Tag: Polls - Page 4

  • Feature PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying

    Welcome to reality

    PSVR2 launched just over three months ago at the time of writing this article. Sony's second foray into the potentially wonderful world of virtual reality, the headset itself has been praised as a great bit of kit, providing some impressive technical specs and being relatively easy to actually use — a common complaint in the...

  • Poll Which PS5 Blockbuster Will You Be Playing in June?

    The holy trinity

    Six months in, and 2023 has been great for games. But ever since the start of the year, we've been sitting here looking at the June release schedule and sweating. This is the month that includes Street Fighter 6, Diablo 4, an Final Fantasy XVI — in that order. These are three of the most anticipated PS5 titles to date (and...

  • Poll Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?

    The PS5 big guns arrive

    Nearly 20 months later, Sony has finally followed up on the PlayStation Showcase from 2021 with a big glimpse behind the curtain at what its first-party studios are working on it. Complemented by exciting third-party content, the show went on for over an hour, sharing long-awaited looks at PS5 games we knew about as well as...

  • Poll How Hyped Are You for the PlayStation Showcase?

    The big one

    Can't wait until Wednesday? We know the feeling. Sony's kept us all in the dark for way too long, and so there are high expectations surrounding this week's PlayStation Showcase. Whether the event actually lives up to those expectations doesn't matter right now, though. We're very much in the calm before the storm, and so we wanted to...

  • Poll We Need You to Rate the Trails Games

    Be a hero

    Over recent years, Falcom's long-running Trails series has gained a lot of traction here in the West. We're still a few games behind at the time of writing this article, but publisher NIS America has hit a steady stride in releasing title after title. And thankfully, we're now at a point where there are enough Trails games on modern...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for May 2023?

    Something for everyone

    It's another big update for the more expensive tiers of PS Plus this month. We don't want to influence your opinion right off the bat, but man, that list of PS Plus Extra games is pretty impressive, isn't it? With the likes of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart,

  • Poll What's the Best PlayStation Startup Sequence?

    PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5?

    When you think of PlayStation, does a specific console startup come to mind? Sony's crafted some iconic system screens over the years — complete with some iconic sounds — but which one's the best? We know that's a potentially difficult question — and it might be wholly dependent on how old you are! — but it should...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

    Cal it

    It's been a week since the release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on PS5. The action adventure certainly seems to have struck a chord with gamers in general, although there is ongoing debate regarding the game's technical state, which is being improved bit by bit via updates. There's something great at Survivor's core, though. We gave it an...

  • Poll Rate the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters

    The final time

    Regular readers will know that we have our own list of Best Final Fantasy Games here on Push Square. It includes just about every Final Fantasy title released on PlayStation platforms to date, and it's all user rated. The thing is, we want to refresh the list with the recently released Pixel Remasters — and so we want you to give...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Dead Island 2?

    Back from the dead

    Dead Island 2 has been shuffling around PS5 and PS4 for over a week now, and so it's time to find out what you lot think about this latest zombie-smushing title. It's fair to say that we've been waiting on this one for a while — the project itself was rebooted multiple times after its initial reveal all the way back in... 2014?!...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for May 2023?

    Plus or minus?

    May 2023's PS Plus Essential games were leaked just hours ahead of their official reveal earlier this week, and it's fair to say that the lineup divided opinion on both occasions. To be fair, it is a bit of an odd selection. We've got GRID Legends headlining things — a solid racer with some questionable FMV story stuff thrown in...

  • Poll Are You Playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

    [Lightsaber noises]

    Another of 2023's blockbuster games has just landed on PS5. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is out now on Sony's current-gen console, and it's already attracted some very, very positive reviews. The direct sequel to 2019's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, players once again find themselves in the well-worn boots of Cal Kestis, a Jedi, er,...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?

    Feel the burn

    Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores released just over a week ago. The PS5 exclusive expansion builds upon Aloy's second adventure, and although it doesn't make any drastic changes to the formula (what did you expect from DLC?) it was very well received. Indeed, we gave it a 'great' 8/10 in our Burning Shores PS5 review, praising...

  • Poll Are You Playing Dead Island 2?

