Republished on Thursday, 23rd June, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following Resident Evil: Director's Cut's inclusion in All PS Plus Games. The original text follows.
Originally published on Sunday, 25th November, 2018: Spencer Mansion, set deep in Raccoon Forest, looming loftily in the Arklay Mountains, is the true star of Resident Evil. The colossal and creepy house setting of the game was inherited from Capcom's 1989 Famicom title Sweet Home, but it was Resident Evil on PS1 that popularised the survival horror genre. This 1996 third-person action adventure game created a survival blueprint, which became an archetypical structure for horror gaming's future architectural plans.
Yet, the more that you play Resident Evil, the deeper that you understand that it's a game about empowerment, as much as survival. The terrifying part is that when you begin the single player only adventure, all of the power is clutched in the claws of the mansion's monstrosities, and not in the trembling trigger fingers of Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. The heroes of the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S) are essentially trapped, they're confused, poorly equipped, and stumble blindly through this demonically dark dwelling.

Capcom's Production Studio 4 assembled every brick in Resident Evil to create a sinister undead world of unrelenting tension. Issue 7 of the sadly short-lived MAXIMUM magazine described it best in May/June 1996 with a five star full-mark review, stating that it had “the greatest atmosphere of any other game in existence". As a player, you inhabit and learn the layout of the house and its surrounding grounds, as if it was a building that you had actually visited.
Part of grasping the balance of power back from the hellish beasts comes from exploring every nook and cranny. It feels old-school to the point that you may even decide to have a pen and note paper beside you as you scrutinise each room, to map out important item locations, and return to areas of interest. Ask a gamer who completed this PS1 classic, and it's likely that they could give you directions from the mansion to the gardens. They will remember the route from the guardhouse to the kitchen and library, plus they could guide you to the courtyard, through to the laboratory.

This is an achievement in visual design that extends beyond the ageing process of 32-bit graphics, or the confines of fixed camera angles, which frame oppressive pre-rendered backdrops. In any case, every camera position is deliberately placed to startle, or create distress, even when they obscure the view of two fierce Hunters in a narrow hallway. This creative construction work is evident through a more modern redesign, in the form of the GameCube's Resident Evil remake, which can shed a clearer light on the marvellously meticulous composition of the layout of Spencer Mansion.
Everything combines to build the tension, but special credit must be given to the unease created by the sound effects and musical score. The cawing of crows and the Cerberus howls, as well as the shuffling and groans of zombies, are an audio warning preparing the player for an attacker, moments before you glimpse it. The footsteps of Jill and Chris echo around the halls, with each tread altering from wooden or tiled floors, to softer carpet strides.
If the Pixies are associated with the quiet-loud sound dynamic in alternative rock, then the talent of Masami Ueda, Makoto Tomozawa, and Akari Kaida incorporated a similar technique in Resident Evil. Their compositions and arrangements reinforce the contrast of emotions experienced throughout the adventure, from the nail-biting screeching and scraping sounds in the basement, to the reassuring calm when you reach the sanctuary of a save room. The intensely creepy guardhouse music is a stark reminder that soothing moments, such as Jill playing Moonlight Sonata on a grand piano, are intervals to be cherished.

Perhaps it's the perception of perplexing puzzles, characters with wooden Thunderbirds puppet cut-scene movement, or stodgy controls, but it's Resident Evil 4 that's remembered as the true innovator, not the original game. It's right to revere and celebrate the gameplay triumphs of the 2005 title, yet this shouldn't be to the detriment of the first game. Returning to a glowing 9/10 review in the June 1996 edition of EDGE magazine reminds us of a climate where Resident Evil managed to impress, even after a build-up of fervid anticipation and expectation. Shinji Mikami, in regard to his role as director on Resident Evil, has credited the sales success of the original title as helping Capcom to survive a time of financial turbulence.
