June's PS Plus games have been officially announced, and it's fair to say that this month's line up is an important one, because Sony's set to launch the new PS Plus tiers worldwide over the next few weeks.
It's a bit of a shame, then, that the selection has been met with a wave of criticism. Most of that is directed towards 2018's God of War. The PS4 reboot is obviously a superb game, but it's already part of the PS Plus Collection on PS5, and it was previously available through PS Now. It's also going to be included with PS Plus Extra. You can see why a lot of people think that it's a stingy move from Sony.
Meanwhile, June's two other titles, Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, are multiplayer-focused — and we all know how well multiplayer games tend to go down with the PlayStation faithful, even if they're good fun to play.
But what do you think of the PS Plus games for June 2022? As always, have your say in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below. Also, be sure to refer to our list of All PS Plus Games.
Comments 83
For me, God of War being included is a bummer since I already have a physical and digital version, but the Nickelodeon game will be fun to play with my son someday. No interest in the anime game at all for me. For people that don’t have GoW already and actually want to try it, this month is okay.
If you’re a PlayStation fan and don’t already have God of War, what are you even doing? This is a top 5 all-time PlayStation game that’s now available on PS+, PS+ Collection, PS+ Extra, and regularly goes on sale for $10. Get on it!
Now with Ragnarok around the corner, it's a good time to revisit or the other 50+ million players to play God of War for the first time. I'm checking out the All-Star Brawl game since I don't care for Naruto and already played GoW last year.
Seems like the same games circulate between all of the services, ps + game pass and humble bundle. Naruto and Boruto and Nickelodeon All stars were both in recent humble bundles. I also notice that basically anything THQ Nordic publishes ends up in these services and any other "AA" games as well, basically stops me from buying stuff like Spongebob, Greedfall, Destroy All Humans or Maneater when those games launch because I always know they will end up in a bundle or subscription. Basically if you want to guess what has a higher chance of coming to ps + look at what has come to game pass recently and this can apply vice-versa, there's just so much crossover.
I like the way Naruto Boruto sounds when I say it. Doubt I'll ever play it.
God Of War is a great game but like others I played and platinumed it a while ago. Plus again a focus on multiplayer is a negative for me.
@sorteddan hahahaha! I'm glad I'm not the only to think that...
I already got the g.o.a.t. 🐐. 👑.in god of war.the other 2 games im not interested in that.they should of give Naruto trilogy instead.but my backlog of games is huge.i already got too many games to play anyways.word up son
Whenever I see these polls, the majority is always unhappy. It will keep being that way until Sony gives away three brand new AAA games a month that magically no one already owns. I'm sure some will still complain about that.
It’s a bad selection because most people will have already played GOW. But the main issue I think is that it was already part of the PS Plus Collection.
Probably worst month everything considered
I won't be playing any of them, I got God of War back at launch and to be fair I can't remember the last plus game I played
@sorteddan i keep seeing naruto borrito..makes me feel really hungry..
@sorteddan Yeah Naruto Boruto Doritos Burrito
Doritos burrito is something I might actually try though!
Yet again a poor selection, and in particular headline, for the biggest and most loyal Sony fans, while arguably great for the more casual players. Difficult problem to try to solve to be honest.
@TheCollector316 100% Agreed! This is definitely not the worst month.
@TheCollector316 I usually don't care about opinions online at all, couldn't care less. But there are two things that have repeatedly triggered me: 1. VR is just another gimmick 2. PS Plus bonus games are bad value for money.
This is an awful selection but hey, I just want the official PS Plus lineup for the UK.
Again... missed opportunity in not providing one of the Jurassic World Evolution games to coincide with what could very well be the last Jurassic movie to release.
1 game I've already played. 1 game I'm interested in. 1 game I'm not interested in. Worst month ever!! I already got Sony to refund 5 years of stacked plus because of this month, I encourage you all to do the same.
@TheCollector316 It's gotten to the point where I wonder why I even look at the comment section for ps plus every month when I know I 'll see the same responses, I must be a masochist😨
I don’t have much more PS+ stacked, and as I have no interest in PSVR2 (yes they based most of State of play on this) when my PS+ sub runs out I will move on from Playstation.
I completed the GOW story a while back on PS5, have no interest in playing it again, or GOW2.
Online should be free… I’ll get me coat
To be honest those polls need the option: I don't care for the games, I just pay to play online or for cloud saves... I don't remember the last time I downloaded a Plus game... Personally I mostly pay for the convenience of cloud saves. I would much prefer if they ditched the free games and lowered the price of the essential subscription.
Dad of War I've already played thrice, on PS4 Pro, PS5 and PC... and the other 2 games I don't care about... it may be a good selection for others, but nothing to look forward to in my case.
we had sniper elite 5 on game pass come on Sony...