    Dead and loving it

    The year is 2023, and Dead Island 2 is an actual video game that just released. If you can still remember the project's initial teaser trailer for all those years ago, then you might find this whole situation quite surreal. The craziest part, though? Against all odds, the game's actually good fun. We gave this latest...

  • Poll Are You Playing Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?

    Feel the burn

    Aloy's latest adventure is out now on PS5, whisking her away to the titular Burning Shores. For those totally out of the loop, Burning Shores is an expansion for Horizon Forbidden West, featuring an all-new open world region, a new storyline, new characters, new enemies, new equipment, and new skills. The DLC is also exclusive to...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for April 2023?

    It was all Bethesda

    We hope you like Bethesda games, because they make up the bulk of this month's PS Plus Extra and Premium offerings. Might this business decision be down to some kind of big deal that's happening elsewhere in the industry? Hmmm, sounds like a conspiracy to us... So, Extra continues to be pretty good value as far as we're...

  • Poll How Was Final Fantasy 16's State of Play Showcase?

    Share your reaction to the big livestream

    You might already be sold on Final Fantasy XVI, but Sony and Square Enix still felt it necessary to put on a State of Play livestream all about the PS5 RPG. With a roughly half-an-hour deep dive into combat, exploration, and more the focus of the show, no other games were included in the event. Final...

  • Poll Are You Playing God of War Ragnarok's New Game Plus?

    Oh boy!

    If you've been hankering to replay the superb God of War Ragnarok, then there's simply never been a better time to dive back in. The game's anticipated New Game Plus mode has been released as part of a hefty update, increasing the level cap, reworking certain encounters, and letting you take all of your unlocked abilities and gear into an...

  • Talking Point Would You Care About a PS5 Remote Play Handheld?

    Another way to play

    Sony is, reportedly, planning to release a new PlayStation handheld. But before you absolutely lose your mind over the potential of a PS Vita 2, know that this rumoured device is apparently dedicated to Remote Play. Yep, the codenamed 'Q Lite' is a specially built system that's designed to sync up with your PS5, letting you play...

  • Poll What Was Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game in March 2023?

    Wo Long! Trails! Resi!

    2023 is yet to let up in terms of the release schedule, with March proving to be another very busy month for PlayStation gamers. It's safe to say that Resident Evil 4 ended up stealing the show, but we can't forget about other highly rated titles like Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Tchia, and Trails to Azure. Indeed, we handed out...

  • Poll We Need You to Rate More of Your Fave PS5 Games

    Give us those scores

    It’s been a year since we last asked you to rate your favourite PS5 games, and in that time we’ve compiled the data to put together some pretty comprehensive listicles, including our ginormous guide to the Best PS5 Games. Of course, with new titles releasing every week, it’s important our content remains accurate – and...

  • Poll Which PS5, PS4 Games Are You Most Looking Forward to in April 2023?

    Star Wars! Dead Island! Horizon!

    Looking at the schedule, April feels a bit like the calm before a storm. While this month certainly does have its fair share of big releases, so many blockbusters are all queued up for May and June (especially June). Still, over the next four weeks, we've got the likes of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Dead Island 2, and...

  • Soapbox Hold On, Is the PS3 a Retro Console?

    Rory is having a time crisis

    The passage of time. Weird one, init? Never mind the fact I just turned 30 this month and – dodgy knees aside – still feel about 21, there’s something else that’s got me all messed up this week. While plumbing the depths of the Twitterverse the other night, I stumbled across something that I didn’t...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for April 2023?

    Plus or minus?

    April 2023's PS Plus Essential games have been announced, and as per usual, we're looking at three new titles as part of the subscription service's monthly update. This time around, Meet Your Maker is the headline act, which launches straight onto PS Plus. It's an online game where you're either trying to build an impenetrable base or...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Resident Evil 4 Remake?

    Permanent resident

    Chances are, you've played Resident Evil 4 at some point. Capcom's classic action horror title has been ported to just about every platform under the sun, but we want to hear what you think about one very specific version. We are, of course, referring to the recently released Resident Evil 4 remake on PS5 and PS4. The Japanese...

  • Poll Did You Enjoy the Diablo 4 Beta?

    Heaven in hell

    The open beta period for Diablo 4 has come to a close. This past weekend, all players on PS5 and PS4 were able to download the beta and get stuck in (queue times permitting), taking all five playable classes for a test drive. With the full game set to launch on the 6th June, this was a great opportunity to see how the loot-driven...

