
Topic: Corona Virus Panic/Discussion Thread

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@Ralizah they did lie, however Rali do not go down that road. Since early January China has offered help in various guises - its their fault for sure however they did attempt to warn the world once the truth was out in early January, they locked down 8 million people. it was prior to this they lied. Is the death rate too low? Yes. But America and the UK has had ample time to prepare and we are in chaos management with politicians who are doing a worse job than we could do. I called this better than Boris Johnson who is so thick he ended up almost dead. They have neglected intellectuals and science and gone with gut, naive.

There are a number of Conspiracy theories. These are political tools to distract from the horrendous job our politicians have done. It's somewhere between illegal and insane. Our nurses don't have the PPE. Your nurses don't have PPE. Inept and unforgivable.

Viruses crop up, throughout our entire history. Our stomachs house bacteria from a bygone invasion throughout our evolution, this isn't new.

Here's quite a good read on what most of the world is starting to think of Big Don's America;

@Arugula Naples in Italy. Come on bro, Neapolitan Ice Cream!

[Edited by themcnoisy]

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy Apparently all this is affecting the Huawei 5G deal since there’s a group of Tory politicians that subscribe to the conspiracy theories. Phone masts were burned down across the UK by idiots who believed that the signal was spreading the virus cause it was ‘a Chinese signal’.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@themcnoisy Go down what road? China lying about its numbers and censoring information about the virus isn't some conspiracy theory.

You can read the links, but I can also save you the trouble.

  • You already know China's government knew about the outbreak for weeks before doing anything.
  • You probably already know that China's government muzzled Chinese doctors who wanted to warn the world about this virus early on.
  • China's government is censoring information within the country related to the virus.
  • China's government is censoring academic publications researching the origin of the virus.
  • China expelled foreign journalists.
  • China's official stats related to the virus are untrustworthy.

Oh, and the real kicker? Wet markets are apparently re-opening in China.

Oh, and not only have they not taken responsibility for allowing this virus to spread around the world, they had the audacity to try and shift blame for it to the United States.

None of that, of course, excuses Donald Trump almost methodically preparing the United States to be unprepared for a pandemic, or for lying to the nation and to the world about its severity for weeks, or for any of the horrible, stupid things he has done since this started (I don't need to be convinced about how unpopular he is overseas; didn't Germans vote him as the 'biggest threat to world peace' at some point? lol). But don't let the CCP erase their culpability and their continued horribleness from your mind with their propaganda.

On that note, it looks like we're sending a half-senile politician whose sole claim to fame is hanging on to Barack Obama's coattails up as Donald Trump's challenger, so don't be surprised if the world ends up having to deal with this buffoon for four more years. And, for that, I'm so, so sorry.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah And this is the road I didn't want to see you go down.

Zhao Lijian is a Hawk like John Bolton. Does what John Bolton say summarise the feelings of an entire country. No. So how can you come to this conclusion?

'only have they not taken responsibility for allowing this virus to spread around the world, they had the audacity to try and shift blame for it to the United States.'

That's pretty harsh on all of the Chinese people and equally how Propaganda works. You now have the dog whistle to believe that China (in a Donald Trump voice) believes America started covid 19, when it was 1 person on twitter. No one believes this, not even the Chinese.

One of the CNN articles are filled with spurious claims from unknown sources. About the regimes shift to blaming America for covid 19. Now we know that CNN and Trump have a bad relationship, yet this is the very same dog whistle. There will be people in CNN benefitting from this rhetoric - it makes people read!

Some good work has come from various governers across the States and I'm with you @Ralizah do not listen to leading politicians right now unless it is a direct instruction or rule change. They will point fingers as their political futures are on a Knife edge. Depressing.

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PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
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PSN: mc_noisy


themcnoisy wrote:

Zhao Lijian is a Hawk like John Bolton. Does what John Bolton say summarise the feelings of an entire country. No. So how can you come to this conclusion?

An entire country has no feelings whatsoever, because it's composed of a wide variety of people who believe different things. Of course, in a totalitarian society like the modern PRC, openly contradicting the stated position of the leadership is a good way to find yourself fearing (and probably expecting) reprisal.

Regardless, that is beside the point. These government officials represent their country, just as John Bolton used to (and Donald Trump currently) represent our country to the world. Which is probably a solid reason why America's reputation abroad is so abysmal right now.

Besides, this is hardly the only Chinese government official who has misrepresented this situation. This pandemic was a massive blow to Xi Jinping's credibility on the world stage, thus why we're seeing an unprecedented amount of gaslighting from Chinese leadership and media propaganda apparatuses.

themcnoisy wrote:

That's pretty harsh on all of the Chinese people and equally how Propaganda works. You now have the dog whistle to believe that China (in a Donald Trump voice) believes America started covid 19, when it was 1 person on twitter. No one believes this, not even the Chinese.

One of the CNN articles are filled with spurious claims from unknown sources. About the regimes shift to blaming America for covid 19. Now we know that CNN and Trump have a bad relationship, yet this is the very same dog whistle. There will be people in CNN benefitting from this rhetoric - it makes people read.

Obviously I'm not speaking about "all Chinese people." If I say "America lied to the world after 9/11 about the existence of WMDs in Iraq to justify a senseless war of aggression" (which we did), I'm not implicating every random American man, woman, and child in the decision.

