Tag: Polls - Page 16

  • Poll Are You Excited for Mass Effect: Andromeda?

    Super effective?

    In case you missed the news earlier this week, Mass Effect: Andromeda finally has a confirmed release date. The long awaited sci-fi sequel lands on PlayStation 4 on the 21st March in North America and the 23rd March in Europe - but are you hyped for BioWare's big release? Our problem with Andromeda is that, up to this point, it's...

  • Poll What Was Your Favourite PlayStation Game of 2016?

    The choice is yours

    We've already picked Uncharted 4: A Thief's End as our Game of the Year. Our awesome forum members also picked Naughty Dog's opus as Game of the Year. But now, as we attempt to pad out our content schedule one more time before work begins in earnest again,

  • Feature The Promising PS4 Games of January 2017

    Starting right

    Holy cow it's 2017 already - where the heck did that year go? Bemusement aside, we're now facing 12 more months of games, and boy does this year look packed from where we're sitting. January may not be flaunting too many blockbusters on PlayStation 4, but if you're a fan of Japan's output, you're going to have to keep a very close eye...

  • Poll Who Is the Best Final Fantasy Protagonist?

    Let's settle this

    You know, we had concerns about Noctis as a likeable character before Final Fantasy XV released, but now that we've finished the game and had time to think about it, we reckon Noct's actually a pretty good protagonist. But how does the immaculately groomed lead stand up to the heroes of Final Fantasy's past? Well, that's what we're...

  • Feature What Do Longtime Final Fantasy Fans Think of Final Fantasy XV?

    And how highly do they rate it?

    Now that Final Fantasy XV has been out for a couple of weeks, we here at Push Square have had some time to gather our thoughts on Square Enix's long-awaited blockbuster. By most accounts, the game's a good one - we gave it an 8/10 in our review - but how do longtime fans of the series feel about Noctis and the gang's...

  • Poll Does The Last Guardian Dazzle After a Decade?

    Believe in a Trico

    Can you believe it? The Last Guardian, after a torturous spate of delays, is finally available globally. Fumito Ueda's touching tale about a bird and beast was originally announced all the way back in 2009, but bizarrely is playable on your PlayStation 4 right now. But does it still dazzle after a decade of development? We loved...

  • Poll Decide Push Square's PSX 2016 Game of the Show

    The best of a good bunch

    There were a lot of games shown during Sony's PlayStation Experience 2016 press conference. So many, in fact, that we had to consult a handy list in order to finish this article - but that isn't going to stop us from asking you lot to vote on Push Square's official Game of the Show. If you need a refresher on what was...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Final Fantasy XV on PS4?

    Worth the wait?

    Final Fantasy XV's been on store shelves for a few days now, and we imagine that many of you reading this will still be digging into Square Enix's latest adventure - but we're more eager than ever to know what you think. Having been in development for so long, it's safe to say that expectations have been set quite high. After ten...

  • Poll Take the Push Square PlayStation Experience 2016 Community Quiz

    Place your bets

    Sony's bringing the PlayStation Meeting back for another year, as the Japanese company prepares its fan-driven event and stage presentation for the 3rd December. Always a tough show to predict, the PlayStation Experience isn't quite E3, so we tend to expect more niche titles and specific announcements to hog the limelight rather than...

  • Poll Are You Buying Final Fantasy XV?

    In with the boys

    Final Fantasy XV launches tomorrow on PlayStation 4, which, when you stop and think about it, is a bit mental. We've been waiting ten years to see this game release, and now here we are, just hours until it becomes officially available. And so, the question that we pose to you today is: are you buying it? Has the ridiculous...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Watch Dogs 2 on PS4?

    Top dog or dog turd?

    Watch Dogs 2 is out on PlayStation 4, and according to our very own Matt Adcock, it's supposed to be pretty darn good. The sandbox sequel is a lot more colourful than its rather dreary predecessor, with Ubisoft trying extra hard to pump some character into proceedings. But now that we've had our say - review score pending - we...

  • Poll Did You Buy a PS4 Pro?

    Going Pro

    Predictable Friday polls are one of our specialities at this point, so here we are once again, asking you lot to share your opinion on the latest happenings from the PlayStation Nation [We really need to stop writing that - Ed]. Of course, there's no bigger happening right now than the release of the PS4 Pro, which launched yesterday...