  • Poll Are You Playing Resident Evil 4 Remake?

    Pure evil

    We're a little bit late with this poll, but we still want to know: are you playing Resident Evil 4? The newly released remake, that is, just to avoid any confusion! Resident Evil 4 is one of the most re-released games of all time, but this may well be the definitive experience — especially if you're a newcomer. The title was hit with a...

  • Poll What Game Should Capcom Remake Next?

    Resident Evil or something else?

    Capcom's latest remake, Resident Evil 4, has finally released on PS5, PS4. Perhaps the biggest one to date, it's the firm's third remake in four years. It clearly has a knack for doing them successfully at this point, but the quality of the Resident Evil series dropping somewhat after this fourth instalment, where do...

  • Poll We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PSVR2 Games

    Help us build a definitive list

    PSVR2 has been out a little while now, and while it’s admittedly still early days, it’s time for us to start thinking about what games we’d recommend for prospective new players. As we’ve done with our Best PS5 Games and Best PS4 Games list, we want to put the power in your hands, encouraging you to rate your...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for March 2023?

    Plus or minus?

    We're not going to beat around the bush: PS Plus Extra is pretty good, isn't it? The middle tier of Sony's subscription service has quickly established a large catalogue of great PS5 and PS4 games, and it feels like it's being meaningfully expanded every single month. March 2023's additions bring some real value as well. Delightful...

  • Poll Are You Playing Trails to Azure?

    Feeling blue

    The second game in Falcom's 'Crossbell' duology has finally been officially released in the West, and existing fans will know how much of a big deal that is. Trails to Azure is the explosive sequel to Trails from Zero, and these two titles feed directly into the Trails of Cold Steel series. What a time to be alive! If you're a fan of...

  • Talking Point Is 2024 Too Soon for PS5 Pro?

    Pros and cons

    The latest and greatest PlayStation rumour to do the rounds is based on a recent report by the reliable Insider Gaming. Said report claims that the oft-whispered PS5 Pro is in development, and could be targeting a potential 2024 release. It's a rumour that's already divided fan opinion — and even we find ourselves trying to weigh...

  • Poll How Would You Rate The Last of Us Season One Finale?

    The end

    And that's it: after nine weeks of episodes, HBO's TV adaptation of The Last of Us has concluded its retelling of the PS3 game. A lot like the previous eight episodes, the finale remains faithful in many places but then deviates in others. We're sure fans will have their opinions on the way Joel and Ellie are captured by the Fireflies in the...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

    Wo and behold

    Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty seems to have struck a chord with fans of tough action titles. The latest game from prolific Japanese developer Team Ninja, it's a bit of mix between Nioh (the loot, the combat pacing), Sekiro (the parries), and Dynasty Warriors (the battlefield morale system), and it's all based on epic Chinese novel Romance of...

  • Poll What Review Score Would You Give Octopath Traveler 2?

    Choose your path

    It's a rather large RPG, but it's been out for a few weeks now — and so we want to know what you think of Octopath Traveler II. We're in a bit of a weird situation here on the PlayStation side of things, since the first game was never released on Sony platforms — but the good news is that this (supposedly much improved) sequel...

  • Poll What Did You Think of The Last of Us - Episode 8?

    Snow joke

    After episode seven's trip back in time, we return to the terrifying present in The Last of Us episode eight. Largely covering the sinister plot thread featuring David and his crew, things turn pretty ugly in this intense, fraught chapter. Caring for an injured Joel, Ellie's looking after him, hunting for food and desperately trying to...

  • Poll What Was Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game in February 2023?

    So many to choose from

    Well, we saw it coming, but that still didn't stop February from being an absolutely frantic month for PlayStation. Between a number of popular new PS5 and PS4 releases and the arrival of PSVR2, we were kept extremely busy for the full 28 days — and now it feels like we're still trying to catch up here in March! But enough...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for March 2023?

    Plus or minus?