Indifferent, next question
Been given GoW multiple times before so, as well as not liking it, I’m paying Sony for a service that is giving it to me for the 3rd time.
The other two don’t seem of interest.
Oh well, lots to play anyway.
Just put away the happy part because man these people always complain about everything every month. Some people can be pleased and expect the everything for next to to nothing.
@kyleforrester87 Not so hard if you look at these polls its always bad even with great months. I guess my best friend is right gamers always complain about everything.
Just gotta wait until June 13…
@Flaming_Kaiser First, the term "these people" is not proper. It sounds racist. You have no idea who those people are and their reasons for saying that. In the end, every person who pays PS+ has the right to express their opinion. My example, I don't play multiplayer. I pay PS+ only to get free games and keep my PS+ with 300 titles unlocked. Lots of people are doing the same. Second, this month is terrible. Whoever liked GOW already owns it or played it. That was the most popular game on PS4/PS5 for years. Third, these other two games should be at least different types to please members who don't play fights or JRPG.
well the following month cant be worse can it?????? live in hope
@NSC9 Whats racist in this context do i call out a group with a specific skincolor? Gamers tend to the most annoying in regard to tons of things. They complain about everything every month and if you find that racist well that sucks for you. If its a sports, indy, fighters, firstparty, racing people here complain about everything every month.
They're likely decent games but having played How of War years ago I'm not interested in that. I like fighting games but I'm nit a Naruto fan and I'm not really into Smash, so Nick isn't super appealing either. I might install Nick because I used to love some of the cartoons, but I don't know anyone playing it so...
@Flaming_Kaiser it didn't sound racist in any way shape or form, pal. Why or how he came to that conclusion I, and probably everybody else here, have no idea.
Personally not a great month for me, but you can't win them all. PS Plus Extra looks to have a few interesting games for me and the lads to mess with though.
I’m also completely disinterested in most of what Sony produce. Only Ratchet and GT7 Of interest really, in terms of flat games. I’ve just been doing this for too many decades and see things going backwards and becoming less interesting in general.
Where my opinion differs though is in VR. PSVR2 is the most exciting thing in gaming currently. After owning PSVR I know it’s the future for me. It’s the main reason I’m still with PlayStation. Hell, VR is the main reason I haven’t become bored with gaming since Japanese output was eviscerated by Sony.
@Flaming_Kaiser The subject is more about generalizing people who don't think the same as you than about skin color. Put the people you know nothing about in the same corner based on your thinking... Yes, it sounds a little bit racist. I would say you sound like "a" word, but then the admin will ban my comment. Next time, be more precise, like "people who complain about X subject...", not "these people."
GoW is a promising first party classic I don't imagine getting my hands on otherwise (no PS5, no suitable PC hardware, lack of motivation to buy PS4 stuff directly in the face of the Remote Play control scheme roulette and low odds of upgrading to Extra in the visible future), so it makes the lineup for me by itself even though I'm not likely to install the others (as mentioned before, they're already much more portable elsewhere). As for fans bellyaching about PS+... what else is new?
@NSC9 Good lord.
One game I want to play counts as a good month for me. All Stars is a hit.
I love this selection!
I now have GoW three times and Never watched Nickelodeon as in my day we had 4 channels and were forced to watch Blue Peter because my older sisters sick in the head. Only good part was the totaliser.
Anyway I digress and can't wait to have these in my collection!
Eh these are no knack 2 I will say that much.
@Flaming_Kaiser not sure what this geezers problem is..is geezer the correct phrase to use? I didnt find anything wrong or racist with your comment 👍
People who have not already played God of War 2018 simply are NOT interested. Very silly to include such an oversold and old game. Everybody who wants it already has it.
I’m just glad I don’t have to buy All Star Brawl. It’ll be a fun and easy platinum I hope
God of War almost everyone already has, the other two...meh.
No!!! I usually speak up for PS+ games, had a few decent ones but this month no!! I mean God of War is an incredible game but surely everyone who’s even slightly interested already has it or had it. You’d have thought they’d give us something a bit special in light of the forthcoming upgrade.
I like how the people who come in here to complain about "gamers" say that as if they aren't gamers themselves. You're here checking some niche (comparatively) website, likely daily, for video game news. You're a gamer too.
Anyways, I don't get why people always get so upset when others complain. It literally does not affect you in any way. They are not coming over to your house to complain in your face. They are not unplugging your console and taking it with them. They are not selling your games because they don't like them. Let people be happy, let people be upset. The world continues to turn.
Everyone with a PS5 already has GoW and the other 2 games look, well, meh... to put it mildly.
I think this will be the first month where i don't add any game from ps plus.
i'm happy , i moved my ps4 to my room , so having another digital copy with out having to bring the disc around is nice if i want to play some god of war , but i wanted to check out the fighting game and give it a try but i didn't want to spend money on it.
