Tag: Polls - Page 12

  • Poll Do You Think Google Stadia and Streaming Are the Future of Video Games?

    Check that connection

    Is streaming the future of video games? Google certainly wants you to think so. Earlier this week, the company revealed its plans for Stadia, a streaming platform that, in theory, allows for the instantaneous streaming of big, AAA, modern video games through any device supported by Google. On paper it's an impressive concept...

  • Poll Have You Bought The Division 2?

    All good, agent?

    The Division 2 is officially out on PlayStation 4 today, but technically, it's been available for a few days due to the early access granted by the game's Ultimate and Gold editions. Still, we're here to ask the all-important question: have you nabbed a copy of The Division 2? Maybe you got one of the special editions early?...

  • Poll Have You Bought Devil May Cry 5?

    And are you a fan of the series?

    Devil May Cry is back, baby! It's been a long time since Capcom unleashed its inner demon, but according to critic reviews -- our own included -- the wait has been worth it. Devil May Cry 5 is a beast of an action game, but have you gone ahead and grabbed a copy? And so begins another Friday poll. Are you getting...

  • Game of the Month Best PS4 Games of February 2019

    Crazy inventors, mutants, dirt, and legends

    February was something of a mixed month on PlayStation 4. It saw quite a few new releases, but not all of them were especially well received. Still, we've done our best to narrow down February's top four titles, even if we did have to lower the review score bar for entry. Bronze Trophy: Steins;Gate...

  • Poll Do You Feel Ripped Off by PS Plus' Recent Changes?

    Value proposition

    PlayStation Plus has been around for almost a decade now, but it blossomed into life on the PlayStation 3. In hindsight, we know that Sony was playing the long game – the excellent Instant Game Collection generated a ton of positive publicity, and it ultimately meant that when mandatory online was introduced on the PlayStation 4,...

  • Poll One Week Later, Were the Reviews Right About ANTHEM?

    How are you finding it?

    ANTHEM currently sits at around a score of 60 on Metacritic across PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It's safe to say that the game's struggled, and for what was supposed to be a AAA Destiny-killer, you could argue that ANTHEM has been nothing short of a disaster for EA and BioWare. The game could well improve over time -- the developer...

  • Poll Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for March 2019?

    Plus or minus?

    March 2019's PlayStation Plus lineup has been announced, but are you happy with it? To recap, subscribers are getting two highly rated PS4 titles: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, and The Witness. What do you think of the selection? What game are you most looking forward to playing? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your...

  • Poll Have You Bought ANTHEM? What Are Your First Impressions?

    Any good?

    Well this was an obvious Friday poll, wasn't it? Out today on PlayStation 4, ANTHEM has been met with middling reviews and countless YouTube videos claiming that it's a steaming pile of sh*t. According to some, it's quite possible the worst video game ever made, but hey, we're... Kind of enjoying it so far. It seems okay. But these polls...

  • Poll Do You Think Sony Is Telling the Truth About Cross-Play?

    Open the gates

    Ah, cross-play. Everyone's favourite subject just got unearthed from its still-warm grave earlier this week, when Sony basically came out and said that despite popular belief, developers are free to request cross-play functionality for their games. This was in response to a number of studios supposedly calling Sony out on its...

  • Poll What Did You Think of The Division 2 Beta?

    Agents unite

    The private beta for The Division 2 has now come and gone, and we're here, as always, to ask the obvious. We were left quite impressed by the beta (you can read our hands on feature here), and the reactions that we've seen around the web have seemed pretty positive. With the full game due out in just over a month, we just have to ask:...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Apex Legends?


    It came out of nowhere and it's been available to play for roughly a week at the time of writing: Apex Legends has had a much bigger impact than anyone could have really anticipated. The free-to-play character-based battle royale title from Respawn Entertainment has racked up an impressive 10 million players already, but have you...

  • Game of the Month Best PS4 Games of January 2019

    Zombies, jet fighters, hearts, and Yuri Lowell

    It's the first Game of the Month for 2019, and boy has it been a tough one. January wasn't packed with new games, but a few heavy hitters did the business, making it a big month for PS4 players. It's safe to say that the year has started well. Bronze Trophy: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown: Ace Combat...

  • Poll What Did You Think of the ANTHEM Public Demo?

    Will you be buying the game?

