
Topic: Unpopular Gaming Opinions

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I don't agree with everything, but Rob does make some good points even for what I disagree with.

A rundown of what I do agree with-

-2. Didn't know liking cutscenes was unpopular, but yeah, I agree. I don't view them as a reward, but I do love them for helping sell the story. You can only tell so much through gameplay alone.

-3. I'm not going to go into artistic detail, but yeah, Raiden was brilliant in MGS2.

-5. DEFINITELY agree. Mostly because all the long games are tiring. Shorter games are crucial for gaming in order to balance out all the blockbuster stuff.

-6. I wouldn't say inverted controls should be standard, but it's not as big a deal as everyone makes it.

-7. I rarely play stuff on Easy, but I do agree that it's just as legitimate a way to play as any other. Especially if you want to get through the story, but the game keeps kicking your tocks (Looking at you, Dragon Age Origins).

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


I miss random battles Uh no. You can't possibly defend this.

Cutscenes are brilliant I do agree in the sense that I'm tired of the "MGS isn't a great game, it's a movie" argument. Sometimes you just need a cinematic to progress the story further.

Raiden is good in MGS2 Well, of course. Everyone who played this game until the end, should think so.

DmC is brilliant Haven't played that one.

I prefer short, linear games I don't know if this is a controversial opinion. I mean, diversity is what makes gaming fun. Sometimes you want something longer, sometimes you don't. I don't think that getting older means you shouldn't play these longer games. You should. Last year I didn't have a lot of time to game (I'm still catching up), but I played The Witcher 3, which lasted me the better half of the year. That was a great experience, even though I could only play the game for a short time in the weekend.

Inverted controls should be standard GET OUTTA HERE!

Games are fun on easy mode Honestly, I don't feel they are as satisfying and fun. Games were often made with a certain balance in mind and more often than not that balance is ruined when playing on a lower difficulty. I remember starting The Witcher 3 last year and being quite overwhelmed with its difficulty (same as with Dragon Age). But as I progressed things got better, just like the developer probably meant to.



@Kidfried random battles are pretty good 😂 Although I can take or leave em, I came to peace with them when I was a kid, and I find them relaxing these days.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Kyroki Don't worry, you're amongst friends here.

As for the video embedded above, I'll rapid-fire my hottest of hot takes: random battles are frustratingly stupid and if your game has them, it has pointless padding or wasn't clever enough to actually include enemies roaming the map; cutscenes ARE brilliant and sometimes I'll boot up a game just to watch some of my favourites in their cutscene galleries (MGS3, Sonic Unleashed); Raiden is one of gaming's greatest ever characters; I haven't played DmC but seeing some of the vitriolic nerd-rage levelled against it, I'd imagine it's not quite as bad as people say; as rightly pointed out by others, good games are good and the key is finding the right balance with your free time; people who prefer inverted controls have upside-down brains; I rarely ever play anything above the Easy or Normal difficulty settings.

Sorry, I just feel like I make too many lists sometimes.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


1. Random battles need to go back to the Devil from whence they came when brought up. I hate them.
2. I agree about cutscenes. When I was playing DMC3, they always felt like a reward especially.
3. Haven’t played it yet.
4. I haven’t played it, but I never will. Watching that was enough to reaffirm it’s an abomination. Anyone who says the hairstyle is good is also insane.
5. Yes, shorter linear games are very valuable and more triple games should be that way. An extra mode or something should be added if more of the gameplay is needed.
6. Inverted controls are good to have as an option, but should t be standard is most cases.
7. Weaklings! Just kidding. It should be can be instead of is though. I’m not willing to play easy on lost every game.



Lol, when I first started gaming, I could only used inverted controls. It just felt natural to me. Like you’re controlling a turret on a swivel from behind. But I had to be purged of my wickedness, I think it was by the game Infamous maybe. It didn’t have the option to change to inverted controls and the only way I could play it was “normal” (gosh, hasn’t society progressed enough to be inclusive and know that inverted-control people are not “abnormal.” Still so much predjudice in this world...) so I had to train myself, or rather untrain my natural tendencies of playing inverted. Now standard controls is the only way I can play.

Now I know how left-handed people feel.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I used to play with inverted controls too when I was a kid, thanks to Nintendo making it the default control scheme in some games in the 90s. If I rememer well Ocarina of Time was inverted (which is a major reason why it isn't one of the best games of all time).

It took me until the WiiPS360 generation until I finally saw the light. I don't think I could ever go back to inverted, it just makes way more sense. The Wii Remote helped me enlighten, because of its motion technology; inverted would be very weird there (point down on the screen to go up).



@RogerRoger @Kidfried @Jaz007 to be fair on random battles the main reason they were there was because of the limitations of the systems it took a lot for a game to have everything happen in the same area in the PS2 days ESPECIALLY on huge RPG's like Final Fantasy and the game that did it ether had very small maps linked together of very bland and boring open areas BUT i do also agree with one thing Rob in the video said, in RPG's where you have to level up random battles DO help make that easier

as for everything else in the video i actually agree with it APRT from Inverted controls, they can go to hell

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@FullbringIchigo I understand why the random battles were there, but I don't understand why you would want them back again.

