In a rather strange turn of events, "Rambo 3" (working title "Rambo Joins The Taliban" - no judgements from me, a similar thing once happened to James Bond - it was the cool thing to do in the Eighties, apparently) has several situations and two or three lines that are, on the surface, intentionally funny but it's difficult to tell - I laughed, anyway so it's another thumbs up from me. This was the most expensive movie ever made up to that point - most of that money appears to have gone on hair stylists and body butter for Mr. Stallone. Much better sound on the blu-ray this time, too. Tomorrow evening it's "Rambo 4: Rambo". Great title - looking forward to it.
PS RIP James Earl Jones.
I watched that Aretha Franklin movie cause it was on BBC One. Not bad actually, slightly overly long, but it doesn’t steep itself in melodrama when it probably could given I had no idea just how horrific her life was.
"Rambo 4:Rambo" was a little bit disappointing. Here, a significantly older, bloatier, more (if it was even possible) monosyllabic Rambo shoots, dismembers, detonates and gouges his way through various extremely unsavoury Burmese militia types (in admittedly satisfactory fashion) on a mission to save a contingent of hapless Christian missionaries/aid workers. A film with (charitably) a one act structure, it's esentially one of those 20 minute Saturday Morning cartoons (with slightly less humour and character development) blown up to feature length with added extreme, gratuitous violence. Here's hoping that "Rambo 5: Last Blood" is both an improvement and a title that sticks to it's word.
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