Oh god, the lizards are at it again! Look, we didn't want to report on this, because frankly, who gives a sh*t, but then we realised that we can use this article to spread the word that, yes, the British Royal Family are definitely evil alien reptiles in disguise.
Don't believe us? Here's some hard evidence: Prince Harry reckons immensely popular battle royale title Fortnite should be banned. That's exactly the kind of thing a cold-blooded reptoid would say -- his kind don't know what "fun" is because they can't process emotion.
"The game shouldn’t be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your household? It’s created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It’s so irresponsible," Harry reportedly hissed during a visit to a YMCA in London. "Parents have got their hands up - they don’t know what to do about it. It’s like waiting for the damage to be done," he added, somehow thinking that this would be a good PR move. That's reptoid reasoning, right there.
We don't know about you, but Fortnite's the least of this country's worries right now. Well, maybe not least -- it is partially responsible for unironic dabbing in 2019 after all -- but we're sure Harry has better ways to spend his time, like trying to convince Meghan Markle that he doesn't have a tail, and that his forked tongue is just a quirk that runs in the family.
[source nintendolife.com]
Comments 78
Can't argue with that.
Here is a tip for the parents go to your kids and say its time to go outside or do your homework or just to be silly take a break.
Haha. I love how everyone is so offended by this. Classic.
Everyone saying it’s the parents fault and parents need to take responsibility...
I couldn’t agree more... but not regarding Fortnight.
Maybe brexit should be on top of his thoughts. They should not ban it. They should make an actual game out of it
This comments section is going to be a really effective indicator of who actually read the article.
I knew he was a lizard
It's time to Brexit from Fortnite.
@ShogunRok a nice, fun article for a Friday by the way
I wonder if Mr Ramsey is a Republican
@ShogunRok That also sounds like something a Lizard would say I am onto you guys and your master plan we all go for harry and the royal family who were never lizards in the first place while the staff at push square the true lizard people continue to roam free plotting world domination and enslavement of the true human race HAHAHAHAHAH NICE TRY YOU LIZARD SCUM thought you could fool me I am a student of the THE GREAT DAVID ICKE try harder
Seen 3 articles about this. 1 just presented the news and gave a good argument about some of the issues that have come about by Fortnite addiction yet how this may be excessive yet a call for discussion.
This tongue in cheek one that acknowledges that it is excessive but does so in a humorous way.
And one completely crass vindictive one that does nothing except show that it’s author has all the journalistic integrity and bitterness or a prawn sandwich that’s gone through the digestive system of a water buffalo with the runs.
I’ll just say what I said elsewhere; but of a knee jerk reaction but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was purposefully controversial to bring the actual issues of addiction into the spotlight. It may be free to play but several elements of Fortnite are addictive in nature and through its loot box system, season passes, etc it starts to enter the near predatory elements.
Don’t worry he’s not in the direct line of succession so doesn’t have any real power and hopefully never will.
"It’s created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It’s so irresponsible,"
Isn't this the guy who used to do blow at parties?
he intitled to his opinion so are people saying gingers should be banned
Robert is the reptilian here and he's just trying to distract us.
It's kinda ironic that he's talking negatively about a video game at a fitness club.
A fitness club that is usually inhabited by parents that have kids around the age that are playing a ton of Fortnite.
I'm American so I don't know much about the royal family, but he seems to have went to the right place to have people agree with him on that 😂.
Those red eyes don't look like they've been added...
find the royal family just a load of free loaders better kids playing on fortnite than been on the street with all the knife crime
Proposing Fexit.
The thing is, the THING IS, I do kinda agree. And not just Fortnite, but all video games. I’ve grown up with games, I don’t have kids but if I did i’d love them to play them.. in moderation. I got pretty hooked on Ultima Online and Counterstike back in the day, it was never a serious issue but it inevitably impacted on my life in other areas. How can it not, you only have so much time in a day right? If I had kids would I be chuffed that they were playing games like Fortnite for months and months on end when they should be out doing wholesome stuff like stealing bikes and smashing windows?