The game coerces you to acclimatise to its controls, although you'll possibly curse the tank-like mobility and clunky feel at first. The Director's Cut release on the European PlayStation Network from late in 1997 is notable, because it's not the DualShock version of the game. However, it's beneficial to retain the original soundtrack in this version, despite the loss of vibration and analogue controls. The d-pad movement is based upon the direction that Jill or Chris is facing. Pressing up on the d-pad always means forward and this doesn't alter in relation to your position on the screen. Therefore, you push up as a forwards command, even if your character is travelling down the screen, or sideways across it. Subsequently, a down press on the d-pad retreats your hero, as a slow walk backwards. Perhaps Capcom confused escaping zombies using a moonwalk with the Thriller video.

Having to press the X action button to climb up and down steps doesn't feel natural, and the series' bugbear of becoming fixed to the spot while shooting, rather than running-and-gunning, was implemented to forge tension here. Regardless of initial complaints, the adjustment period is short, and the controls gel quickly. This is exemplified by the technique of constantly holding the run button to dodge and avoid enemies, which is vital for conserving ammo. A skilled player will only target creatures that obstruct their progress, and will weave past viscously fast monsters like the Chimera for a speed run. The Director's Cut version also includes an improved lock-on system for whenever you draw your weapon using R1. Learning enemy attack movements to aim low-down at the huge slithering Yawn snake or upwards at zombie skulls doesn't involve the swiftest response times.
However, you won't blame the game's controls for dying in the same way as in MediEvil. The puzzles in Capcom's game can be just as cryptic as in Sir Dan's adventure, though, and Resident Evil is heavily focussed upon practical thinking. The ordering of paintings based upon the developmental growth stages of life, and using a crank to rotate stone walls requires common sense, but some tasks are unnecessarily baffling. The main objective is often to open a locked door, but later sections involving Umbrella's computer passwords are frustrating. Even if you find a new item, like a book, be sure to examine it, as checking its pages may be just as important.

As you memorise the location of each safe room, including storage chests, and collect ink ribbons to save on typewriters, the balance of power begins to shift. Your collection of herbs, weapons, and ammunition, including puzzle items, builds in the 48 trunk spaces, and your confidence increases as your position strengthens. Weapons are drip-fed throughout the adventure, so there is a significant increase from the puny knife and Beretta, to the stout shotgun and powerful Colt Python. Planning ahead, forward thinking, and loot management is still crucial, as at best Jill only has eight slots of carry items, and you can't ditch unnecessary junk without a chest. Mixing combinations of green, red, and blue herbs creates more potent health rejuvenation, cures, and poison antidotes, which are essential for preparing against difficulty spikes.
Even more testing are the long and intrusive load times, which pop-up whenever you open a door, enter an elevator, and climb steps or a ladder. Mikami has recognised that there is a context for humour within a game's spooky theme, and there've been titles like Zombies Ate My Neighbors that capitalise on this. However, the cheesy amateur voice acting and corny full motion video footage in Resident Evil tarnishes its sombre mood, and it's a shame that the PSone version is often associated with gobbledegook quotes.
Game length is largely dependent upon each player's aptitude towards illogical puzzle solving, but an approximate time of eight to ten hours towards first completion is realistic. The replay value is considerable, with numerous variables to consider for repeated play attempts. The Director's Cut includes the standard original game, an easier training mode with twice as many ink ribbons and double ammunition, plus a harder advanced mode with arranged item locations. Secrets, such as speed running under three hours to earn unlimited fire for a rocket launcher, exploit the player's quest to reverse their disparity in power.

Playing as Jill is an easier route, despite being weaker than Chris, as she has two extra item slots, and a lockpick for doors. Jill also finds a more effective character specific bazooka, as opposed to Chris' flame-thrower. Her journey involves the assistance of Barry Burton, while Chris is supported by Rebecca Chambers. Also, information files dotted throughout the environments add interesting plot exposition, covering a story period from May to July 1998. Like the Voxophones in BioShock Infinite and artifacts in The Last of Us they provide a context to the horror, from a Keeper's Diary chronicling supervising a monster, to a researcher's letters and excerpts from the Raccoon Times newspaper. Adaptable story events, like reaching Bravo Team's Richard Aiken with a serum, can result in a variety of different game endings.
