My favorite video game soundtrack at the moment is from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. It’s a super old N64 game that I’m sure a couple of people may or may not know, but it’s absolutely one of my favorite games of all-time.
The game’s music is probably one of my favorite VGMs ever, and I tend to listen to it when I’m doing hobbies or working. I think what makes me like the OST so much is the different tones and moods for the songs and the variety of genres Robin Beanland (the composer) did for the game. Some tracks are more lighthearted and wouldn’t sound out of place in a cartoon, while some are more dramatic and complex for more serious settings. I think there was even a short (albeit stereotypical) track that was done in a type of Spanish song genre (I think it was flamenco?) and a dramatic boss fight where the enemy was opera singing a rather crude song during the battle and it had full voice acting. I think it’s all the more impressive since it was on the N64, and it’s just amazing that a single composer was able to cover so many different song genres and sounds, and, although some tracks are full of poo humor, I don’t actually mind it.
My most favorite track from the game is Rock Solid, which is a techno song that plays midway through the game. I listened to a 1 hour loop of this on repeat while I was cleaning a few weeks ago and it slaps; it is maybe the most impressive song I’ve ever heard for an N64 game and an example of EDM. If you haven’t played the game or know little about it, you’d probably be surprised to see which location this song plays in; all I’ll say is that the game is REALLY weird and goofy. I’m so bummed out that they officially released two songs from this game on Spotify a few years ago but did not make one of the two this track…
There was a remake for the game that also redid the entire OST, including this song. I love the remake’s rendition a lot over the original since it sounds high quality and they added onto the song by adding in extra parts and beats. I really just think that one of the things Rare excelled in with their older games was having memorable soundtracks and banger songs for their games, and I’d say that, in my opinion, this was one of them!
This is also probably my second most favorite track from the game, and it’s called Enter the Vertex. I put a link to the remake’s version since I like it over the original, and I’d say it’s on the same level as Rock Solid. The song plays during a spoof of The Matrix nearing the end of the game. The song is so hardcore and the level it played in was awesome; the parody manages to be both cool and hilarious simultaneously, and it is one of my most favorite moments in the game!
@Malaise I agree that they did! I am more new to their games and didn’t start playing them until three years ago, but I think all their games from the 90s to 00s were so well-done in a lot of aspects. I liked the music (of course) as well as the characters and the settings in their games a whole lot, and it definitely seemed like they were always trying to add twists and innovate in game genres to interest and surprise players. There’s just this sort of charm old Rare seemed to have that really showed with their older games that seemed to go away over time unfortunately.
Currently putting the finishing touches to Fallout: New Vegas and Big Iron on his Hip has to be up there with my favourite tracks in a video game ever:
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
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Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
So many masterful osts in gaming, but I’d consider these among my favourites:
Vagrant Story
Shadow of the Colossus
Croc (yes, I find the music spellbinding in both games)
Medievil (same as Croc)
Mario 64
Super Metroid
Kingdom Hearts
Castlevania SOTN
Radiant Historia
Dark Cloud 2
Doom 2016
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Witcher 2/3
Persona 5
Chrono Cross
Professor Layton games
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (I actually think the AC games have amazing soundtracks generally)
Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance
Xenoblade 1/3
Twisted Metal Black
Death’s Door
And so many more. I may just add them in future edits, but those are all banger soundtracks to me.
Want To Be Close is such a great song @Yousef-. Though that's been rattling around my brain since P3's Original release 15+ years ago
My daughter had recently bought the Digital Deluxe Edition of Mary Skelter Finale which came with the digital soundtracks for all 3 games in the series and... Hooo boy they're so freaking good.
No clue what the actual game is like but I love me a violin especially and most of the soundtrack uses it...
This is my favourite track so far
Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"
HallowMoonshadow if I may be so bold, what your favorite Undertale tracks? Consider it my legal obligation to ask.
You may be as bold as you like hon!
A top five?