Put it this way, if Fortnite never existed, and people didn’t know what they were missing, would they have used that time more effectively? It’s arguable they would.
I dunno, I have an awful headache and I’m rambling.
Definitely a lizard but he's right and Fortnite should be banned just because its s**t 😜
The issue is with bad parenting. Just another moron, who once fancy dressed as a Nazi. Well done.
I think it’s tough to take a view that he’s outright wrong, if you also think micro transactions are wrong. They are both designed to feed addiction, after all.
Just to be safe, all hobbies should be banned. And some people love their jobs so all work should be banned as well.
Unless the job involves giving lizards super overpowered cybernetic implants. That should be encouraged.
I just don't get the whole "royalty" thing. You have elected officials, that then need the blessing of the King/Queen? Why is that? Heaven forbid if the people voted and the will of the people was ignored...
Oh well...Game of Thrones in 12 days.
Even the cool, young, hip members of the Royal Family are grossly out of touch and delusional! Crazy!
@EXP it is quite bizarre that he’s had a crack at social media just before opening an Instragram account. He’s probably just been pwned hard at Fortnite and this is his ultimate rage quit. Playing the old prince card.
This reads like if David Icke had an opinion column in The Sun....though I am sure even David Icke agrees that Fortnite is designed to prey on the wallets of vulnerable people
he should be banned for talking nonsense.word up son
This reads like a Rita Skeeter expose.
You can tell the Daily Mirror is his main source of information.
I read a book by David Icke (Robots Rebellion) many many years ago and a lot of the things he said in that have come true.
Id say mass immigration, brexit, harmful acid attacks and funding their worthless a**es are much bigger problems than that. What an out of touch turd
@lacerz The general idea is that the army is loyal to the head of state who is above politics. So when the Prime Minister loses an election they have to leave office and can’t order the military to arrest the head of the opposition.
I don't know if people here realise what sort fantasmagoria he's on about.
'The game shouldn’t be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your household? It’s created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It’s so irresponsible,"
"Parents have got their hands up - they don’t know what to do about it. It’s like waiting for the damage to be done,"
Its keeps you in front of the computer, parents don't know what to do, then the damage will be done....
OMG. I didnt realise the game was so dangerous.
Yea he read all that stupidity in the Daily Mirror I'm sure.
It's official: Gamers have concluded that video games aren't bad for you. End of debate right here, people.
Asking gamers if games are bad is like asking feminazis if a woman could be wrong and a man right.
@kyleforrester87 It's like throwing nuance completely out of the window.
You can have a facebook account and still think facebook can be harmful to certain individuals who misuse it. Same with alcohol. There is a massive difference between excessive drinking and having a beer once a week.
@naruball pretty much - still, putting our own love video games aside, you have to consider, would children be better off overall if they never existed in any capacity? Same with porn, booze, weed, etc
Videogames are great for children. Its sad that some misinformed people could question that.
@JJ2 CAN be great for children. I think it’s something worth looking at anyway. Like if we didn’t look at this stuff we’d all be running round looting and huffing glue.
@kyleforrester87 Do you mean if the children never existed or if the video game never existed?
"Like if we didn’t look at this stuff we’d all be running round looting and huffing glue."
I often weigh these very options. Especially during lengthy update downloads.
I think fishing should be banned. I don’t understand why people become so obsessed with that activity. It’s so unhealthy. Skin cancer rates are going through the roof because of the sun exposure.
@lacerz Sony are missing a trick there. I’d buy a PlayStation branded solvent.
@Ryall children, of course! The little sh*ts!
@ShogunRok Nobody reads the articles.
The lizard thing would explain how the Queen has lived for 137 years. Too bad they didn't make her look like this though.
My main reaction was - What competing video game company does he own stock in that he wants to ban Fortnite? I'm pretty sure Trump must be best friends w/ a guy who owns a wall building company the way he demands the gov't pay to build one.
Prince Harry - gaming addiction is bad.
Also Prince Harry:
WWN, so it's probably not all true, but alternate facts y'all.