Shinji Mikami found the Western title of Resident Evil to be misleading, and noted that the dread surrounding the game's theme of Bio-Organic Weapons (B.O.W.) is more accurately captured in the Japanese name of Biohazard. The concept of humanity as the greatest villain, and the constant recognition of mistrust towards your team mates relates well to the portrayal of mankind's response to a Zombie apocalypse in George A. Romero's films, or modern interpretations, like The Walking Dead. Yet, Spencer Mansion is still monstrously magnificent, with its influence extending as a link to the Spencer's European family estate in Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition.
Capcom's Production Studio 4 built Spencer Mansion to remain as haunting as the monsters that inhabit it. This 1996 PS1 game has minor skeletons in its closet, including a stingy save system, sluggish load times, and bewildering puzzles as terrifying as the creepy Chimeras. The GameCube renovation stole some of its thunder, but riding this ghoul train's balance of power between vulnerability, survival, and Colt Python carnage is gruesomely gratifying. The lumbering Lurch-like controls become reanimated as you adjust to speed run through its halls, and the tense atmosphere is more memorable than any dusty antiques on its shelf. There's a stack of content hidden in the basement of the 1997 Director's Cut, with extra difficulty levels and secrets adding replay value beneath the creaky pre-rendered floorboards. Panic-building level structure and a spine-chilling audio arrangement establish Resident Evil as a horror-ific humdinger of a PS1 game for Hallowe'en.
Comments 52
Oh man!The love I hold for the old school RESI games, great years of gaming! It was a fantastic read and the screenshots were just icing on the cake, thanks Jamie !
I have a hankering to play it now.... although experience tells me that;
"some games are better left in your memory"
topical review for all hallows' eve ! personally , i think the cheesey voice acting and FMV are part of the games charm . however , I remember disliking res evil 2 (kept walking into doorways!).
best survival horror game ever ? blue stinger !
I started playing this on my Vita and I never considered not killing a zombie and just running by... maybe that's why I kept running out of ammo and dying.
@eliotgballade I hear what you're saying, I've heard other gamers mention that they enjoy the cheesiness and silly quotes from PSone Resident Evil. For this review I completed this game again as Jill, and I played most of Chris' route, and it stood out to me that Capcom’s Production Studio 4 had carefully crafted such a choked atmosphere throughout the entire journey, so the cut-scenes began to spoil the tense mood for me.
Even if Resident Evil has the visual trappings of a 17 year old game, I think it’s worth remembering that Capcom added lots of detail to this early PSone title. For example, despite being shot to the ground, an enemy can still rise again to nibble at your ankles, so recognising distinctive death groans and pools of blood that indicate a definite fatality is important.
Resident Evil is also remembered for classic set-pieces that startle the player, the early Cerberus attack through the hall windows is a notable shock moment. Capcom’s level designers continued to play on this with repeated jump scares in the game, and by mixing them up with altered puzzles and new mansion locations in the GameCube version.
If this is anyone's first attempt at PSone Resident Evil, I’d be interested in hearing how challenging Push Square's readers find the puzzles, obviously without consulting the guidance of a walkthrough. There are difficulty spikes and sections where the pacing of the game feels more testing, predominantly when save rooms are spread thinly apart. For example, after a boss battle with the humongous snake, Yawn, there’s a basement section leading to the kitchen, library and Hunter infested halls, where the progression tried my patience this time around.
@JamieO if I haven't said it enough here, I love Silent Hill, but have never wanted to play a RE, dispite getting 5 Gold and the two reimaginings for free from Plus. I think I'll proverbially pop this evil ****er in (buy online and DL) tonight and have $9.99 worth of 32 bit polygons for my celebration of the occult. (The entire game is inside the mansion? You get status ailments? It doesn't take itself that seriously? You have to use an item to save?)
@charlesnarles Resident Evil is a special offer Horror Sale price of £3.99 here in the UK, so I hope it's on special offer for you in the US, too (although it sounds as though you got a few Resi games for free on PS Plus).
