
Topic: Most wished for games to make a comeback on the PS5

Posts 21 to 22 of 22


Dance Dance Revolution



i'd like to see these:

1) blood
2) a proper duke nukem game and not that travesty years back
3) half life 3 or even a reboot/remaster of 1 and 2
4) left 4 dead 1 and 2 remasters
5) thief, either a remaster of 1 and 2 or a "thief 5" that harkens back to thief 1 and 2
6) splintercell 1, 2 or 3 remasters (they have a new one in the works though)
7) a lot of the "sim theme" games
8) condemned, this was the freakin scariest game i played next to Outlast
9) a proper terminator game perferably with online multiplayer, terminators vs human resistance
10) a proper aliens vs predator vs humans game where you can play as all 3

The Nintendo Switch is the only console that predicts its own future... after 5 years of nothing but weaboo games, you're ready to switch to another console!

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