
  • Mini Review Skully - Knack Meets Marble Madness

    Skull Town

    Whose idea was it to kick-start the PlayStation 4 generation with Knack and then proceed to end it with a game inspired by the popular mascot? We joke, of course, but Skully really does borrow those basic elements of brawling and platforming to create a somewhat enjoyable experience targeted at kids. That is to say that players beyond...


  • Review Maize (PS4)

    A bad crop

    When we received the code for Maize, a comedic first-person adventure game about sentient corn, we were obviously intrigued. How could we not be? The key art features a stalk of corn listening to a boom box, and in an industry that can at times feel bereft of fresh ideas, this left-field offering from Finish Line Games excited us. Not...


  • Review Cel Damage HD (PlayStation 4)

    More like cell damage

    Did you know that Cel Damage was originally a PlayStation 2 title that released in 2001? If you answered ‘yes’, then you may have seen this obscure, cartoon racer sitting in bargain bins, as this title received middling reviews during its first lap on the track. As such, it’s a bit odd to see the game resurrected for...