The entire game is set in the mansion grounds, if that makes sense. You spend time between the mansion, gardens and the guardhouse, but the map becomes larger through underground areas. Umbrella has been up to their experimental tricks at Spencer Mansion, you see.
Your health status is shown as a green heart and pulse monitor, I think it's called an electrocardiogram. Jill is especially weak, so she can only take a few bites from a zombie. Chris is stronger, but his route is noticeably more challenging and he's missing two vital carrying slots, which makes item management more frustrating.
You can boost a low health meter with green herbs, but experimenting with green, red and blue herbs is most advisable, especially if you are hit by poison.
The game doesn't really take itself too seriously at all, perhaps I was being a bit too stony-faced by expecting it to remain scary and tense all of the time.
You have to use ink ribbons at a typewriter, or in a save room, to save your game. These become more scarce if you play on the advanced difficulty setting, but if you get a feel for this game on the training mode, there are lots of spare ink ribbons to save with.
Note. My understanding is that the US release of Resident Evil on PSN is the DualShock version, so you'll have the option of analogue controls and rumble effects, too. Sadly, I personally think that the new soundtrack in the DualShock version is not as effective as the original arrangements. It still sounds creepy enough, though.
@eliotgballade BLUE STINGER! I played that on Dreamcast years ago! What a game!!! I just noticed your avatar is from the game aswell.
I legit was playing it like 3 months ago, as I recently got my Dreamcast out of storage and did a paint job on it! (Sprayed it matte RED & BLACK)
@JamieO not meaning to take over your excellent review but... @Beaston61
nice one ! thought I was the only one who rated this game . remember the zombies in the shopping mall ? that swimming bit ? PEN-PEN !!? so good !
(worryingly , i think it was set 20 years in the future [2019] so only just a few years to go until THAT ending -LOL)
@eliotgballade No worries at all, I'm happy to hear your thoughts about your favourite retro games in the survival horror genre, plus there's always time to talk about the Dreamcast.
Unfortunately, I can't contribute much to your Blue Stinger discussion with @Beaston61, although I remember reading about it in the Dreamcast magazines during Halloween time in 1999.
I think that the first time I heard about that title was a 'Coming Soon' feature in the awesome SEGA Saturn Magazine. This was late in 1998 just as the Saturn, and consequently the UK's quality official Saturn magazine, were both coming to the end of their life.
Those magazines also covered a 1998 Saturn game that was published by SEGA, called Deep Fear. This title was directly comparable to Resident Evil, but it didn't have fixed camera angles, plus it had an interesting setting where the survival horror took place deep below the ocean.
@JamieO :
you should put blue stinger on your "to play" list .
i often wonder had things been different we'd be on dreamcast 3 by now ,dreamcast was a really innovative console in its day . I mean , would we ever see a game such as "typing of the dead" today ?
same thoughts (if not more so) goes to the 3DO , always thought it was great idea to have an industry standard for games (like VHS was for video players) surely this would have been easier for developers .
still , big corporate business eh ?
Yeah old review but someone has been tried that on Vita? I have RE 2 and 3 on my vita and both of them are good and playable but what about the first one? I mean how is the image quality on Vita screen?
I remember playing a demo of RE1 at the mall and falling in love. I went to Sears with a couple of my friends from high school who wanted me to get NFL Game Day (which I eventually did get too) but after the demo I only had my eyes on RE. I bought despite their protests and telling how much it was gonna suck etc. etc. and then we got back to my house popped in the disc, darkened the room, closed all the shades and proceeded to scream like scared little b!(#e$! Wait what did I just describe there?
One of my most fond memories of the PSone days!
I was a bit too young for this one when it first came out but im looking forward to the remaster on Jan 20th.
I owned this when I didn't have a memory card I know the first three hours really well! Good times.
Boy oh boy this game is great. I got it when I was 11 at EB in Meadow Hall (Sheffield) just after Christmas. I remember walking to the counter with my mum, handing it to my mum, her paying for it while the sales guy raised his eye brow, him giving it back to my mum and her passing it right over to me. My sister got Bubsy 3D (URGH!!!) at the same time.