The only good month was planet coaster, and I somehow unfortunately bungled that and it didn't get added to my library
SpongeBob ends up the only good one so far then. Why am I still paying? 😢
Can't say it's crap because god of war is an incredible game but I've had it since it released & the other 2 are not for me 🤷♂️ after this month there will be 2 monthly games instead of 3 so the chances of there being a game I'm actually interested in will be even slimmer
god of war ps4 is on ps plus collection and every playstation fan bought that game when it was released on ps4. so who is this for? New ps4 owners i guess. but then, god of war costs 4.99 dollars where i live.
Not at all happy — I already own God of War, I have no interest in fighting games, and less than zero interest in children's cartoon characters that became popular years after I reached adulthood. Edit: I primarily have PS+ Essential just so I can play online with my brother on occasional weekends anyway, so I'd be perfectly happy if they reduced the PS+ price and dropped the "free" games.
I'd say, despite the blind fan humans that can't be objective toward corporate criticism, the data doesn't lie. 1600ish votes with the majority unhappy is conclusive.
So all of those that respond to every bit of Sony criticism with something along the lines of "this site and its comment ors just hate to hate, " is effectively hors$#@.
It’s just typical of Sony in regards to subscription services. Dragging their heels and giving the bare minimum, if that. Blind Freddy can see the future will be completely digital and then later still roll in to being completely a subscription service. So Sony finally launch a tiered subscription service with their partial library, but the ps plus tier (which almost no one was happy with) remains exactly the same quality in terms of what games are released on it and the number one thing people wanted which is new games isn’t available on any of the tiers. And they’re also now investing significant amounts of their resources into mobile and live service games. I’d say their being tone deaf but to me it looks more like they’re speeding towards their own extinction. The completely unsubtle cash grab with the live service and mobile isn’t being done because it’s a good business move by adding something extra that’s going to earn. It’s a move made out of desperation to get money any way possible so they can stay in the game. Even if that means hamstringing themselves in the process because that’s “tomorrows problem’ cos if they don’t do that now they’re dead anyway. They must be in dire straights regarding their own future projections
I bought God of War for sub £10 ages ago. I got stuck on God Of War Ascension before Xmas but one day I will play it. Be interested in what percentage of PS Plus owners play though it. I would guess not many as those that want it have already stumped up the small change for it if they didn't already pay full price.
Everyone's latching onto God of War, but let's be honest here. If anyone was sufficiently interested in any PS+ game ever, they'd have already bought and played them before they get included (apart from the ones that launch onto the service).
PS+ games never have and never will be for those who already buy everything they like day one.
Yes I am happy! Already own God of War, but I've been wanting to try out both the Naruto and Nick fighter games without having to spend money.
It was a bad decision to give GOW. away this month. They are trying to promote the new ps plus . I think they should have gone another route than giving away a “classic “ PS4 title. Trying to get people to buy their service this plan failed maybe waited till July and promoted stray. would have been better
@sorteddan 🤣
I feel luke they just give ilus the same game again and again and it is so dull, PS Collection God of War, PS Now God of War, PS Plus God of War, worries me for the future of freebies.
It's very sneaky the way Sony have slowly diminished the quality of offerings on ps+. Now they are including the new more interesting games like stray with the new more expensive plus tiers and the media is giving them a pass, acting even happy or complementary with it, saying that finally Sony are competing with Gamepass with exclusive 3rd party indies when they were already doing this with Bugsnax, Maquette and Oddworld. It's so frustrating seeing these blatant slight of hand tricks working so easily.
I haven't been interested in a ps+ game for over 6 months now. Done with it to be honest. It's time for them to drop what was ps+ and make online play part of the original cost again, especially after raising the prices of games this gen.
Sure, but you need to consider the readership of the site. We here are more “hardcore” than most. Just the fact we read about gaming news means we are much more likely to have GoW (I myself was given it through Now, the Collection, and now Plus), and so much more likely to be unhappy about the selection.
But only 20 million bought the game. PS4 sold, what, 115 million units?
I’m one of the ones disappointed with the month, but I don’t think you can take this poll as indicative of a PlayStation owner’s general opinion. Not even a plus owner’s general opinion as there are 40 million of those.
It’s clear Sony are looking to hit those who haven’t played the game to get them interested in the sequel, I understand that. I do think they should balance things out by having a fourth game though, even just one that’s added to the Collection. Especially since P5 has already been removed.
I am NEVER happy Seems ok. I want to try out that 'Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl' & see if it would be a good 4 player game with 3 real people + I am ok with SONY bringing that PC game God of War to PS PLUS.
@Milktastrophe I think the difference with GoW is that not only has it been in Now for ages, not only is it part of the Collection for PS5, bit it's also one of the titles that was always going to be part of Extra. So on top of being frequently under £5, it has already been part of two giveaways, and was already scheduled to be (or in some regions already) given away a third time.