Also, you could easily make a game in which it is easy to grind without random battles (they exist). I don't think walking in circles until you find an enemy sounds like great gameplay design that we should be clamoring for to return. Sounds more like Rob is nostalgic above anything else.



@Kidfried Totally agree with you. Grinding in Bloodborne was actually easier I think just knowing I could make a certain run through a well known area, kill a handful of high level enemies, then exit and come back after they respawn, and do it all again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Not sure why Rob thinks it would be better to leave the grinding to random chance and run in circles. Relying on any random occurrence in a game is usually frustrating (although I do like to be surprised by a game sometimes, but usually that would be like a plot twist or unexpected narrative element)

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Personally I don't like the traditional Random Battles. It used to annoy me when trying to get somewhere when all of a sudden, you get transported to a 'battle'. I hate turn based battles too incidentally as they are just random too. Whether you opt to fight or not, once back to the world, take a few more steps and yet again be transported to another battle... just annoying and frustrating.

Big open world games tend to allow you to pick your battles - essentially these are Random but also optional. If you know where or can see enemies in an area, you can choose to engage or opt to go around. Its not a 'compulsory' fight, as part of a mission/quest but a 'random' encounter. The Witcher 3 for example has bandits riding around that you can opt to engage or avoid if you want - different from Bandit camps - these are 'Random' encounters but I also think games like H:ZD has 'random' battles too - its up to you if you decide to take on some of the robot beasts that are not part of the storyline or quests. To me this is the evolution of the 'Random' battles we had when hardware didn't have the Horsepower to render a world with roaming enemies, didn't have the horsepower to have 'real-time' combat - especially with bigger worlds and RPG elements. The only place for 'Random' battles and Turn Based combat today is in 'Retro' games as far as I am concerned. Its old mechanics born out of necessity through limited hardware to realise their vision and having to compromise on putting enemies visually in their worlds and having real time combat.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


Th3solution wrote:

Lol, when I first started gaming, I could only used inverted controls. It just felt natural to me. Like you’re controlling a turret on a swivel from behind. But I had to be purged of my wickedness, I think it was by the game Infamous maybe. It didn’t have the option to change to inverted controls and the only way I could play it was “normal” (gosh, hasn’t society progressed enough to be inclusive and know that inverted-control people are not “abnormal.” Still so much predjudice in this world...) so I had to train myself, or rather untrain my natural tendencies of playing inverted. Now standard controls is the only way I can play.

Now I know how left-handed people feel.

After years of playing PSone games with the D-Pad (even when the option for analogue stick directional input existed, I stuck to the buttons), I was super-excited for my PS2 and James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire, only to discover that I could only move Bond with the left analogue stick because the D-Pad was used for gadget selection. I may have only been fourteen, but having to train myself to play with the increased sensitivity of the stick, at a much faster pace, was a learning curve I'll never forget.

You (and southpaws, apparently) have my sympathies!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Ok, I'll throw in that there should be a PlayStation 5 VR bundle at PS5 launch, which Sony should push hard. Not likely but I'd like to see it happen.



@Kidfried The Research Hall is a very good place to farm blood echoes, if like me you are around level 100 and it takes 60k+ to level up. Chalice Dungeons are also good, but are quite same.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Just watched the latest promo for Shadow of the Tomb Raider (which I am properly excited beyond words for) and it reminds me of perhaps another unpopular opinion —

I dislike underwater swimming sections in games.

I think developers like to show off the variety of gameplay and create puzzles and hidden items underwater, but to me it’s just not fun. I dread those parts. The timed nature where you have to hurry before you run out of oxygen is just too anxiety provoking. Underwater environments can be beautifully rendered and the swimming animation can look wonderfully realistic, but if you can’t really appreciate it because you’re too busy panicking to find a place to surface for air, well, it’s just a waste.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I don't think that's very unpopular at all. I've seen quite a few "Worst Level" lists populated with water or swimming levels (Regular entries are usually The Water Temple from OoT, The flooded strut where Emma is in MGS2, The swimming level from Ninja Turtles NES, and even sections from the original Tomb Raider games). Although the culprit of these are usually bad or difficult control rather than the timed nature of the levels.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@DerMeister Oh, okay. I thought maybe people really loved the swimming sections seeing as how every game seems to want to put one in there. And the recent SotTR trailer was showing off the underwater stuff like that was supposed to get me excited or something. Not so much.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Got the plat in Horizon Zero Dawn which I think I already talked about. However, finished The Frozen Wilds last night. Imagine my surprise when the plot turned out to be near identical to the main game. No spoilers, but I was hoping for something different - not just more annoying enemies and snow textures. Same hunting grounds, bandit camps and tallnecks. Control towers taking the place of corrupted zones. Well made, but I personally found it boring to the point where I put it to "story" difficulty and blasted through it. Yakuza 0 is next!

PSN: Aleks-UK

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