Nevertheless, it's disingenuous to pretend that this was "just one person on Twitter," or that this hasn't lined up with other propaganda efforts condoned and approved of by Chinese leadership.

And I obviously don't think THEY believe the coronavirus currently destroying the global economy started here. It's an obvious, massive lie. But it's also one they're willing to say out in the open, and one that's being repeated on China's internet, which is why it's effective as propaganda.

As to the CNN article I linked, it references an official Chinese policy. I get the whole "don't take mass media at their word immediately" thing, but insinuating that a major news agency is straight up fabricating an anonymous source (the use of which is pretty standard, especially when the person they're speaking to is in danger of being targeted by their own government) is pretty wild.


Anyway, this is getting WILDLY off-topic, so I'm going to end this discussion here. It's obvious we're not going to see eye-to-eye on this.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah



Ralizah wrote:

Oh, and the real kicker? Wet markets are apparently re-opening in China.

I agree with most of what you're saying. But (and I've been wrong about this as well), wet markets reopening isn't a big deal. This is a video from a YouTube cooking channel I follow. And it's sometimes nice to take a step back and see everything in perspective. Worth a watch:



@LaJettatura I'm certain it's still rising in the US. But if half the population was infected, it would've been everyone by now, since the virus spreads exponentially. So I don't think half the population is infected yet (that would be a total disaster, and way worse than it is now). But yeah, as long as people keep ignoring the safety measures it will keep rising, and it will keep getting worse. It probably doesn't help that each state is allowed to put their own measures in place. And I've heard that some areas carry on like usual, pretending it doesn't even exist. But that's true for some countries as well...



OK @Ralizah I don't want to fall out with you so I will say this instead. Reporters can direct amateur sources to say what they want. The news is useful, however right now it's over blowing every little thing.

If America and China decided to work together rather than against each other. That would help almost everyone.

So why don't they give it a try? What have they got to lose? Try it.

[Edited by themcnoisy]

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
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Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@Octane thanks for the video Oct. The presenter was decent too.

That being said. I've always thought it was a bit weird to see things like a pigs carcass in a window of a Butchers and Full dead fish on ice in Tesco. Never been comfortable with that.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy I get that. But I do think there's an argument to be made. It shows that the produce is still ''fresh''. Especially with live animals you sometimes see at markets in other countries.

Problem is that when poverty is a real issue, the last think you want is people dressing up old meat or fish with chemicals to make them appear ''fresh'', and this is a thing that happens, in our countries as well; You can treat salmon to make it appear fresh for longer than it normally lasts (though it's still rotting at a normal rate). There are places where I'd rather buy a live chicken they butcher in front of me, than prepackaged chicken they could've done anything with. All the more reason to eat less meat I'd say



I've just tried to do a handstand. First one ever. For absolutely no reason. I'm 33 and now have a bruised hip.



@Octane Thanks for the interesting video. The good thing, at least, is that China at least temporarily banned the consumption of wildlife there as part of its post-corona regulatory response.

Interestingly, it looks like Wuhan vendors are struggling to find customers when they re-open their stalls.

@themcnoisy In this case, there's more evidence that this is an official Chinese directive, and it lines up with the censorious impulses we've seen from the Chinese government elsewhere regarding the virus.

But I agree that everyone would work together, ideally. There's no benefit to be had from needless aggression between different countries, which is why so many elected Democrats opting for extreme, Cold War-esque rhetoric against Russia these last few years has been frustrating to me.

With that said, I do think you can take the leadership of a foreign country to task without agitating for war (and, unfortunately, after years of Trump, it feels like we're on the brink of a cold war with them).

@LN78 I know. I watched it live. Paula Reid did a great job.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if we ever get the guy out of office, and if we ever seize control of our government from right-wing extremists, we need to do an actual, honest-to-goodness apology tour. I've never been so embarrassed in my life to be an American as I have these last few years.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Just feeling this should be shared:

The crowd, accepting this immediately, assumed the anti-Eurasian posters and banners everywhere were the result of acts of sabotage by agents of Goldstein and ripped them from the walls.


And that’s even more phone mast attacks over Easter. I just don’t understand the stupidity of people sometimes, especially when bloody Eamonn Holmes of all people is spreading it on TV.

@JJ2 It was the sheer community like that which made me feel part of something bigger back when I was putting serious hours into MMOs. It’s nice to see something positive in an industry plagued by mostly awful fans.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett UK as well? It happened over here too. Supermarkets haven't run out of tinfoil yet apparently.



@Octane It’s right up there with Flat Earthers as the most baffling conspiracy theory I’ve heard in a while.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Very sad that people believe this nonsense, but not surprised given the general IQ of the British masses. I'm surprised Eamonn doesn't think that it's phone masts in league with Meghan Markle and the Child Catcher. Those Chinese factories won't man themselves!

Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights


Hearing all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories at work, I won't repeat any of them though. Surprising just how easily some will believe these ideas, I'd rather not have any part in spreading them, even if it's unintentional.

If there was any evidence of foul play with some spy thriller style plot regarding this pandemic, I'm confident the media would have picked up on it by now.



Well looks like Trump’s found his (other) scapegoat. Apparently it’s the WHO’s fault he didn’t act on information even we knew about. Everybody saw it coming as soon as the first reports came out of China and yet certain world leaders decided to do 0 preparation.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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