    The ANTHEM public demo is over, and we won't be seeing the game again until it launches later this month. The demo was available for three days or so over the past weekend, boasting a handful of missions, a co-op activity, and some free roam adventuring. What's more, players could try out all four of the different...

  • Poll Will You Be Playing the ANTHEM Public Demo This Weekend?

    Land of the freelancer

    The ANTHEM public demo is set to go live in just a couple of hours (at the time of writing). Available to everyone via the PlayStation Store, the demo could end up being a make-or-break scenario for many players, so here's hoping that EA and BioWare get it right this time. We say that because last weekend's VIP demo was a...

  • Poll Did You Buy the Resident Evil 2 Remake?

    The dead have risen

    It feels like a lifetime ago that we sat down and joined Leon and Claire on their jaunt through Racoon City on the PSone. The original Resident Evil 2 was considered a masterpiece at the time and it's been thought of as a stone cold classic ever since, but somehow, those lunatics over at Capcom have actually gone and recaptured...

  • Poll Do Developers Betray Fans When Player Choice Suddenly Doesn't Matter in an RPG?

    Pick your dialogue option

    With the release of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's latest DLC earlier this week, a heated debate has been reopened regarding player choice in role-playing games. To quickly get you up to speed, Odyssey forces your character into a certain situation that you have no control over, despite the rest of the game being built upon the...

  • Poll Push Square Staff and Community Predict PlayStation's 2019

    Can you beat 2019?

    Can you predict 2019? Regular readers of Push Square will know that we're no strangers to predictions. Every E3 for the last four years or so, we've put together a beloved community quiz, but here in 2019, we're branching out. Below, you'll find 40 yes or no questions, all of them related to events that are supposedly happening...

  • Poll What's Your Most Anticipated PS4 Game of 2019?

    The year ahead

    And here we are again with another very important community poll. Last week, we asked what your Game of the Year for 2018 was, but this week, we're turning our gaze towards the year yet to come. Out of all the PlayStation 4 games releasing in 2019, what are you most looking forward to? Let's find out. But before we get stuck in, we...

  • Poll Vote for Your PlayStation Game of the Year 2018

    The big one

    The Push Square staff have had their say and so have our lovely forum members, but now it's time for the rest of you to decide on your PlayStation Game of the Year for 2018. How exciting! Below, you'll find a poll that contains the 50 nominees that put together for our own vote, all the way from God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2 to...

  • Poll What Games Do You Plan on Playing Over the Holidays?

    'Tis the season

    Ah, winter holidays. Is there any better time to just sit back, relax, and play some lovely video games? Well, we suppose the answer to that all depends on whether you actually have some free time, but we imagine that most of you reading this will have at least a couple of days to do as you wish over the next week or so. And so we...

  • Poll What Did You Think of The Game Awards 2018?

    Geoff's best?

    And just like that, The Game Awards 2018 is over. The fifth annual event was pretty busy, with the show running for over three hours. It had awards, it had jokes, and it had reveals, but did you enjoy it? Has Geoff Keighley hit a home run, or has he stumbled? What was your favourite announcement or reveal? What do you want to see from...

  • Game of the Month The Best PS4 Games of November 2018

    Dragons, vampires, assassins, and... Tetris

    November is often the busiest month of any given year when it comes to new game releases, but that hasn't really been the case in 2018. Don't get us wrong, there were still some quality titles to chew on last month, but it was mostly October that saw the big games hit. Still, this year overall has been...

  • Poll Are You Enjoying Red Dead Online So Far?

    Do you think RDR2's multiplayer mode has delivered?

    Red Dead Online released this week, providing Red Dead Redemption 2 fans with a reason to return to the Wild West. The mode, which is surprisingly story-heavy, sees you create a character and get to work in the critically acclaimed title’s enormous open world. You can form posses, complete...

  • Poll Is E3 Still Relevant, Especially Now that Sony Has Abandoned It?

    Electronic Entertainment Exit

    So, Sony isn't going to be at E3 2019. No press conference, no presence at the show. It's surprising news that's rocked the gaming world, but as our own Sammy Barker has said, it's a move that's impossible to judge right now. There's little doubt that Sony is currently very busy behind the scenes prepping the PS5, but...

  • Poll Do You Buy and Play Single Player Story DLC?