1. Undertale (The 6.22 minute long track not the whole game's soundtrack )
2. Hopes & Dreams.
3. Battle Against a True Hero
4. Spider Dance
5. Asgore
Hope that satisfies your curiosity!
Ahhhhh, fascinating… fascinating indeed!!
It’s good you made that clarification around me in particular as I would’ve assumed it is the whole ost without second guessing it. xP
As for me… brace yourself..!!
Another Medium
Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
Nyeh Heh Heh!
Initially I was gonna leave…. A somewhat lengthier reply, somewhat, just a tad, but knowing me, I was gonna likely take an entire summer to write it. So I’ve felt it’s appropriate to have a short part 1 and send a part 2 later, sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger…
I figured I'd move our discussion here since we're going on about Undertale's music specifically Yousef.
I'm quite fond of Another Medium and Core myself. If it was a top ten list they'd easily be up there somewhere.
As I said in my post about playing deltarune I actually prefer that game a lot more and... Well Undertale doesn't really live up to it's ridiculous cult following for me to put it mildly. I do enjoy it's music but I admittedly don't actually know what a lot of the tracks are called and have to look them up.
I look forward to the second part, whatever that may be. Feel free to yap all you like... Trust me you should see some of my reviews in the review thread... I can waffle for ages myself
Want To Be Close is such a great song @Yousef-. Though that's been rattling around my brain since P3's Original release 15+ years ago
My daughter had recently bought the Digital Deluxe Edition of Mary Skelter Finale which came with the digital soundtracks for all 3 games in the series and... Hooo boy they're so freaking good.
No clue what the actual game is like but I love me a violin especially and most of the soundtrack uses it...
This is my favourite track so far
My favorite walking theme in 4 is actually Alone, pretty powerful stuff.
On a mildly related note, I actually feel like the “odd girl out” in having 4 as my favorite. Fair play to 3 and 5 fans, but I feel somewhat lonely these days knowing one of the last surviving P4 diehard enthusiasts out there (I even would’ve preferred a p4 remake over 3 which I know is a SPICY take). Then again I’m somewhat used to being the “weird girl” in a lot of my communities. Eventually, you gotta own it!
And yes, you bet I’ve even bought the p3+p5 dancing bundle purely just to get the p4 dancing game which was the only way to get it… even platinumed it… because you MUST understand that the only way to properly kick someone arse is the Dance Floor.
On an ACTUAL unrelated note, the line between me and your daughter was so thin that I looked at the message thrice to realize there’s no correlation. Once I noticed it, I felt utterly embarrassed for spending a chunky minute trying to decipher the correlation between persona and that RPG, which does look cool. I like trying new stuff!
(Also I was really disheartened to have this half of the message nuked by my device, I’m glad I remembered everything I wanted to say and I’m now making sure to archive it just case of another error)
HallowMoonshadow if I may be so bold, what your favorite Undertale tracks? Consider it my legal obligation to ask.
You may be as bold as you like hon!
A top five?
1. Undertale (The 6.22 minute long track not the whole game's soundtrack )
2. Hopes & Dreams.
3. Battle Against a True Hero
4. Spider Dance
5. Asgore
Hope that satisfies your curiosity!
Ahhhhh, fascinating… fascinating indeed!!
It’s good you made that clarification around me in particular as I would’ve assumed it is the whole ost without second guessing it. xP
As for me… brace yourself..!!
Another Medium
Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
Nyeh Heh Heh!
Initially I was gonna leave…. A somewhat lengthier reply, somewhat, just a tad, but knowing me, I was gonna likely take an entire summer to write it. So I’ve felt it’s appropriate to have a short part 1 and send a part 2 later, sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger…
I figured I'd move our discussion here since we're going on about Undertale's music specifically Yousef.
I'm quite fond of Another Medium and Core myself. If it was a top ten list they'd easily be up there somewhere.
