Unlike both the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3, the PlayStation 5 will not have a web browser. That’s despite our review unit including clear references to a web browser in its Settings menu – either the PlayStation Blog is mistaken about this, or the feature got pulled at the very last minute. Here’s what a massive PS5 FAQ published by Sony says: “No, the PS5 system doesn’t include a dedicated web browser app.”

This is what we currently see in the PS5 Settings menu, although it's worth noting that we're running pre-release firmware:

PS5 PlayStation 5 Web Browser

Sony’s new Game Help feature hopes to keep more people within the PS5 ecosystem by eliminating the need for Google searches. The platform holder presumably also assumes that most players have a smartphone in their pocket these days. Nevertheless, we used the PS4’s web browser more than we probably ever should, to check on football results and find quick game information while playing. It’s something of a shame to see this feature eliminated.

[source blog.playstation.com]