  • Feature The Promising PS4 Games of November 2016

    Here are our highlights

    November may not be as packed as the incredibly busy October that we've just endured, but it's still got its fair share of big releases on PlayStation 4. Once again, we're here to highlight the games that we think look particularly promising as we continue the march into 2016's holiday season. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare...

  • Poll What Are Your Thoughts on PlayStation VR So Far?

    Are you a believer?

    Another Friday afternoon, another quick and easy poll for us to sticky on the front page. Nah, we're just kidding - we're actually interested in hearing what you lot think about PlayStation VR. Unless you've been avoiding us for the last two weeks or so (why the heck would you do that?) then you'll already know that we've been...

  • Feature October on PS4 Is Packed with Promising Games

    Here are our highlights

    Can you believe that it's October already? The year seems to have flown by here at Push Square, and now we find ourselves on the very brink of the holiday rush. Indeed, this is one of the most packed Octobers in recent memory, with way too many notable releases hitting the PlayStation 4 over the next few weeks. As such, we've...

  • Poll Are You Happy with October's PlayStation Plus Games?

    Prime time

    The reaction to October's PlayStation Plus offering has been largely positive as far as we can tell, with PlayStation 4 users in particular looking forward to not one but two critically acclaimed titles in Transformers: Devastation and the current-gen version of the original Resident Evil. This month's selection follows on from a...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Destiny: Rise of Iron?

    Is it hot stuff?

    Ah, trusty old Destiny - a game that's pretty much the perfect fodder for a Friday poll such as this. The shooter's latest expansion, Rise of Iron, launched earlier this week on PlayStation 4, and its brand new six-player Raid is releasing later today. Judging by the amount of buzz that the DLC has generated around the 'net, it's...

  • Poll Should the PS4 Pro Have a UHD Blu-ray Player?

    A moment of clarity

    Sony took a bath on the PlayStation 3 just to get Blu-ray into as many homes as possible, so it's strange to see the company ignore the fledgling Ultra High-Definition Blu-ray format a decade later. Times have changed since the turbulent days of 2006, of course: streaming is, for many, their primary means of consuming media now...

  • Game of the Month Top 4 PlayStation Games of August 2016

    Robot limbs, scary dogs, virtual girls, and fish

    See, this is what happens when you remember to organise the staff Game of the Month vote too early. Your humble host put the internal poll together before September had even begun, and now here we are, over a week later, and the damn article is only just being written. Still, we can at least push some...

  • Poll Will You Be Buying a PS4 Pro?

    You knew this was coming

    Aaaaand here we are. It's been roughly two days since the PlayStation 4 Pro was announced at Sony's PlayStation Meeting, and it's reasonably safe to say that opinions are divided. For some, the Pro is exactly what they expected, while others are a little disappointed that it isn't something more. Naturally, this means that...

  • Poll Take the Push Square PlayStation Meeting 2016 Community Quiz

    Take a guess at what Sony's going to show

    Wait, it's time for another Push Square community quiz already? Wow, those months since E3 sure have flown by. If you're new to all this, allow us to explain: shortly before a major Sony press conference, we like to put together a quiz based on what you think will happen during the event. All of the included...

  • Poll Are You Happy with September's PlayStation Plus Games?

    Journey of the Fallen

    After August's rather divisive offering, the reaction to September's PlayStation Plus selection didn't seem too bad. With superb PlayStation exclusive Journey and the janky but enjoyable Lords of the Fallen up for grabs this month, there's an argument that this is one of the strongest line ups that the service has offered in...

  • Poll Are You Still Playing No Man's Sky?

    Or have you lost interest?

    It's been a weird old ride for No Man's Sky. Hyped up to infinity and beyond by enthusiastic fans, the press, and just about everyone in between, the space survival sim was met with divided opinion when it launched earlier this month, and even now, people still can't seem to decide whether it's good, bad, or just straight...

  • Poll It's Time to Have Your Say on No Man's Sky

    What do we reckon?

    No Man's Sky has been out for a few days now, and it's safe to say that it's divided opinion. While most publications haven't published their reviews yet, you can't step into any forum or comments section without seeing people either loving or hating on Hello Games' space faring adventure. And so, we're here to ask you, the Push...

  • Poll Are You Happy with August's PlayStation Plus Games?

    Remain calm

    It's safe to say that August's PlayStation Plus reveal didn't go down too well - we haven't seen such online rage regarding Sony's service in quite some time, but is next month's offering really that bad? We're going to let you answer that one. In case you're out of the loop, August's selection includes Tetris-like block puzzler Tricky...