The fact that it's in the Collection means it's irrelevant for PS5 owners, which means that you can ignore 20 million people with a higher than average attatch rate for PS+ subscriptions, of which there are <50 million globally, so that's likely 30-40% of subscribers who already own it through that. Now is likely responsible for another 5-10%, especially when that translates into Premium or Deluxe with the switchover. That leaves you with 50-65% of Plus subscribers who haven't been given it through one of those channels, or 25-30 million subscribers on PS4. A load of those will have bought the game long ago, and a load of them will have been planning to upgrade to Extra or Premium. Out of those who remain, how many of them do you expect have any interest in playing the game?
I'd guess maybe 10% of subscribers will be receiving a copy of GoW that they don't already have access to and are interested in eventually playing. To those 10% it's worth £5, which means that to the average plus subscriber it's worth £0.50.
I won't complain about months where games I don't like, but which others are looking forward to, are given away, because I can recognise that on average it's valuable to the subscriber base, and eventually these things shake out, I'll get mine some other month. This however devalues their other offerings and provides very little value on average. As usual I'm not going to say "it's a crap selection", but I'm certainly "not very happy" and "not looking forward to any of them".
Theoretically, I feel like I might try all-star brawl, but realistically, my game time is so limited that it’s a hard no. God of War is great, but absolutely NOT a choice with any value considering I bought it day one AND have access to it in the collection.
Crap month!
I love how people complain about the people complaining about the ps plus line up but have the cheek to say i dont know why people complain haha
Free stuff! 😀 (well nearly)
Not very happy, but only because I have God Of War already (physically and then technically through the PS Plus Collection). If I didn't have that already, I'd be happy with that at least.
However, given the rubbish football game thing was last month and the month before was nothing special, I'm especially exasperated with those months line up.
Sony are supposed to be getting fans pumped for the new PS Plus and PS Now merger. You'd think a kick ass line up for the debut month would be in order, to get people to sign up, pre-release for Western markets... But, nope.
Let me get this stray so Push was ‘pushing’ people to be unhappy because of the rental subscription that you call ‘higher tier’ whereas this is the usual base ps+ that millions of PS4 gamers have. (As opposed to the other services)
Talk about being narrow minded. It’s cool that all PS4 gamers get GOW to KEEP in their library forever. And I’m %100 sure the majority of gamers couldn’t care less about the ‘higher tier’ rental services.
Yeah No. A push poll doesn’t mean much.
Don’t worry, the ludicrous rumour that there will only be two free games from next month with Plus is based on nothing. Rest assured there will still be the free PS5 game as there has been since release, alongside the two PS4 games.
Your right a lot of people on this site are NEVER happy. However I don’t blame them. I even don’t blame any subscription/console/platform warriors. It’s cool if people feel better expressing whatever they want. Im all for freedom of expression.
I’d blame Push for not seeing the forest for the tree and being content with their usual negativity about everything PS. This site is pushing people to be negative without reason and gaming is a rare place people in the world can unit in entertainment and have fun together in these sad times.
Most PS gamers are still on PS4 and don’t visit this site. (And don’t sub to rental service). It’s a recurrent issue with gaming reporting focusing on a loud minority because that’s where they get their clicks from.
Are there people that own a PlayStation and haven’t played God of War?
These poll results seem a bit unfair to me.
@JJ2 I have to agree a gaming site is mostly a loud minority. I cant understand that its not great every month but this is getting old. Its more easy to remove the positive response and make are dissapointed, very dissapointed or are you cancelling your subscription.
@NikKennedy86 Look i dont mind that people dont like it but every month is a drama now. Its getting old fast.
@Flaming_Kaiser oh, absolutely. The comments section every month is ridiculous. Perhaps even more ridiculous this month when you consider you aren't allowed to refer to a gaming demographic without being accused of racism.
@TheCollector316 People are unhappy because 1) Everyone has got or has played GoW already. 2) GoW has been, and still is part of the FREE PS+ Collection. 3) Most people, like me, don’t like multiplayer games. It’s a cheap move by Sony.
@NSC9 maybe it sounds “racist” because you’re a racist or you see “racism” all around you. The words; These people, is not a “racist” term. 😩It is a term to describe a bunch/group of people. Such as: these people always complain. Stop listening to the racist and race dividing far-left.
@NikKennedy86 Who knows maybe im lucky. 🤪
I think it's ridiculous, God of War has been part of the PlayStation Plus collection since the PS5 launched, therefore people with PS+ have been able to claim it for 2 years.. why is it included for this month?? Makes absolutely no sense.
So the PS5 offering this month is Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl? Wow, I'm quite pleased I cancelled PS+ last month. Maybe Sony are making the choices as crap as they can in the hope people will try the higher tier... If so then newsflash Sony, that didn't work for me!
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