Update: Hours and hours of GTA Trilogy footage is now beginning to appear online. This stream embedded above is based on the PlayStation 5 version of GTA San Andreas, and we can see it running in 60 frames-per-second with all of its bells-and-whistles. The game definitely does look sharp, although it is ultimately still a PS2 title at heart.
Original Story: Rockstar has been unwilling to show off Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition gameplay before release, but those lucky few who got their hands on the game early will. The collection is out for PlayStation 5 and PS4 on Friday, and here's our first look at III, Vice City, and San Andreas all running in their updated versions. We've embedded footage from YouTube and other sources below, with roughly half an hour of III and Vice City currently uploaded. There's a short clip of San Andreas too.
GTA III: The Definitive Edition Gameplay
GTA: Vice City: The Definitive Edition Gameplay
GTA: San Andreas: The Definitive Edition Gameplay
So, what do you think? Do these remasters live up to expectations or are you a little disappointed by the work put in? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source youtu.be, via youtube.com, reddit.com, resetera.com]
Comments 47
I am so glad I got the 'old' versions off the PSN store before they were removed. I'm sure the controls are nicer on the new ones, but this looks like such a minimal upgrade (along with the Fisher Price graphics) that the pricetag just becomes laughable.
These games deserved a more thorough overhaul. Instead they got the least amount of effort required to slap that 'Definitive' sticker on the cover.
Yo, San Andreas looks pretty good imo! Vice City I feel a bit more could be done...
GTA 3 still looks terrible lol but hey, the different controls are more than enough for me!
They look pretty good
Will happily replay gta 3 on Ps now but £50 for this is crazy.
Can you still play GTA 3 in top-down view?
I always thought this was a cool feature all GTA games should have.
Looks absolutely brilliant. Only a few hours to go!!! Can’t wait to go through all 3 again.
3 games with a 33 minute trailer, they really couldn’t help themselves lol. Preordered and downloaded … will be trying Vice City tomorrow !
Either I'm getting super old, or they look really rough. No wonder they didn't share any gameplay, the whole thing looks janky as hell. And to have an audacity to ask 60$ for this lmaoo?
Well that's saved me £55 I'll wait till a really gd sale maybe next year
so I got to watch some vice city gameplay, I skip forward a bit and first thing I see is a floating car, garbage
Yikes, would have thought they would have fleshed out the car/ped draw distances.
2021 and they appear out of thin air from about what? 8 cars length.. thank god I held out for this.
Yep, I was right. Cheap and lazy
It looks emmmm and I feel dissatisfied watching this.
Imagine what could have been if you want to depress yourself.
These look great and I’m happy that I pre-ordered. I heard a couple of licensed songs from VC so that’s a good sign.
I don’t get why some people are being negative about it, Rockstar said from the off that they would be keeping the Definitive Edition as close to the originals as possible. What where you really expecting? For them to look like GTA V? They are remasters, not remakes and they are as close to the originals just like Rockstar said they would be.
Come on everybody chant it with me now. Go away! GTA! Don’t come back another day!
It’s funny that everyone is complaining about not seeing leaks of gta trilogy,This is how it should be for all new releases!
San Andreas looks really nice in my opinion.
This is what Rockstar should have released for PS3 when all the PS2 HD collections were a thing. This looks very low effort and completely out of place for the standards of current gen.
@MaccaMUFC Because they're charging an obscenely high price for it? There isn't much to defend here.
I honestly don't know what people are moaning about, these look awesome. I'm just finishing off GTA III now in preparation for these new ones. I can tell you straight away that the improvements will make life so much easier:
Mr Whoopee spawning in St Marks instead of nowhere (I counted 3!)
Radar telling you where you are and where to go.
Much improved graphics
Songs seem to be pretty much all in tact.
Cars look more durable in GTA III
Actual sunshine in Liberty City
I love that they didn't mess with the car audio.
Being able to move the camera.
I just want to know if Vice City will be the version that edited the Cuban / Haitian mentions.
That's just the stuff I spotted while watching and I'm completely sold on it.
Claude still can't swim though, that sucks.
Tsk still not enough to warrant full price. @Golem25 yeah I think there's still some charm to the old ones.
@JB_Whiting We’re not talking about one game here, it’s three open-world games in one package. Rockstar haven’t just simply bumped up the resolution and called it a day, a lot of work has been put in to make many significant improvements. If only there was another category named for games in between a remaster and a remake because this would certainly fit into that category.
They all look really weird when I look at them. You have late PS3 era lighting and building architecture but then the cars and NPCs look like they came out of a lost generation between PS2 and PS3.
As for the combat it does look improved but R* has never been great at the combat department for GTA so it playing a bit more like GTA5 is an improvement but not by much.
Overall it's about what I expected. I'm definitely not in a rush to pick this up though. Maybe on a deep deep discount.
Censored galore and classic songs removed. Another classic game series ruined by the Woke brigade. And the graphics look awful, full price for this is a joke.