  • Poll Has Square Enix Enticed You with Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4's Extras?

    Manor you milking this

    Yesterday we published a poll regarding Rise of the Tomb Raider's release date rumours. While we were confident in the source, we didn't expect Square Enix to come out and confirm the news today – but it has. As previously reported, the action adventure will deploy on

  • Poll Will You Pay Full Price for Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4?

    It's a Lara money

    The rumour that Rise of the Tomb Raider is set to release on the PlayStation 4 on 11th October prompted some pretty interesting discussion here on Push Square this weekend. According to the GameStop Italy listing – from which this entire story stems – Square Enix will be charging around €70 for the port, which suggests that...

  • Poll Are You Happy with July's PlayStation Plus Games?

    Or are you Furious

    July's PlayStation Plus offering has been outed and the dust has settled - it's time to tell us if you're satisfied. This month's PlayStation 4 selection includes the brand new Furi - which we just reviewed through here - Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, and early access to Paragon. Elsewhere, PlayStation 3 gets Fat Princess and Call

  • Feature 20 Promising PS4 Games Still to Come in 2016

    Second half dramatics

    We can hardly believe that we're more than halfway through 2016 already, but at least this year has offered up some good gaming times so far. The likes of Dark Souls III and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End immediately spring to mind, but the latter half of 2016 also promises an abundance of great looking titles, so we've decided to...

  • Poll Are You Still Excited for No Man's Sky on PS4?

    Or has the wait killed the hype?

    At the time of writing, the date is the 24th June 2016. If it hadn't recently been delayed into August, No Man's Sky would have released today on PlayStation 4 here in Europe, and it would have launched three days ago in North America. Yep, in an alternate universe where developer Hello Games thought "you know what?...

  • Feature Did You Predict E3 2016? Push Square's Community Quiz Results Are In

    Did you beat E3?

    Well, here we are. After all of the hype, E3 2016 is coming to a close - and you know what that means. Before the event kicked off, we asked you lot to take part in our annual Push Square E3 community predictions quiz, and around 200 of you took part. You had 20 yes or no questions to answer, but how many did you get right? Let's...

  • Poll What Was Your Favourite PS4 Game at E3 2016?

    Decisions, decisions

    We consider the opinion of you, the readers, just as important as our own here at Push Square Towers, which is why we like to amplify your comments, engage with you in the forums, and – of course – let you pick our E3 2016 Game of the Show. As has been the case for a few years now, we're letting you select your favourite,...

  • Poll Take the Push Square E3 2016 Community Predictions Quiz

    Can you beat E3?

    Hello dear readers, and welcome to Push Square's second annual E3 Community Quiz. Those of you who were with us last year will know how this works, but for everyone else, here's a very quick recap: we're going to supply you with 20 yes or no questions, all of which will be based upon the potential events of E3 2016. You're going to...

  • Poll Are You Enjoying Overwatch on PS4?

    And who's your favourite character?

    Overwatch made a big, big splash earlier this week when it launched on PlayStation 4. The team based shooter from developer-that-can-do-no-wrong Blizzard has already captured the hearts of many a Push Square scribe, but how do you feel about it? Has its accessibility got you addicted? Have you had your Play of the...

  • Poll Which Uncharted Game Is the Best?


    We bet that some of you saw this one coming. Naughty Dog's hardly put a foot wrong with Nathan Drake, the luckiest man alive and protagonist of the Uncharted series. Although Uncharted: Drake's Fortune didn't quite set the world alight when it launched back in 2007, we're not sure that anyone could have anticipated the runaway success of...

  • Poll Are You Enjoying Uncharted 4 on PS4?

    A worthy end?

    We assume that many of you will have sunk a decent amount of time into Uncharted 4: A Thief's End by now - and we bet that some of you will have finished it - but we just have to ask: are you enjoying it as much as we did? If you didn't get a chance to read Sammy's 10/10 review earlier this week, you can click through here and see why...

  • Poll Do You Want More Family Friendly Platformers on PS4?


    Grab your Groovitrons because Ratchet & Clank is a critical and commercial hit – just try not to mention the movie while you move your feet to the beat. The game – with its strong consumer reception and compelling price point – topped the UK sales charts this week, significantly outpacing Play

  • Poll So, Which Souls Game Is the Best?

    Blood, ash, and eternity

    Right, it's time to settle this once and for all. Maybe. Dark Souls III has been out for about a week now on PlayStation 4 - at least here in the West - so we're going to assume that many of you have put a decent amount of time into this supposed final entry. With that in mind, we want you to tell us what your favourite...

