PS5 PlayStation 5 Web Browser

The official line from Sony is that the PlayStation 5 doesn’t have a web browser, but if you know where to look then you’ll know that’s not true. When linking a Twitter account in Settings > Users and Accounts > Link with Other Services, if you back out of the authorisation process then login to your account, you’ll see your traditional Twitter feed.

From here, you can click on any link and browse the web like normal. The caveat is that the Japanese giant has blocked off the address bar, so this isn’t the most convenient method of scoping out the Internet. Nevertheless, it proves that there really is a working browser included with the console, it’s just hidden for the time being.

Sony may be worried about security concerns here, so don’t be surprised if it patches up this exploit we’ve uncovered. To be fair, based on our limited experience thus far, the web browser seems decent enough, loading pages quickly and displaying them as intended – even complicated ones with large interactive elements.