Looks promising

Inner City Kids seems to be the quintessential PlayStation Vita game. Recently announced on the PlayStation Blog, this raucous indie title sees you playing as a group of, erm, inner city kids that must save their slowly disappearing parents from an alien threat.

The gameplay itself is your typical turn-based fare. You'll be offered a sundry of strategic scope, and then tasked with using these diverse options to take out the alien scum. What's more, all of your weapons are created using two separate sections, allowing you to customize them to your specific needs. In other words, it's a delicious mix of Zombies Ate My Neighbours and Final Fantasy Tactics, all with the graphical style of Proteus.

What do you make of Inner City Kids? Is it the sort of game that you'd want to play on the Vita? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]