    Going by the results of our previous polls, it's been a good start to the year for PS Plus — but will that winning streak continue this month? March 2023's PS Plus Essential games have been officially announced, with inconsistent FPS Battlefield 2042 leading the charge. EA's multiplayer shooter is flanked by Minecraft: Dungeons and

  • Poll Are You Playing Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

    Long time coming

    Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is here, and it seems to have made a splash amongst the hardcore action game community. A bit like a mix between Nioh and Sekiro — complete with a Romance of the Three Kingdoms backdrop — Wo Long is the latest heavy hitter from Team Ninja, a developer that's been impressively prolific in recent times. We...

  • Poll What PS5, PS4 Games Are You Most Looking Forward to in March 2023?

    Another busy month

    It's fair to say that 2023 has been busy for PlayStation so far, and although March's schedule isn't quite as hectic as February's, there are still loads of games to get through. The likes of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and, of course, Resident Evil 4 lead the charge, but you simply can't overlook potentially great (but smaller)...

  • Poll How Do You Feel About Final Fantasy 16?

    Take action

    It happens every time a modern Final Fantasy game is fully revealed: "this isn't what I want from Final Fantasy". Needless to say, the cycle is repeating with Final Fantasy XVI, which, to be fair, does represent what is perhaps the most significant departure from the series' traditional formula yet — at least in terms of mainline...

  • Poll Help Us Rank the Yakuza / Like a Dragon Games

    Judgment included

    With the recent release of Like a Dragon: Ishin!, we think it's time to properly rank the games in RGG Studio's beloved Yakuza / Like a Dragon franchise. And, as always, we want your help in creating a definitive list. Determining the series' best games won't be easy, though. This is a property that's managed to maintain a fairly...

  • Poll What Did You Think of The Last of Us - Episode 7?

    Left Behind

    We're heading towards HBO's finale of its The Last of Us TV adaptation, but episode seven took a step back in time for a large flashback focusing on Ellie's relationship with Riley. Appearances from Joel are kept to the start and end of the hour-long episode, allowing the two girls to steal the show with some nighttime fun in the mall...

  • Poll Are You Playing Octopath Traveler 2?

    A new path on PlayStation

    Octopath Traveler II is here, bringing some traditional, turn-based RPG adventuring to PS5 and PS4. Of course, the first Octopath Traveler is nowhere to be seen on PlayStation platforms — which makes the arrival of this sequel a bit weird — but the good news is that the two titles boast separate stories and characters...

  • Poll Did You Love Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream?

    2023 starts with a bang?

    The first State of Play showcase of 2023 has been and gone, with Sony taking the digital stage to reveal a lengthy look at Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League alongside new PSVR2 titles and more games from its partners. Clocking in at an impressive 45 minutes, the platform holder had a lot to show. New game announcements...

  • Poll Are You Playing Atomic Heart?

    Electric feel

    It always looked very promising in its gameplay videos leading up to launch, and now it's finally here. Atomic Heart is an alternate history shooter packed with crazy combat powers and weird looking robots. Atomic Heart is launching in an especially busy period, and so questions will no doubt be asked about whether it does enough to...

  • Poll Are You Playing Like a Dragon: Ishin?

    By the blade

    Yep, we now live in a reality where Like a Dragon: Ishin! is available worldwide. And if that's not cause for celebration, we don't know what is. This historical spinoff originally released in Japan almost a decade ago, with this remake giving the experience an Unreal Engine overhaul on PS5 and PS4. If you're already a fan of the...

  • Poll Are You Playing Wild Hearts?

    Kemono come all

    Look, we know February has been ridiculously busy, but surely you've got time for a new monster-slaying adventure from unlikely publishing partners EA and Koei Tecmo? Wild Hearts is out now on PS5, bringing some welcome competition to the hunting game space. The game's been warmly received by reviewers, and public opinion seems to...

  • Poll Was The Last of Us - Episode 6's Reunion Worth the Wait?

    Brother meets brother

    After four episodes away from one another, Joel and Tommy have finally been reunited in episode six of HBO's The Last of Us. The TV adaptation has made its way to Jackson, where Joel and Ellie meet up with the younger brother as they try to find the Fireflies. The episode features some iconic scenes from the game, but a few...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for February 2023?

    Plus or minus?

    Some people have been calling it one of the best PS Plus updates ever. Others say it's the best PS Plus update yet. But don't let pesky internet commenters sway your opinion! As always, we want to know what you think of the confirmed PS Plus Extra and Premium lineups for February 2023. Extra's selection is impressive right off the...