
Topic: Diablo - Stay awhile and listen at The Slaughtered Calf Inn

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I’ve got the beta on download, not too hopeful the servers will hold up, though.

My understanding is you don’t need PS+ for the beta, but will need it for the full game? Anyone know otherwise? Would be nice if only certain multiplayer features needed +, frankly…


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Downloaded the beta last night so I am ready this weekend. Won't get much time on Friday or Saturday cause I work but I am looking to put in some time on Sunday.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Managed to get in ok in the end, and played for a few hours. First impressions are generally good, I wasn’t really paying attention to a lot of things as I just want to get a feel for it before it releases, but was struggling to stop so I can see me getting pretty hooked when I play for real.

It’s slower, much less arcadey - all to be expected, especially in the early game I guess. The story seems good and the intro area and cutscene introducing the villain was really cool.

I guess that’s all I can really say 🤷‍♂️ nothing to put me off buying it, so roll on release date! Don’t think I’ll play any more of the beta, perhaps just to try out some other characters.

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 You beta play the other characters before it ends.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


May be I'm jumping into conclusion too quick but I can't help but feeling disappointed at Diablo 4. I've had way more fun with D3 on Switch than the current open beta now. Things just feel so... unexciting. Yes, the visuals have been improved but it's nothing to marvel at among all the gorgeous PS5 games. Everything else feels like a watered down version of D3. I literally just walk and spam spells and.. that's it.

May be I've grown out of the series.



@puddinggirl hmm I’m not sure I see it as watered down at all, initial impressions are that it has more depth to the systems. And walking and spamming spells is literally all you do in D3 also..?

Going from end game D3 to a fresh character on D4 does feel a bit strange though.

Dunno if it’ll get me like D3 did at the end of the day. Never did enjoy the D2 remaster much but I am putting that mostly down to the horrible inventory management.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Yes, D3 is essentially walking and using spells strategically (not spamming), but the difference lies in the details. Console gaming is essentially just pressing a few buttons moving 2 sticks. But game design elements such as combat flow, mobs distributions, UX and many more create the feeling of "fun".

It's hard to go into details exactly what I feel is missing in D4. All I can say is the game is probably like D3 that needs another year or more. D3 isn't great until the overhaul of the game at the release of the expansion "Reaper of Souls".



Well, got to max level with a Druid and will get the unique item for getting to level 20 in the beta. I sunk in about 15 hours this weekend with the game. I didn't want to stop to be honest but 1) The fact that I wasn't getting more XP and 2) I want to save some stuff for release made me stop.

Here's my thoughts.

Overall this game felt to me what Diablo 3 should have done at some point. I like the open world there is so much to do, in fact I didn't even do the main story (saving that for the release) Instead I did side quests and Dungeons. The open world really mad the series seem fresh and new don't get me wrong D3 is great but after being stuck in confined areas in the game it's nice being able to explore the world. I love the crafting system too big step up from D3. And the graphics where beautiful.

The main complaint I had and it's not with the game itself it was the class I picked. The Druid was a fun class to play but one big problem I was and maybe it was the build I did but trying the druids main way of attacking would use up the spirit without generating and the only thing that did was a Melee attack which meant standing around beating on adds when a boss is attacking you. Hopefully they will fix that before release.

I do love the skill trees, and love all the options, on top of that you can start your build right away unlike D3.

Definitely will be picking this one up on release day. Definitely what the series needed.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


does anyone know if it’ll be free to play D4 online , since only free games have free online , but D4 isnt free , so how’s it gonna work ?



@nomither6 I think you answered your own question. I’m assuming that because it’s not a free-to-play game you’ll have to have PlayStation Plus.


PSN: Bentleyma-


Has anyone played Diablo 1? I started it on Monday - the PS1 version on an emulator - and I've not been able to put it down all week. It is not the best looking game (as you can see!) but it does look better in motion. The gameplay is a lot of fun and the atmosphere is top notch. I'm really surprised by how much it's hooked me. Shame I missed out on D1 and D2 back in the day, I don't think I'd have been able to put these games down.

It's essentially a 16 level dungeon, I am on level 11 and it is getting really hard. It doesn't mess around - nothing like D3 in that respect. I'm getting by with kiting and funnelling enemies through doorways as much as I can.



Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987

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