    Extended adventures

    Square Enix hosted a livestream this week in which the company shockingly cancelled multiple planned Final Fantasy XV expansion packs. While the decision was primarily motivated by the departure of director Hajime Tabata, it has raised an interesting conversation about the viability of story-based, single player DLC packs...

  • Poll Arthur Morgan vs. John Marston - Who's the Better Red Dead Redemption Lead?

    Old versus new

    Arthur Morgan or John Marston? It's a question that we've been asking ourselves ever since we finished Red Dead Redemption 2. Obviously the recently released sequel is going to be much more fresh in most people's minds -- including our own -- but we can't ignore how much we liked playing as John Marston in the original Red Dead...

  • Game of the Month The Best PS4 Games of October 2018

    Cowboys, Spartans, zombies, and little bug men

    There's no doubt in our minds that October was one of 2018's strongest months for gaming. Stuffed with critically acclaimed blockbusters as well as highly rated smaller titles, it was a period that had just about everything. Of course, this made deciding on our Game of the Month that much harder. Before...

  • Poll One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?

    Were the reviews right?

    Red Dead Redemption 2 is one week old today, which means that by this point, many of you will have no doubt sunk a lot of hours into the open world adventure. But has Red Dead Redemption 2 lived up to the hype? Does it deserve all those 10/10 review scores? Let's find out. As always, we've got a few polls for you to vote in...

  • Feature The Promising PS4 Games of November 2018

    Spyro, Hitman, Fallout, and more

    October has been a gruelling month for us here at Push Square, but the release schedule is finally slowing down as we head into November. The penultimate month of 2018 isn't exactly quiet, however, as there are still several big games coming our way over the next 30 days. Without further ado, let's take a look at...

  • Poll Have You Bought Red Dead Redemption 2?

    The biggest game of 2018?

    Regular readers will have known that this poll was coming. Releasing today (that's the 26th October, in case you're reading this at a later date), Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally here. Unbelievably, it's been over eight years since the first game, and we're sure that many of you are dying to get started on this highly...

  • Poll Are You a Fan of Gaming Magazines?

    Are they still relevant?

    The unfortunate news that legendary UK gaming magazine GamesMaster is being shut down has got all of us here at the Push Square office reminiscing about our favourite mags from back in the day. The simple truth is that without publications like the Official PlayStation Magazine, EDGE, and indeed GamesMaster, we probably...

  • Poll Is Assassin's Creed Odyssey One of the Best Games in the Series?

    Do you agree with the reviews?

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey has been out for about a week now on PlayStation 4. The open world title was met with high praise from critics, and Ubisoft has said that the game's already outperformed its current-gen predecessors. Safe to say that it's been looking good for the gigantic Greek adventure. As always, though,...

  • Poll If PSN Name Changes Are Really Happening, Will You Change Yours?

    Is an upgrade in order?

    One of the big stories in the PlayStation Nation this week was that according to reputable sources, the ability to change your PlayStation Network username is finally heading our way. When? We're not entirely sure yet, but reports say that some developers have been told all about it. If this really is happening, though, will...

  • Game of the Month Top 4 PlayStation Games of September 2018

    Footie, war, epic quests, and superheroes

    September was a good time to be a PlayStation gamer. All told it was a rather stuffed month, with blockbusters sitting beside more niche titles -- and many of them reviewed especially well. That said, we bet you can already guess which game's won our coveted Game of the Month award. We could lie and tell you...

  • Poll Do You Care About Cross-Play Now That It's Available on PS4?

    Cross your heart

    So one of the biggest stories this week was that Sony has changed its policy on cross-play. It announced that it was holding a cross-play Fortnite beta on PlayStation 4, allowing users to match up with Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, PC, and Mac players. Quite the turnaround. Of course, Fortnite could just be the start...

  • Poll Now That It Offers Game Downloads, Are You Tempted to Subscribe to PS Now?

    In the Now

    The topic of this week's Friday poll is an obvious one. Earlier this week, Sony dropped the news that PS4 and PS2 game downloads had been added to its subscription service PlayStation Now. Previously, subscribers could only stream PS Now's library of games, but with the option to download them and play them whenever you want, the service...

  • Poll One Week Later, Is Spider-Man PS4 as Good as the Reviews Say?

    The final verdict

    Marvel's Spider-Man has been out on PlayStation 4 for a whole week now, hopefully giving most of you reading this ample time to play through it and form a concrete opinion on whether it's any good. We absolutely loved it, as shown by our gushing review, but do you agree with us? Spidey's open world outing currently sits at a score...