The game was the nuts I used to draw out the mansion map etc
It's number 4 in my best game ever list
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I did, I used to have to sleep with the case underneath a more 'fun' game, ie Crash just in case the zombies escaped in the night.
The game still gives me the creeps now, God knows how I managed it when I was 11 :/
Bought all 3 original Resis on Vita for £3 a few months ago. Wasn't really expecting to enjoy the 1st one but its still a really great game. Nemesis was always my favourite of the original ... always seems to be the least popular for some reason??
@fluggy RE3 is very close to 1 in terms of being my favourite - very underrated for various reasons.
This is a pretty good interview with the RE3 scenario writer:
Love this game, I think it's one of the finest in the series and I vastly prefer it to the remake.
Though was Director's Cut the version with the weird (crappy) soundtrack? One of the releases had that and it was something else entirely.
awesome games thank u CAPCOM i have on both machines keep up good work
"including a stingy save system"
I usually have 20+ unused ink ribbons at the end of the game, are you playing on hard or higher?
I remember when this came out when I was 9 and instead of playing it (was too young and scared to play it on my own) I just watched someone I knew play it. Even though I’ve now got the HD version I still can’t bring myself to go past the first part after entering the mansion, let alone attempt to complete the whole game. I’m still going to buy the Resident Evil 2 remake though.
Incredible game. Playing it on SEGA Saturn at the moment.
@Expa0 @KingdomHeartsFan No, the (original) Director's Cut kept the original soundtrack, it was the later DualShock Edition that made the change.
Is this the version of the game with the Dualshock soundtrack, the one that had that notoriously terrible song?
Gotta admit, granted I was later into the PSone, this was a classic horror game...granted I fell in love with Silent Hill more. Also, the PSone's version is still better, with what I would say, the Gamecube getting the second best version of it. Can't wait to play the next remastered version on the PS5, XBONE 2 and SWITCH U2...I'm sure it'll keep happening every generation!!!!! Anyways, great to find the memories of this!!!! How about an article on the Legacy Of Kain series!!!!
This was the very first game I ever played on the original PlayStation and it wasn't even mine. I only had a Megadrive and SNES when I first saw this and it looked real back then. So of course when I finally jumped on the Sony train my first game was Resident Evil 2 and that's still one of my favourite games of all time.
I only wish that you could play this original trilogy on the PS4
Playing it on my Vita right now and it's still great (even if the graphics were at bit better in 2 and 3). I still prefer this version and the Nintendo DS version over the remake (always thought it lost something in the translation).
And it's not only nostalgia. In fact I played 2 before 1 and was initially a bit dissapointed with it after the masterpiece 2 had been. But I've since grown to love it just as much as 2; it just feels more like the true essence of Survival Horror to me.
I remember watching my older cousins playing it in the 90s, it was quite scary for me back then, haha. Great memories...
Quick question, why are you guys reviewing PlayStation 1 games lately?
I believe they are reviewing all the games that will be on the PlayStation classic that's coming out next month
@MaccaMUFC Same here I've never gotten past the first mansion stage of RE1.
@JoeBlogs I had that issue too kept dying, never did figure out how to move him.
I loved RE in the day. I’ve only played Resident Evil 1 (PS1 & Saturn), Resident Evil 2 (PS1) and spent 30 mins with Resident Evil (GameCube 2002). I just ordered RE2 remake (PS4), not having played a RE game in eons. I have no idea what I’m in for but am looking forward to RE2 remake arriving!
@djdizzy hope you enjoyed re2 remake now
@Zombiechris I played through Leon & Claire’s campaigns and loved it. I’m counting down to the free PS5 upgrade. It’s a 10/10 to me.
@djdizzy why nice glad you enjoyed it and yes the ps5 upgrade gonna be nice too
Brings back such memories, it almost makes me want to play it all over again (it’s only the fact I have like 10,000 unplayed games that stops me).
Point of interest for me though - how are the save states and rewind thing working on these old games? I can’t imagine as many of us would have the time at our ages to wait for the next typewriter.