As I said in my post about playing deltarune I actually prefer that game a lot more and... Well Undertale doesn't really live up to it's ridiculous cult following for me to put it mildly. I do enjoy it's music but I admittedly don't actually know what a lot of the tracks are called and have to look them up.
I look forward to the second part, whatever that may be. Feel free to yap all you like... Trust me you should see some of my reviews in the review thread... I can waffle for ages myself
How funny that you mention that, I’ve actually literally forgot what thread we were on. So you did wise by moving on here otherwise I would’ve had no qualms going a little… unhinged.
My relationship with Undertale is not all that asimilar to yours actually, I’ve even said to myself “this is what the kids are into?” and spent so much time being reluctant to try it before finally caving in and realizing “oh no, I’m the exact kind of weirdo to enjoy this”.
The second part will come. Frankly, it’s a little bizarre, borderlines on esoteric. I’ve genuinely never found a weirder backstory than mine when it comes to how people got into this franchise.
Waffles?!? I love waffles!!
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
I do love that track! I'm a particularly big fan of Heartbeat, Heartbreak myself. I adore the "sad" track Traumerei & I'm really fond of Adachi's dungeon track Long Way as well.
On a mildly related note, I actually feel like the “odd girl out” in having 4 as my favorite. Fair play to 3 and 5 fans, but I feel somewhat lonely these days knowing one of the last surviving P4 diehard enthusiasts out there. (I even would’ve preferred a p4 remake over 3 which I know is a SPICY take)
Then again I’m somewhat used to being the “weird girl” in a lot of my communities. Eventually, you gotta own it!
P3 was my first Atlus game so it always has a special place in my heart. It's my FF7 so to speak. October 4th still breaks me to this day.
I do love Persona 4 quite a fair bit though! I'd say it's probably the most consistent one actually compared to Persona 3's slow burn of a plot or my spicy take for Persona 5 in that it swan dives straight off a cliff after the very first palace (And even then it's way too heavy handed about Kamoshida).
Or my even spicier take in which I really don't like Lynn's vocals and think she ruins most of P5's soundtrack
... I'm not that big a fan of P5 if you didn't get it so... I'm the weird one here!
On an ACTUAL unrelated note, the line between me and your daughter was so thin that I looked at the message thrice to realize there’s no correlation. Once I noticed it, I felt utterly embarrassed for spending a chunky minute trying to decipher the correlation between persona and that RPG, which does look cool. I like trying new stuff!
Oops! Apologies sweetie!
You just put 3 - in a post to get that thin line. I wish it was bit more distinct myself but can't really complain about the site's formatting!
I really don't know anything about Mary Skelter. I've only listened to the music at the moment. I know it's by compile heart/idea factory so... There is some fanservicey character designs. I think it's a first person tile based dungeon crawler like Etrian Odyssey?
How funny that you mention that, I’ve actually literally forgot what thread we were on. So you did wise by moving on here otherwise I would’ve had no qualms going a little… unhinged.
My relationship with Undertale is not all that asimilar to yours actually, I’ve even said to myself “this is what the kids are into?” and spent so much time being reluctant to try it before finally caving in and realizing “oh no, I’m the exact kind of weirdo to enjoy this”.
The second part will come. Frankly, it’s a little bizarre, borderlines on esoteric. I’ve genuinely never found a weirder backstory than mine when it comes to how people got into this franchise.
Waffles?!? I love waffles!!
Now I'm even more curious!
And well if you want to read a rant review on Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope and how completely inept it's story and characters are... Then have I got the long winded 2000 plus word review for you!
No waffles?????
On a more serious note, I was planning to reply today but I got caught up in stuff. I’ll get back you tomorrow, friendo!
(Yes… I do promise this will still be about music… I think)
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
@HallowMoonshadow Star Ocean 4 is… a game that was somehow conceived by an, allegedly, human being. To this day we still have confirmation if it was a human.
SO4 is the game where all you need to give someone the entire information required to help them make a purchase is to tell them the protagonist is called “Edgy” and that would be all the information they need to know exactly what kinda game this this is.