He was in Vegas though, enjoying his free alcoholic beverages, b/c free alcohol is good, video games are bad. #Wanker
Edit: B/c I'm come this far, so why not. Harry was apparently the test subject for the sunglare censorship in DmC5. 😂
ARE great!
It goes without saying that many games aren't for children and parents supervision is needed like for any play game.
Lizard? More like a slimy swamp monster lol.
@rjejr it isn’t necessarily bad to be hyprocryctical I don’t think, I wouldn’t want my kids to do a lot of the stuff I did growing up, doesn’t mean I’d go back and change it if I could though lol
Just don't have kids. Problem solved...
@kyleforrester87 Yup. I most certainly agree with your original point. I've been gaming since I was 5 (I'm 32 now) and though I've had some great experiences, I wish I had never discovered it and instead picked up a better hobby, like a sport, learned more languages, how to play the guitar, etc.
If I ever have kids, I'll try to avoid introducing them to video games. I've never bought my niece and godson any video games, phones or tablets for the same reason. I'd much rather see them use their creativity and come up with their own games, which so far they have.
And now excuse me while I go back to playing Ni no Kuni 2.
@kyleforrester87 "it isn’t necessarily bad to be hyprocryctical I don’t think"
I thought "bad" was built into hypocritical myself, but I do know what you mean about wanting better for your kids, I have 2. And I'm grateful every day we didn't have smart phones when I was a kid or I'd likely be typing this from a jail cell.
Maybe instead of banning Fortnite the royal family could pay for handlers to keep all the kids in the UK from playing it.
My Son prefers Fortnite to real life. He says he is the star in an action movie.
I tried to team up last week and felt like an extra who gets killed in the first scene.
@themcnoisy Were you wearing a red shirt?
@rjejr I love knowledge like that. Thank you.
@Cpt_Price The Robots' Rebellion. Very interesting read if you're into all that conspiracy stuff.
What do you expect from the British "Royal Family" or even the british people themselves besides getting into business they know nothing about? (BREXIT) 😅
P.S. before someone gets offended I'm 100% joking. I love you all!
I do agree with the Prince. I know a bunch of kids who don't play videogames. They play FORTNITE. They know nothing about videogames. They know FORTNITE.
They've never heard of, let's say, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Fumito Ueda, Jenova Chen, Mario Odissey or The Legend of Zelda. Even HALO. THEY JUST KNOW AND ONLY PLAY FORTNITE.
This is it. Like the Wii in its age, which was only used for Wii Sports by a real large number of people, FORTNITE has replaced, for many, many users, the very concept of videogames.
So I do agree with Prince Harry. Kinda.
@kyleforrester87 I don’t think games are the same as those though. Those are proven to be bad for you and there’s a lot of obvious reasons not to do them. Games are really just a matter of time management with less evidence against them. I think it’s worth thinking about adverse effects for sure (as we should with everything), but I disagree with the comparison.
Fortnite was created by Soros to spread socialism all over the world. Prince Harry is not fooling anyone, he is also a member of Soro’s army.
@Jaz007 that’s fair enough, someone who can casually watch porn without it becoming a problem but easily gets addicted to videogames might disagree though? I tend to agree with you, the other examples are worse, but I might just be saying that as a gamer you know 🤷♂️
I think a lot of the risk of addiction and it's consequences are the responsibility of the player, and it's not fair to ban game just because some people can't be responsible. In the case of kids, I'm happy enough for parental controls or whatnot, even just a limited amount of time you can play in a week or something.
@Kidfried I remember when I was addicted to Vanilla WoW back in junior high many years ago. Played the game all the time, it was terrible.
I definitely regret spending so much time playing it. I refuse to even touch the game again, or any MMO for that matter.
I was but a young lad back then, but a foolish one to be addicted to a game, especially an MMO that charged $15 a month and was tooled to get a person to keep playing. Once I quit playing the game before my freshman year of high school, I was much, MUCH better at managing my playing time.
That and WoW kept me from experiencing a lot of games, but thankfully, I was able to experience after my WoW time was done. But, I would be a fool to say I don't have a lot of good memories from the MMO and I even made a few friends, too. So there definitely is a bright spot in the clouds.