@thefourfoldroot1 @JamieO "This 1996 PS1 game has minor skeletons in its closet, including a stingy save system"
"You have to use ink ribbons at a typewriter, or in a save room, to save your game. These become more scarce if you play on the advanced difficulty setting, but if you get a feel for this game on the training mode, there are lots of spare ink ribbons to save with."
You can use the system native rewind features to not only undo small mistakes and have a second crack at the last enemy, but also use the system native save function to have unlimited saves (6 at any one time), and save anywhere.
Thanks for those details. Shame there’s no trophies challenges to give some new variety.
Incredible game but it's marred by Sony's lie that if we had this digitally back in the PS3/PSP days that we'd have access to it on PS5 without upgrading to Premium.
@thefourfoldroot1 No problem.
I do like the limited save mechanic to a degree. It's a great way to build tension and force the player to manage saves as just as any other resource in the game.
However, I am also a big believer in "easy modes". Limited saves aren't always fun, and they aren't always within a player's ability. They are much better suited to being exclusive to hard modes. So these features are really welcome.
I'm actually really happy with how the game is presented and plays on PS4. Saves work great, widescreen looks great. My only disapppointment is the lack of trophies, as you mentioned. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll add them in in the future as we other classic RE games.
I played the slightly upgraded version of this years ago on my ps4. It’s alright but it’s ***** by todays standards. Some things should be left in the past
As someone who needs 10 backup saves, and obsessively saves after doing even the most basic thing, limited saves just have never been my thing. Now even more so that I have so little time to play and often have to stop at the drop of a hat. Sure I can see why it’s a valid mechanic in theory, but I’m just not on board with the tension of potentially losing hours of my life through losing progress. It’s not even about difficulty.
Trophies would make it more interesting for me, but as I don’t like speedruns or no save runs, and knowing what trophies usually are in older resi games, probably wouldn’t be for me anyway.
Easy 9 from me and I'm tired of seeing the tank controls painted as a negative because they just aren't, mini rant done and this was the first PS1 game I ever played and at the time looked pretty real (funny thinking about that now). Still an amazing game that's well worth playing despite its superior remake as the mansion has a very different look and feel in this one
@thefourfoldroot1 @Richnj I think without rhe limited saves mechanics the early Resident Evil games wouldn't have been half as good. It creates that tension when exploring and that you always feel uneasy and you never really lose that much progress as the game can be beat in under a couple of hours
@djdizzy RE2 remake is so good, first thing I did was go through it again as soon as the next gen version hit. If you've got a good pair of headphones the 3D audio is superb, especially when a certain enemy makes their entrance 😉
I guess “that much” is subjective. If I lose 45 minutes of my life it can make me rage quit. I’d likely come back if the game is good enough, but might also get caught up in another game and never get back to it. Wasn’t such a big deal when I was younger, had much more free time and, frankly, wasn’t so close to death.
As pretty as the RE 1 Remake was,never liked the Crimson zombie concept nor it missing the ability to "clear" areas like you could in classic vanilla Resident Evil with the extra ammo of the easier game mode.
The static backdrops & not knowing what was around the corner really hit home the tension!👍
Just a pity the only way to buy it on ps4/5 outside of Deluxe/Premium is paying $23AU for the triple pack on ps3 but currently have no access to RE2/RE3 Classic games!😑
great so i can pop my resident evil directors edition ps1 game retail disc in to my ps5 and play it just like call of cthulu dark corners of the earth and the elder Scrolls 3 morrowind works on my xbox series x thank you mr ryan ( heavy on the sarcasm here if it doesnt translate well on this p*sstake ) 😂🤣😂🤣😬
Looking at the cons, I wholely disagree that the tank controls are cumbersome. Replaying this recently, I loved them, and to me they aged perfectly. I do agree the Remake is better. (since that originally too was tank control only.)
The original GOAT.
Was an incredible leap forward when you consider we were all playing 2D platformers until a year or two before this came out.
I'll never forget that first glance.
The fear I felt playing this in the middle of the night in 1997 was incredible.
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