Wasn't expecting to be exactly wowed by the gfx... they're an improvement over the old mobile/ "ps2 classic",sharper,but $90-$100 better down under dollaryroos?🤔
Seems like San Andreas menu noises rather than Vice City menu noises too...& from what I saw leaving Rosenberg's office,no Billie Jean!😕
Again,for what is being charged as a full priced game,things like the full soundtracks matter! Take Two aren't short on $$ from Gta Online so renewing licenses (or being upfront & honest with its audience about it),suggests a sneaky nostalgia cash grab without putting in the effort!🤔
SA looks decent which is all I really care about, I'll be getting this on sale as I will only be playing SA again, not too fussed about the others.
All 3 games looks amazing.gta 3 especially looks really good.word up son
@Divergent95 - "the whole thing looks janky as hell"
I mean, to be fair, so were the originals.
@MaccaMUFC - "What where you really expecting? For them to look like GTA V? They are remasters, not remakes and they are as close to the originals just like Rockstar said they would be."
This exactly. Reading some of these comments, I've got to wonder what they understand when the term "Remaster" is used, because it seems that every time a Remaster is announced and shown off, they expect Resi Evil 2 Remake-esque changes, which is just ridiculous.
Personally, I'm fairly impressed, considering the 'old' releases were what you usually see with remasters, and this is a definite step up from those (I mean, look at San Andreas. That almost makes me want to double dip for the improvements in lighting alone).
That said, thinking on it it a little, I do understand if people are questioning who this is for, because it is a bit weird. I mean, on the one hand, the old fans aren't really going to resonate much with the artistic changes (even I'm not completely sold on the character models, though everything else looks pretty good) and that it's replacing the old remasters (which are probably the closest you can get to the 'authentic experience' on current systems) while everyone else are just gonna wonder (like @Divergent95) why the whole thing looks so janky, so really, who is this really for?
So were people seriously expecting Red Dead 2 level visuals? Its a remaster what's staying in line with the originals what did you expect?
@Robocod Streamer may have turned the music off to avoid demonisation.
Im ok with how they look, but the same buggy mess as the mobile ports im not ok with. Gonna wait to see if the day 1 patches make it better, but if not then ill pass till it's down to 30 euro at least.
I'm genuinely surprised they kept the cheat codes in. I can't wait to cause chaos in San Andreas again.
Look almost identical to the ones that were already on PS4. Unless you didn't buy those when they were on PS4, idk why anyone would re buy these.
This is twice as expensive as it should be.
What a joke. Keep buying garbage like this and ensure it keeps getting put out. But hey it sounds like GTA 6 has been in production hell so it's this and Rockstar's shameless live service nonsense as your options. So I get the excitement for anything at this point but at least step out of fan-human denial and admit you are buying a cash grab bit of nonsense at an outrageous price.
@FullMetalWesker For a billion dollar company, they could've AT LEAST polished the animations more, considering the asking price of this "remaster". It's p*ss poor but not surprising, considering Rockstar and GTA in general.
Can’t wait for midnight!
I definitely wasn't expecting something on a level of GTA 5, but this does look like the bare minimum, just about, and the asking price of 60€ seems preposterous. I guess it might look significantly better graphics wise at least, if the comparison you have are memories of the blurry PS2 versions.
They look based on the mobile versions, looking at the map screen.
@Golem25.... Yep the pc mods that have been released throughout the years look much better than this.........
So they Removed the previous games to milk their not up to scarth graphical mod.
This looks like one of those cheap pc graphic mods tha have been released previously on pc
@FullMetalWesker..... Maybe peoplr are expectinh GTA V graphics causr the cost of the game is the same as a brand new next gen ps5 game.
If its these graphics thrn the triology should have been 10 dollars in line with the quality.
So people are 100 % correct to be complaining.
For yoy to be defending an HD port at best at next t gen prices is why the industry is in the state its in.
This crap from rockstar and there is no defending it.
This is nothign by an HD cash grab its not even justifyable as a remaster.
It is just an HD rematser for ps5, just bumped the res a bit to HD and added slight lightning pellette and called it a day.
The are PC mods that have been released on PC that look 1000 times bettet that this pile if dung from Rockstar.
It wad suspicious when Sam Houser left Rockstar, its now clear the company has lost its soul. They are now no different from EA or Activision or Konami. Only the name is left.
@WallyWest..... Then why is it pricrs like a nrxt gen Ps5 game, should it not have been 10 dollars since its just an HD port at best. Just bumped the res to HD and stick remastet to the title and call it a day.
@Ristar24..... Yep you are 100% correct, these are the mobile versions with the original soundtrack track listing shortened, they then just bumped the resolution to HD at best with some minor lighting bump, then just adjusted the control scheme to the current GTA5 version then slapped Remaster Definitive Triology on the title and put ps5 game price tag and called it a day. Knowing fully well there is a GTA hunger as shown by GTA beein on weekly and monthly charts for close to 9 years now.
This now is Rockstar milking the cow and then milking the milk...... This is now the new level of milking............
@GREGORIAN This is a objectively wrong comment, put about 5 hours into SA and it looks much better and i've even compared, difference is night and day.
Gameplay is about what I expected, will definitely be waiting for a 50% off sale or cheaper.
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