If they further persist, I’d tell them about the quest at the start where to progress, you need to talk to an unsuspecting NPC twice who blends with the others and has no indication of being a story trigger.
If I can rename Star Ocean 4 to anything I want, it would be “Red Flags: the JRPG”, it’s a harrowing thought to finish this so I commend anyone who had the stomach to tolerate this… video game. You included.
However now I feel it’s time I bring about that part 2, well it’s mainly a backstory over how I got into Undertale. I’ll actually try to keep it… relatively brief.
I spent a decent four years just not “getting” undertale. I felt it wasn’t my thing. I was also just not in touch with……. I’m afraid I can’t find the words I’m looking for, western culture? That doesn’t feel right, but it feels somewhat close to what I’m trying to describe. I did not think either the game nor the community would be something that’d mesh well with my personality back then. And if you don’t mind some sass, frankly I found the community rather crass and crude. Sorry, no “Ms Nice-girl” during this part of the timeline. I was mean girl all the way and I still occasionally bite so be careful grrrr >:3 (not with you though I like your snark and I feel I deserve being put in my place sometimes)
Sometime later, I’ve watched this review by “whoisthisgit”, you may guess from his name that he’s British, and he did expose me to the British gaming community quite often. I still watch him, even ten years later. Funny enough, despite this being the undertale review I disagree with most (now, anyways), it’s still my favorite. His main point is that undertale and by virtue, Toby Fox, is very anti-RPGs and made this game as a “criticism” of rpgs (a complaint which I funnily enough think is the opposite. I actually think no indie dev understands and loves RPGs more than Toby, but in getting ahead of myself here)
The review is quite good. I hugely recommend it.
After this, no notable events occurred except in 2019 where by some miracle, I got the game but was still hesitant to play it and didn’t think it might be my thing. As a side note, I was spoiled on the pacifist run but like, would that even count as a spoiler?
(Pinky promise music will come up eventually)
Now I will jump ahead and say yes, I did eventually play it and enjoy it. I was gonna put this at the end but it’s frankly not that interesting of an ending to this post. So now I will proceed to give you a “midquel” of sorts where I’ll explain another event that between my reluctance and my playthrough.
First of all, you like Pro-wrestling?
(Yes, this is still about undertale…. Kinda)
I do. I like it very much in fact. (Daniel Bryan is my favorite wrestler) I like it so much that I watch parodies of it… more than I should, honestly.
(I think I forgot what this was about… Undertale? Undertaker? Who cares)
Anyways, Nyah hah hah! and .sans are two songs I heard for the very first time….. in an Undertale Pro Wrestling parody.
Yes, this is real.
true story.
Hope the wait was well worth it. I know a two day wait can feel like two years in these threads.
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
Of all the things you could've said I wasn't expecting a negative (and rather questionable) review of the game and pro wrestling parody videos being what inspired you to eventually try it @Yousef-
Can't say I'm a fan of Pro wrestling... And honestly I'm not quite sure what to say in response to your entire post to be perfectly honest other then it's certainly a lot more interesting then my experience where it's the only game I've played on PC.
Playing it a few months after it's release simply because I didn't think it would make the jump to console (and my daughter was also super interested in it).
Sorry if this isn't as interesting of a reply as you might expect but I'm a bit lost for words 😅
Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"
@HallowMoonshadow no need to apologize for something like that xD
The sheer act of conversing alone is enough for me, I just enjoy conversing in general :3
How to reach me out: 👇👇👇👇
Discord: yousef. (All lowercase with fullstop at the end)
Bluesky: yousef7
Email: [email protected] (don’t worry, it’s my non-private email for chatter)
PSN: Kat170499
You can contact me just to say hi.
@nomither6 I tend to listen to its soundtrack from time to time. My favourite song is easily Collective Consciousness simply because of how real the lyrics are.
Topic: Favorite Video Game Music
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