  • Poll Would You Like to See Final Fantasy IX Come to PS4?

    Tantalising Tantalus

    Arguably one of the best Final Fantasy titles ever released, Final Fantasy IX is now available on PC via Steam, and we're mature enough to admit that we're seething with jealousy. As such, we thought that we'd put our bitterness to good use and somehow transform the non-PlayStation news into this hastily scrawled article. Always...

  • Poll Are You Happy with the PS4's Current Firmware?

    Or does it need a bit of tweaking?

    For what it's worth, we reckon that the PlayStation 4 is in a decent position right now. Recently released firmware update v3.50 brought some nice functionality to Sony's home console, including the ability to appear offline, optional friend notifications, and remote play support for PC and Mac. Regardless of how...

  • Poll Will You Be Buying Final Fantasy XV?

    Let's go on a road trip

    Now that Final Fantasy XV finally has a release date and Square Enix has shared its plans for the game, we have to ask: will you be buying it this September? Despite being in production for ten years, the hype's always remained high for Noctis' upcoming adventure, but with director Hajime Tabata stating that the title has to...

  • Poll Are You Still Playing The Division on PS4?

    Has Ubisoft's latest done enough?

    Tom Clancy's The Division has been a success commercially - there's no doubt about that - but now that the game's been out for a few weeks, we thought that it might be interesting to see what you lot think of it. Indeed, if we cast our minds back to the heady days of Destiny and its highly anticipated launch, just...

  • Poll Would You Sell Back Your Digital PS4 Games for PSN Credit?

    Trade and untested

    There's a Microsoft survey doing the rounds that proposes the idea of "selling back" digital games for store credit. In the questionnaire, it hypothesises a potential scenario where you could essentially relinquish rights to any of the non-physical games stored on your hard drive in return for 10 per cent of the purchase price...

  • Poll How Much Will PlayStation VR Cost?

    Predict the financial damage

    Yes, we're recycling an old topic – but it does feel like the right moment to revisit the PlayStation VR pricing saga. Sony's announced that it will be holding a press event during the Game Developers Conference next week, and it's likely to contain pricing and release date details on its wow-inducing wearable...

  • Poll Are You Happy with PS4 Firmware Update 3.50?

    Yay or nay?

    Sony detailed PlayStation 4 firmware update v3.50 this week, revealing its codename – Musashi, for those curious – and the list of features that it will introduce. Chief among them is the ability to turn on friend notifications and appear offline – but it also includes improved party functionality, better event scheduling, support...

  • Feature Happy 4th Birthday, PlayStation Vita

    Yes, it's still here

    Four years ago today, on the 22nd February 2012, Sony bestowed upon the Western world its newest handheld gaming system: the PlayStation Vita. Originally marketed as something of a home console in the palm of your hands, it's safe to say that the sleek little machine hasn't quite lived up to its potential - but for once, we're...

  • Poll Which PS4 PlayStation Plus Freebie Will You Be Voting to Play?

    Make your mind up time

    Vote to Play, the PlayStation Plus initiative which sees you selecting one of your Instant Game Collection freebies, is making a comeback next week. Starting from 9th February, you'll have the opportunity to pick one of March's free PlayStation 4 games, with Action Henk, Assault Android Cactus, and Broforce all up for grabs.

  • Game of the Year What's Your Favourite PlayStation Game of 2015?

    Over to you

    Right, let's put a recycled bow around our Game of the Year coverage with one last article, asking: what was your favourite PlayStation game of 2015? You've read our picks, so now it's time to have your say – and yes, we're well aware that our forum users selected The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but please let us pad out another day of...

  • Poll Take the Push Square PlayStation Experience 2015 Community Predictions Quiz

    Can you beat the PlayStation Experience?

    Heck yes, it's that time again. Earlier this year, just before the beginning of E3 2015, we created a feature article that tasked you, the Push Square community, with predicting the Los Angeles event. The 20 question quiz was a huge success, with around 150 of you taking the time to vote on each question...

  • Poll How Well Is Fallout 4 Running on Your PS4?

    We hope it's rad

    It's been about a week since Fallout 4 launched, so we think that it's a pretty good time to get some feedback on how Bethesda's latest is performing. As you're no doubt aware, the developer doesn't have the best track record when it comes to making games that run as they should - but from what we've watched and read around the...