  • Poll Are You Buying Marvel's Spider-Man?

    Swing and a hit

    Marvel's Spider-Man is no doubt going to be a huge hit for Sony. There's been hype for it ever since it was originally revealed, and it got a load of very positive reviews from critics earlier in the week. If you didn't already know, the game's out today exclusively on PlayStation 4, but will you be picking it up? As per usual, we...

  • Poll What Do You Think of Destiny 2: Forsaken?

    Is there light in the darkness?

    Destiny 2: Forsaken has been out for a couple of days now, and we must admit that we've been enjoying it. We've been hot and cold with Destiny 2 for months, its two smaller expansions failing to draw us back in for more than just a few sessions here and there. But right now, Forsaken feels like a turning point...

  • Poll Do We Still Need Review Scores?

    A 6/10 poll

    As noted by our best buddies over at Nintendo Life, numerous mainstream gaming websites have now dropped review scores entirely, either opting for a word-based system or doing away with them completely. Review scores are a topic well worth discussing from time to time, and obviously, it's a very relevant talking point for us here at...

  • Game of the Month The Top 4 PlayStation Games of August 2018

    Dragons, cells, sourcerers, and luchadores

    Wow, what a good August that was. We've been saying all year that September, October, and November are absolutely nuts when it comes to release schedules, but last month was really strong in its own right. We gave out a number of high scores across a bunch of different genres, which only made voting for our...

  • Poll What Did You Think of the Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay?

    Night City awaits?

    You've all seen the Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay by now, right? Well we've embedded it above just in case you haven't, so get it watched and then you can join in on this super fun Friday poll. Clocking in at 48 minutes, there's a lot to the big gameplay reveal, but now that it's been available for several days, we want to know what...

  • Feature The Promising PS4 Games of September 2018

    It begins

    Here it is, the big one. Well, one of the big ones. September is jam-packed with PlayStation 4 goodness, and it would have been even more insane had Spyro: Reignited Trilogy not been delayed into November. Still, this is where the real end-of-year rush begins. From here on out, it's a ridiculous few months for fans of Sony's...

  • Poll What Was the Best PS4 Game at Gamescom 2018?

    Game of the Show

    As yet another annual gaming event comes to a close, it's once again time to reflect and pick out our Game of the Show. Gamescom may not be the 'European E3' that it once was, but we still got so many new trailers and gameplay videos from this year's show. And so, it falls to you to decide Push Square's Gamescom 2018 Game of...

  • Poll Are You Hyped for Gamescom 2018?

    And what games do you want to see?

    Gamescom was once thought of as Europe's equivalent of E3, and given the size of the annual event we suppose that still holds true to some extent, but it feels like the Cologne-based convention has fallen off the radar just a tad over the last few years -- at least in terms of hype. It's also worth mentioning that...

  • Poll Do You Want More PS4 Games to Take Advantage of Gyro Aiming?

    A step above SIXAXIS

    PlayStation has a spotty track record when it comes to motion controls. The early days of the PlayStation 3 are best swept under the rug as SIXAXIS tortured us with the likes of Lair and Haze, and then the cycle repeated in 2010 with the introduction of PlayStation Move. Despite a few diamonds in the rough, we'd be...

  • Poll Will You Be Playing No Man's Sky NEXT?

    Space race

    No Man's Sky NEXT launches next week on PlayStation 4. The update is set to add to the game rather dramatically, with the highlight being the introduction of full multiplayer functionality. It only took around two years, but yes, it's finally here. Well, almost. We need to know, though: is NEXT going to be enough to get you playing No...

  • Poll Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Grand Final

    Final round! Fight!

    This is the thirty-ninth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the Grand Final. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be. If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here...

  • Poll What PS4 Game Are You Most Excited for in the Latter Half of 2018?

    Round 2

    Hey you, did you know that the latter half of 2018 is bloody ridiculous for new game releases? Well if you didn't you do now, and if you think that we're joking, be sure to check out or list of upcoming PlayStation 4 titles. It's going to be mental. With that intro out of the way, we're here on this sunny Friday afternoon to ask you what...

  • Poll Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament: Final 4 - Match 126

    Ready? Fight!

    This is the thirty-eighth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the second of two top 4 matches. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be. If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click...