@themcnoisy You're welcome.
The other night we were watching one of those "making of" behind the scenes segments for an episode of Game of Thrones and even the director was using the expression which was kind of funny, listening to a director of a show saying "there's where we put redshirt #1 falling to his death, there's red shirt #2 taking a spear to the chest".
My wife, who is geekier than all of us, also recommends this book, she made my son read it. Hugo winner. OK I'll stop now.
Meh, who cares about Fortnite.
Definitely a reptile. Games are great. They were the single greatest thing about being a kid for me. When I was out as a youngster doing social things I nearly ended up in prison and playing games helped me chill out and turn it around. Not a sob story there by the way, I regret nothing.
Comes from a bloke, who's hobby ( paid for by the British public) is to travel the world, and shoot endangered species in the face with a rifle. He also spends some of his free time, defending his lovely uncle Andy, who was caught raping underage girls, so Fortnite ain't that bad.
Fortnite does not please the crown.
@rjejr It's weird I have never heard the term. I'm no film buff by any stretch but quite often watch the series by Mark Kermode about secrets of films. I think you would like it too.
Obvs it's BBC as your in the USA I don't know how you get it.
I was wondering how long it'd take you guys to comment on this. I saw the story early yesterday and couldn't help but laugh at how out of his mind Harry sounds. I never heard the guy speak all that much and now I can see why, the man is a loony toon. I don't know if he's a lizard or not, but I'm pretty sure he's an evil toon in human disguise like Judge Doom. Look at his eyes, tell me he isn't a toon.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I'm afraid you are wrong. The Queen and Charles can vito laws, and often do. Also there is no evidence that people come to this country due to the royal family. That is just propaganda that the royals put out. The biggest tourist attraction in Windsor is not the castle, its Legoland.
I'm just going to judge Harry on this comment alone, but I actually sorta agree with him. I liked what China did with their change in gaming regulation recently - restrict video game time of kids under 12 to just an hour a day from 8:00am to 9:00pm, and 2 hours a day if you're 13-18. It would be difficult however for the West to implement such a system, as China relies on police database and facial recognition.
This seems like one of those, "No kids, no opinion" things.
I agree with him to be honest but my opinion would probably of been completely different if I hadn’t of completely cut back on gaming recently as I’ve currently got my Xbox One X and PS4 Pro up for sale.
Being 30+ yrs old I’ve only just realized I need a change of lifestyle rather just always trying to find whatever time I can for gaming instead of focusing on family and actually have a proper social life, gaming has actually limited that, so I can see where Prince Harry is coming from.
I’m also sick of one of my kids constantly asking for money for one of Fortnite’s Battle Pass for new skins so I’d love to see the game banned. I love PUBG though, got nothing against that and will even play a match or two now and again on one of the kids Xbox.
I probably shouldn’t comment on this, I am an American living in the Surry Virginia. I don’t like anybody getting in the way of free speech. When we start Banning video games and other media sources your Messing with free speech! The Internet is one of the greatest sources for free speech I’m sure they’ll try to ban that next! As a parent I had six children we went out and played sports, took them to events. Their life was full and not just video games.
@themcnoisy Thanks for the link. I can probably find a way to watch it on Britbox or BBC America or something. My kid is into computer programming and he's been talking about going into game development but I've been trying to convince him to go into movie graphics as that just seems much cooler and less "crunch time". Not CG movie stuff like Pixar but putting dinosaurs in Jurassic Park or the Hulk in Avengers. And who doesn't like the term "movie magic".
Where is the benefit of having a gold piano and 300 bedrooms in your household?
My home country was governed by a guy who had dementia for 14 years, then 12 years by a guy who did nothing, then 5 years by a tiny guy who thought it would be good to make money with thousands of speedtraps and spend several billion in piracy monitoring, then 5 years by a guy made of pudding that was stupid even by pudding standards and actively destroying the country. No this is not North Korea, I am talking about France
Glad I move to a country governed by royal lizards.
@naruball Thats why we need good parents instead of people who want kids but not the hassle of raising them. 😜
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