Honestly even the PS4 couldn't really escape the drought issue for at least a year. I didn't get one until Bloodborne was around the corner and before that the only game that really piqued my interest was Persona 5 but there were very few exclusives on that console for a while that just didn't interest me.


PSN: phantom_sees


@Kidfried It's definitely my favorite console of the generation although the Switch is in a very close second. They still have yet to top PS2 though imo.


PSN: phantom_sees


@Kidfried Which of the Yakuza games have you played so far? I agree that the combat is pretty limited but at least Zero gave you multiple styles. Y4 mixes it up the most with the four protagonists all having their own styles.


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